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Bell Ringer
• Music (First 5 Minutes)
• Questions
Different styles of music are used for different purposes.
How does this music differ from the traditional Indian
Is there anything you like about this music? Why or Why
After listening for a few minutes, has this music helped you
feel more peaceful or rested? Why or Why not?
• Intro Video
• Textbook Reading - Siddhattha Gautama
• Pgs 112-113, 123
• Buddha: The Illumined One. The main title of the founder
of Buddhism after his Enlightenment.
• Dharma: The Universal Truth. The Teachings and the
inner practice of the Teachings of Buddha
• Dukka: Suffering, stress, pain, misery, sorrow,
unhappiness, dissatisfaction with the way things are, a
central factor in the human condition.
• Eightfold Path: The path that leads to nirvana.
• Enlightenment: Complete elimination of all negative
aspects of the mind and perfection of all positive qualities.
• Great World Soul: A single, unifying spirit believed by some
to animate every living being in the world and to underlie the value of
every inanimate thing as well.
• Karma: the cosmic law of cause and effect
• Nirvana: Ultimate reality, the end of the self and a reunion with the
Great World Soul. A place of complete bliss and enlightenment.
• Samsara: The world of appearances and endless flux, including all
aspects of becoming and death; cycles of birth and rebirth.
• Tanha: Thirst. 'Craving' is the chief root of suffering, and of the ever
continuing cycle of rebirths.
The Teachings of Buddha
• Having realized the goal of Enlightenment, the Buddha
spent the next 45 years teaching the Path to others.
• The Teachings about this Path are called the Dhamma,
literally meaning "the nature of all things" or "the truth
underlying existence".
Teachings of Buddha
• The goal of these teachings is to help the believer achieve
enlightenment and the cessation of suffering.
Buddhism’s central tenets – the Four Noble Truths and
the Noble Eightfold Path – put one on the path to
enlightenment (nirvana).
• Underlying these doctrines is the philosophy of the
Middle Way, a path of moderation between excess and
severity. It avoids the two extremes of sensual
indulgence and self-mortification. So the body can
receive everything needed to be healthy in order to focus
on attaining enlightenment
Four Noble Truths
• The Four Noble Truths are the foundation of all Buddhist
beliefs, and they provide believers with a plan for dealing
with and overcoming the challenges of life.
Four Noble Truths
• First Noble Truth
• Ordinary life is full of
• Second Noble Truth
• Suffering is caused by
our desire to satisfy
• Third Noble Truth
• The way to end suffering
is to end desire for
selfish goals and to see
other as extensions of
• Fourth Noble Truth
• The way to end desire is
to follow the Middle Path
Eightfold Path
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
Eightfold Path
• (1) Right View – We need to know the Four Noble Truths
• (2) Right Intention – We need to decide what we really want
• (3) Right Speech – We must seek to speak truth and to speak
well of others
• (4) Right Action – The Buddha gave 5 precepts/rules
• 1. Do not kill
• 2. Do not steal
• 3. Do not lie
• 4. Do not be impure
• 5. Do not take drugs or drink alcohol.
Eightfold Path
• (5) Right Livelihood – We must do work that uplifts our being
• (6) Right Effort – The Buddha said, “Those who follow the Way
might well follow the example of an ox that arches through deep
mud carrying a heavy load. He is tired, but his steady, forwardlooking gaze will not relax until he comes out of the mud”
• (7) Right Mindfulness – We must keep our minds in control of
our senses: “All we are is the result of what we have thought”
• (8) Right Concentration – We must meditate to see the world
in a new way.
Eightfold Path in a Nutshell
The Teachings of Buddha
• Buddhist, the ultimate goal is not to attain an afterlife in
a heavenly realm, but to achieve complete liberation from
samsāra altogether.
• Once a person attains enlightenment, they no longer
remain part of the wheel of rebirth and they attain
• Nirvana is not envisioned as a place, Buddhists conceive
of nirvana as a state of eternal, enlightened
consciousness beyond death and life, free from