Download Form 3 Track 2 - Kullegg San Benedittu Secondary School Kirkop

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Boys’ Secondary, Kirkop
Track 2 (AS)
TIME: 1h 30min
Section A
Section B
Max. Mark
85% Theory Paper
15% Practical
100% Final Score
Name: __________________________________
Class: ___________
Answer ALL questions in Section A
Answer ANY THREE questions in Section B.
Section A
Answer ALL questions in this section. This section carries 55 marks.
1) The following question is about characteristics of living things (vital functions). Match a
number in column A with a letter in column B. The first one has been done for you.
Total 6marks
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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2) The diagram below shows a typical animal and plant cell.
a) Name the parts of the cells labelled A, B and C
A ___________________ B ____________________ C ___________________ (3)
b) Name three structures that are only found in plant cell and write their function.
1 ______________________________________________________________ (2)
2 ______________________________________________________________ (2)
3 ______________________________________________________________ (2)
c) For each of the following types of cell, state one way in which it is different from the
animal cell above. State the function of each type of cell.
i) Muscle cell
difference _____________________________________________________ (1)
function ______________________________________________________ (1)
ii) Red blood cell
difference _____________________________________________________ (1)
function ______________________________________________________ (1)
d) Materials can enter the cells shown in the cells above by diffusion and osmosis.
i) Define diffusion.
_____________________________________________________________ (2)
ii) Describe how osmosis differs from diffusion.
_____________________________________________________________ (2)
Total 17marks
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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3) Consider the following 2 cubes: Cube A and Cube B.
a) Work out the surface area to volume ratio of cube A.
Surface area : Volume ratio = _____ (2)
b) Work out the surface area to volume ratio of cube B.
Surface area : Volume ratio = _____ (2)
c) Which cube has the larger surface area to volume ratio? ___________________ (1)
d) Keeping in mind the answers to the above questions, which organism has the larger
surface area to volume ratio: a cat or an cow? ___________________________ (1)
e) On a cold day, which organism would become colder first: a cat or an cow? Why?
_______________ because ____________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ (2)
Total 8marks
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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4) The following diagram shows three plant cells which have been placed in different
a) Write the letter of the plant cell that:
has been placed in distilled water
has been placed in a concentrated salt solution
has been placed in a solution with the same concentration as the cell
is turgid
is plasmolysed
b) What would happen to a plant if many of its cells are plasmolysed?
________________________________________________________________ (1)
c) Explain why plant cells do not burst when placed in distilled water.
________________________________________________________________ (1)
Total 7marks
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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5) The diagram below shows the structure of a common mould. Study the diagram and
then answer the following questions.
a) Give the scientific name of the mould.__________________________________ (1)
b) To which Kingdom do moulds belong?_________________________________ (1)
c) Name another organism found in the same kingdom ______________________ (1)
d) What conditions do moulds need to grow well?
1.___________________ 2.____________________ 3.___________________ (3)
e) Name the three parts labelled A, B and C.
A: ___________________________
B: ___________________________
C: ___________________________
Total 9marks
6) This question is about plant classification.
a) Complete the table by writing the correct name of the plant phylum next to its
Main characteristics
Large plants with seed-bearing cones. Usually
have needle shaped leaves.
Have proper root and stems.
Reproductive spores are formed on the
underside of fronds.
Simple plants which do not have roots, stems
or leaves. Live mainly in water.
Have simple leaves called a thallus.
Form reproductive spores in a capsule.
Produce seed-bearing flowers for reproduction.
Seeds are protected inside fruits.
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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b) Look at these two types of root systems.
i) Which one belongs to a dicotyledonous plant: (A) or (B)? ________________ (1)
ii) Give two other differences between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous
1 ___________________________________________________________ (1)
2 ___________________________________________________________ (1)
Total 8marks
Section B
Answer any THREE questions.
Answer the questions of this section on a foolscap.
This section carries 45 marks.
1) Use the following key to identify the organisms shown in the diagram:
A _____________________ B_____________________ C ___________________
D ______________ E_____________ F _____________ H ________________ (7)
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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b) To which class of animals does animal F belong?
c) Name three features, which are characteristic of these organisms.
d) All the animals shown in the diagram belong to the same phylum. Give the name of
the phylum.
e) The diagram below shows the stages of development of these organisms.
i) What is the term used to describe this mode of development?
ii) Briefly explain the meaning of the term MOULTING with reference to the above
f) Name one way in which this group of animals can be useful.
Total 15 marks
2) This question is about animals.
a) Birds such as pigeons have their body covered with feathers. What is the body
covering of each of the following organisms:
i) Lizard
ii) Mouse
iii) Fish
b) Write ONE structural characteristics that is common to all four organisms (pigeon,
lizard, mouse and frog) mentioned in ‘a’.
c) The pigeon and the mouse are both endotherms while the lizard and the frog are
ectotherms. Distinguish between the terms endotherms and ectotherms.
d) The feathers of a pigeon are covered in oil. Suggest ONE advantage of this.
e) Explain how feathers insulate birds.
f) Birds have wings to fly. What brings about movement in each of the following
i) a bacterium
ii) a named Protist
g) List TWO structural characteristics that make sharks efficient swimmers.
Total 15 marks
3) The Painted Frog called Discoglossus pictus is well adapted to live in the Maltese
a) Name the class to which the frog belongs and write TWO other organisms you
would find the class you mention.
b) Write
i) the species name
ii) the genus name
for the painted frog.
c) Frogs are ectothermic while mammals are endothermic. Distinguish between the
terms ectothermic and endothermic.
d) Explain why frogs have webbed hind legs that are much longer than the forelegs.(2)
e) In a frog water evaporates readily from the thin moist skin. Suggest ONE adaptation
of the frog to overcome this problem.
f) Give ONE external structural difference between tadpoles and adult frogs.
g) Name the gas exchange organ in tadpoles and that in adult frogs.
Total 15 marks
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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4) This question is about protozoans.
a) Draw a diagram to show the structure of amoeba. Label the nucleus, cell
membrane, pseudopodia and cytoplasm.
b) How does Amoeba reproduce? Is this an asexual or sexual type of reproduction?(2)
c) Explain the importance of a contractile vacuole in fresh water protists.
d) A student observed that when Amoeba is in dilute sea water, its contractile vacuole
contracts at a slower rate than when it is in fresh water. Give a simple explanation
for this observation.
e) Amoeba has no specialised breathing organs. State how exchange of gases takes
place in this organism.
Total 15 marks
5) This question is about bacteria.
a) Draw a well-labelled diagram of a bacterium
b) Give 2 ways in which bacterial cells differ from animal cells.
c) Some bacteria obtain their food saprotrophically. What does this mean?
d) Why are saprophytes important in nature?
e) Name and explain another type of nutrition performed by some bacteria.
f) Name a beneficial (economic) use of bacteria.
g) Name one disease caused by bacteria.
h) Give 2 reasons why bacteria spread in all habitats.
Total 15 marks
Kulleġġ San Benedittu BS Kirkop
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