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US History
Mr. Hicks
Nine Weeks Study Guide, 1877-1920s
You are NOT required to turn-in the answers to these
questions. However, if you would like 5 bonus points
added to your nine weeks exam grade, you may write the
answers to these questions on a separate sheet of paper
and turn them in on Monday, March 17. For full credit,
your answers should be THOROUGH and in COMPLETE
Questions you should be able to answer….
1) During the Gilded Age, US Presidents practiced an economic policy that left businesses free from
government restrictions, tariffs, and subsidies, with only enough regulations to protect property rights.
By what French phrase, which literally means "let them do" or "let it be,” was this policy known?
How did Progressive era presidents differ from Gilded Age presidents in terms of economic policies?
2) What did the “Open Door” Policy do, and which countries were involved with this policy?
3) What did Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois agree on? What did they disagree about?
4) Why did congress pass the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act?
5) What happened to Native Americans as a result of the government and railroad companies
encouraging settlers to move west?
6) What were some of the causes of World War One? How did the US initially react when war broke
out in 1914?
7) How did the US experience in World War One affect our foreign policy (how we interact with
foreign countries)?
8) What happened in the Supreme Court in the case Schenck v. United States (1919)? What were the
facts of the case, and what did the court rule?
9) What was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?
10) Define “homesteading”?
11) Define “sharecropping”?
12) What was the Roosevelt Corollary? On what policy from the early 1800s did the Roosevelt
Corollary build?
13) Why did large numbers of African Americans from the Southern U.S. move to the Northern U.S. in
the early-20th century? Why did many Americans from rural areas also move to urban areas around
the US?
14) What ethnic groups (in other words, people from which countries), were the target of nativist
anti-immigration groups in the 1890s? What ethnic groups were targeted by the Emergency Quota
Act of 1921, and the Immigration Act of 1924? Which groups/nationalities saw a decline in
immigration numbers in the 1920s? Which groups stayed about the same or increased?
15) Why were railroads so important in the 1800s? To what trends did railroads contribute?
16) What was the Pullman Strike of 1894 and how did it end?
17) What war did the Treaty of Versailles (1919) end? What were Wilson’s Fourteen Points? Which
parts of the Fourteen Points were included in the Treaty of Versailles? Which parts were left out?
How did the US Senate respond to the Treaty of Versailles?
18) What was the outcome of the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)? What is a
dissenting opinion in a Supreme Court case?
19) Why were so many immigrants allowed to come to the US in the late 1800s?
20) Why did the Anti-Imperialist League argue against the US taking over territories like the
Philippines, Puerto Rico and Hawaii? How did those in favor of expansion counter these arguments?
21) What is the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and who founded it? What was the AFL most
successful at doing for workers in the late 1800s?
22) What is the Federal Reserve? Under what president was it established, and what were the reasons
used to justify it?
23) What was the Teapot Dome scandal all about? Who were the major people involved?
24) What were the Palmer Raids? Who did they target?
25) Why did labor unions’ power and membership decline in the 1920s?
26) What is “urban sprawl” and what caused it in the 1920s?
27) What was the “Red Scare”? What is communism?
28) What is Nativism? Isolationism? Xenophobia?