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Comm 1312: Writing and Research
Section # 202, Dr. Runna Alghazo
Name: Areej Al_dhamin
ID: 201201910
Major: Interior Design
Assignment’#3: Literature Review
Hepatitis is a wide range of clinical situations associated with the
occurrence of pathological changes affecting the liver. Pathological changes are
caused by exposure to many pathogens and viruses, which represents the bulk of
them. Hepatitis is process characterized by varying degrees of liver infiltration by
inflammatory cells of the immune system. According to the standards of clinical and
chemical hepatitis is split to two types acute and chronic. Bacterial hepatitis, viral
hepatitis, protozoal hepatitis, toxic hepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis are caused acute
hepatitis. When symptoms persist for more than six months is called chronic hepatitis
(Ahmed, 2012). Half of people are unaware of hepatitis infection. It's known as
silent epidemic because some people are living with chronic hepatitis without having
to suffer from any symptoms. Despite the lack of symptoms, but the virus silently
damages the liver. Hepatitis may turn into a chronic disease that leads to cirrhosis of
the liver cancer or injury in the event of non-treated. It is a serious disease that can
pose a threat to human life in the event of non- processed in a timely manner.
Hepatitis occurs prevalent in poor communities, nurseries and infirm (Mary, 2009).
There is no specific treatment, but the patient is usually advised to rest and not
stress with good sleep. The doctor may also advise not to eat certain medications and
stop the use temporarily until the improvement of the liver, such as pills, In addition
to the need to avoid alcohol.
The importance of the liver:
Liver is the largest organ in the human body. It's including at least five
thousand jobs are important for the continuation of life. The liver produces bile and
transported to the intestine via the bile ducts deployed there. It is produces many
proteins, hormones and enzymes that lead to the regularity of the work of the human
body. The liver produces the necessary energy to the human body, as they are also
through metabolic processes. In addition, liver adjust the rate of sugar to the human
body, through some sort of hormones. The virus infects the liver hepatic cell then
cannot perform its functions and attic is healthy cells remaining bulk of the work
required jobs (Ahmed, 2014).
Hepatitis infection is more than HIV, which causes AIDS. Become infected
between 3 and 4 million new people every year, and increase the percentage of
transmission of the disease because some people do not show any symptoms and are
unaware that they are infected with the virus. There are several reasons for hepatitis,
which is not limited to viruses such as medications that can cause inflammation of the
liver. Hepatitis can be transmitted through false medical practiced such as
transfusions of contaminated blood, use of contaminated needles and by injection the
drug into a vein. In addition, hepatitis spreads by eating foods and drinks
contaminated with the virus. The most important method of transmission hepatitis is
drug addiction by injection because the use of needless and circulation among
injection drug addicts. Moreover, patients with renal failure who are in the process of
dialysis are at risk of infection with hepatitis. The future of blood is at risk of
infection with hepatitis. Infection occurs also among people for unknown reasons.
Some people are more susceptible than others because of the nature of their work
especially who come into contact with blood in their jobs such as working in the field
of medical care. About five percent of adults and ninety percent of newborn infected
with hepatitis and cannot get rid of the virus and thus become carries of this virus.
The carrier of the virus usually does not occur to him any signs or symptoms of the
disease and the liver enzymes has to be natural, but it remains infected for many years
or perhaps a lifetime and be able to transmit the virus to others(Charlene, 2013).
Symptoms that are caused by different viral infections of the liver and this
depends on the fact that these viral infections, either acute or chronic. The largest
number of acute infections is usually simple to the point that the patient does not
show signs of a distinctive. In some cases symptoms of hepatitis flu-like symptoms
include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and mild nausea. About one percent of people
are suffering with severe symptoms, while the body tries to eliminate the virus.
Severe symptoms are including vomiting, jaundice and abdominal distension and
suddenly appear this case which is a fatal if the patient did not get immediate medical
care. Symptoms persist for more than four weeks. Often evolve into a chronic
condition, especially when the person is exposed to infection at an early age. Acute
hepatitis caused by the virus is endemic in the liver and breeding rapidly, resulting in
a bulge and rupture the cell walls of hepatic. A cute hepatitis often does not lead to
chronic damage as chronic hepatitis (National Center for Diseases Control, 2014).
Diagnosis is based mainly on laboratory tests in addition to the clinical
examination. Laboratory tests are expected to vary according to virus infection. There
is a general analysis on suspicion of injury to any of the viruses such as blood tests
reagents for autoimmune disease, analysis of liver enzymes and functions, Analysis of
the components of a complete blood and analysis of blood sedimentation speed. The
incubation period ranges between two weeks and 9 weeks. The people between 15-40
years are more prone to infection (Adham, 2013).
Disease prevention:
Vaccinations should be given to children and adolescents less than 18 years
old who did not take the vaccine before. People who belong to groups at high risk
should also be vaccinated such as travelers to countries where there is an
inflammatory disease of the liver and people in need of blood. Avoid sharing tools
potentially contaminated and can penetrate the skin, such as injections, toothbrushes,
razors is important for the prevention of disease (Wjdan, 2013).
In the United States there are 1.25 million chronically infected human injuries
and a large percentage of them do not have symptoms. For the Arab world, there are
more than a million people living with the virus in Saudi Arabia alone. Fortunately, it
is possible to prevent infection with the virus vaccination to take protective of it and
following the methods of prevention. After infection with the immune system to rid
the body of the virus when ninety five percent of adults and thus their recovery within
a few months it will not be infected again due to the formation of antibodies to the
virus, which can be detected by a blood test called HBS( Ahmed, 2007).