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MÈTODE Science Studies Journal, 4 (2014): 19-21. University of Valencia.
DOI: 10.7203/metode.77.2471
ISSN: 2174-3487.
Article received: 03/12/2012, accepted: 18/02/2013.
We all know more or less what cancer is: cells that divide uncontrollably. But behind this simplistic
depiction hides one of today’s most complex and serious health problems. Thanks to biomedical
progress in the last twenty years we are finally beginning to recognise important differences
between known cancers, a discovery that will be key to designing more effective therapies in the
near future.
Keywords: cancer, oncogene, p53, tumour suppressors, personalised therapies.
Cancer is a disease that currently affects one in
Let us imagine that the mutated gene is responsible
every three people. In most cases it is the result of
for a protein which activates cell division. If the
what is called «clonal expansion» which means a
mutation causes more protein to be made than
process starting with a single cell that copies itself
usual, what happens is that the cell will replicate
indefinitely. Thus all tumour cells would be identical
continuously. This type of mutated gene is called an
to the original. Furthermore, we can say that cancer
oncogene. The discovery of oncogenes by Varmus and
is a «genetic» disease: This anomalous behaviour is
Bishop in the seventies, for which they received the
due to specific alterations in the genes of the affected
Nobel Prize in 1989, marked the beginning of modern
cells. Our DNA is constantly subjected to potentially
oncology, the first step in understanding what cancer
damaging environmental stresses and toxins. Also
really is and how to stop it (Varmus, 1990).
when DNA duplicates because the cell is dividing, an
Oncogenes are usually responsible for triggering
inadvertent error may occur in the copy of the genetic
cancer. A cell with an activated oncogene rapidly
material. All these circumstances
divides and gives rise to two
produce what we call mutations,
daughter cells. These have the
changes in the «letters» that
same alteration in their genes,
make up our genes. Luckily, we
since DNA from the original cell
have very sophisticated repair
is copied word for word, even
systems that quickly solve most
those that are wrong. So we have
of these errors in the genome,
gone from having one cell with
but very occasionally a mutation
a mutation, which is dividing
goes undetected.
uncontrollably, to having two.
If that happens, we will have
These double quickly and soon
an unforeseen change in the
we have four, then and eight,
sequence of a gene. Perhaps it
sixteen ... and so on, all carrying
will not greatly affect the RNA
the activated oncogene and ready
or the protein encoded by this gene. In this event it
to continue dividing in relentless progression.
will not pose a problem: there is a «silent» mutation,
However, before we get to this point there are very
without consequences. However, more often, even
effective mechanisms to prevent greater evils. There
when it involves a single nucleotide of the gene, it can
are numerous proteins constantly patrolling the cell,
lead to serious problems. For example, the protein
looking for errors and problems in the DNA that may
manufactured by that gene may be different from
lead to the excessive cell duplication described above.
normal. It may be shorter, or may be more potent in its
When they find one, so-called tumour suppressors
usual function, or conversely, it may be less effective.
are activated, which are proteins intended to prevent
Depending on which gene is affected, it can cause a
the cell from becoming cancerous. As this is a very
major disruption of the basic cell functions.
important bodily task, several different tumour
The Thin Line
Tino Soriano
Tino Soriano
suppressors are always ready. Chief among these
is the protein known as p53. When p53 or any of
the other suppressors discover that an oncogene is
activated somewhere in the DNA and the cell is
behaving strangely, it tries to stop it by all means. It
immediately summons proteins that repair DNA to
attempt to repair the damage that has been done to
the genes. These repair proteins are often able to fix
the problem and after a little while everything returns
to normal. If this is not the case, however, p53 does
not take any chances: when in doubt, it activates a
cellular suicide program called apoptosis, and the
flawed cell autodestructs. Together with other tumoursuppressing mechanisms, this is usually very effective
in preventing the appearance of malignant cells.
Naturally, if that were always the case there would
be no cancer. So how does the cell escape this death
sentence? The system is the same as in oncogenes:
for cancer to develop a new mutation must occur,
one that disables our natural defences. Indeed, in
fifty percent of cancers we find an altered gene that
specifically causes the p53 protein not to be produced
or to be inactive. Moreover, it is believed that other
cancers may also have an error in one or another gene
controlling the cluster working in coordination with
Cancer, therefore, only develops if a series of
mutations accumulates in certain key genes. One alone
Photo series «Exploring Cancer» (2009) by Tino Soriano, showing
is not enough, not even two, in fact it takes many;
Anna (Banyoles, Spain) revealing her scar after thyroid-gland
we do not know exactly how many. One of the most
surgery. Different tumour suppressors, like p53, repair cellular DNA
widely accepted theories nowadays, first proposed
damage and prevent tumour formation. In fact fifty percent of
cancers involve a mutation in the p53 gene whereby a protein is
by the researchers Hanahan and Weinberg in 2000
not produced or is inactive.
and revised in 2011, is that the cancer cell has the
following hallmarks: it must
be able to divided continually;
And we are lucky that it is so.
be immune to the signals that
As there are trillions of cells
order it to stop; escape apoptosis
constantly dividing in our body
and other tumour suppression
and subjected to attacks that
mechanisms; become immortal;
can alter DNA, if cancer was a
be able to generate blood vessels
more easily acquired disorder,
and invade other tissues. That
we would all suffer from it
means that many genes have to
within a few years of birth. That
mutate and malfunction for the
is what happens when we use
cell to acquire all the abilities
genetic-engineering techniques
necessary to form a tumour.
to experimentally remove the
Thus, one could see cancer
tumour suppressors in a mouse:
as an extreme case of bad luck. Indeed, for DNA to
in fact the importance of p53 and similar proteins was
mutate due to toxins or stress is quite difficult, but it
discovered because mice without all of them develop
can happen. For the mutation to affect an important
cancers quickly. This is also the case of a rare disease
gene in cell division may be a coincidence, but is not
called Li-Fraumeni syndrome, in which those affected
highly unlikely. But the likelihood of a single cell
carry an inherited mutation in the p53 gene, causing
undergoing one mutation after another in key genes
them to develop different types of cancer before
until it turns into cancer is statistically very slim.
reaching the age of forty.
The Thin Line
hundreds of paths leading to the same destination:
It is not yet clear why a cell is able to accumulate
therefore, to find a single treatment to cure all forms
a succession of mutations. One plausible theory
of cancer is, in all likelihood, impossible.
proposes that what one of the first mutations really
Does that mean that we are losing the battle against
does is to cause «chromosomal instability». That is,
cancer? Not necessarily. There are over a hundred
the DNA becomes more fragile than normal, which
types of cancer able to invade surrounding tissue
would facilitate mutations to appear at a much higher
and spread but, despite this, most of them tend to be
frequency than usual. This instability is a feature that
localised, which greatly facilitates treatment using
can be seen in most cancer cells, but it not known
standard protocols: chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
for sure whether it is a cause of the changes or a
surgery. Statistics show that up to 90% of patients
with localised cancer are still alive five years after
All this gives us an idea of the real complexity
diagnosis. Also, we have just reached a turning point:
of cancer, and the difficulty of finding a therapeutic
the results gathered over decades of biomedical
strategy to restore everything that has stopped
research are beginning to bear
working in a malignant cell. But
fruit, and we are starting to
there is more to it: the generic
design specific drugs to treat
name cancer is an umbrella
covering a number of diseases
genetic disorders underlying
that share the same biological
certain types of cancer.
principles listed above, but they
We have entered a new era in
design of therapies against
are actually very different from
cancer, and we are starting to
each other. The genetic disorders
see the first positive results.
defined, not only depend on the
New compounds will gradually
tissue where cancer appears, but
be added to our arsenal. This,
on each patient and each specific
coupled with the fact that we
case. Put another way: there are
have started to identify genetic
changes in the tumours of individual patients, means
it will be possible to design drug combinations
tailored to each case in the future, what we call
personalised therapy. Thanks to these developments,
one can expect that the coming years will bring
revolutionary changes in the fight against cancer
and this disease will finally be controlled. But it is
important to remember that prevention and early
diagnosis are fundamental when it comes to stopping
the progression of cancer, and that depends on all
of us, not just doctors and researchers. Therefore it
is essential for everyone to be well informed, aware
of what cancer is and how we can help to control it
(Macip, 2012).
It is not yet clear why a cell is able to accumulate mutations one
after another. One plausible theory states that one of the first
mutations causes the DNA to become more fragile, facilitating
mutations to take place more often than normal. The image, from
Tino Soriano’s series «Exploring Cancer» (2009), shows two doctors
at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in Badalona visit a terminally
ill patient.
HANAHAN, D. and R. A. WEINBERG, 2000. «The Hallmarks of Cancer». Cell,
100: 57-70. DOI: <10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81683-9>.
HANAHAN, D. and R. A. WEINBERG, 2011. «Hallmarks of Cancer: the Next
Generation». Cell, 144: 646-674. <DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.02.013>.
MACIP, S., 2012. Què és el càncer i per què no hem de tenir-li por. Ara
Llibres. Barcelona.
VARMUS, H. E., 1990. «Nobel Lecture. Retroviruses and Oncogenes. I.».
Bioscience Reports, 10(5): 413-430. DOI: <10.1007/BF01152288>.
Salvador Macip. Professor at the Department of Biochemistry. University
of Leicester (United Kingdom).