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Periodic Table and the Atom
Complete the table.
Atomic #
Mass #
# of Protons
# of Electrons
# of Neutrons
1. An element's or isotope's atomic number tells you _________________________________________.
2. An element's or isotope's mass number tells you ___________________________________________.
3. The heaviest part of an atom is the ________________, which contains both ________________and
________________. The ________________are found in a cloud surrounding the nucleus.
4. If an atom was a penny inside a football stadium, the penny would represent the ________________
and the football stadium would represent ________________________________________________.
5. Which has a higher atomic number?
Helium or Hydrogen ____________________
Magnesium or Manganese ____________________
6. Which has a lower atomic mass?
Carbon or Calcium ____________________
Xenon or Radon ____________________
7. Generally speaking, how does atomic mass change throughout the periodic table? ________________
Does it increases as you go across and down on the periodic table._____________
8. Where are the most active metals located? ________________________________
9. Where are the most active non-metals located? ________________________________
10. As you go from left to right across a period, the atomic radius (increases/decreases). Why? _________
11. As you travel down a group, the atomic radius (increases/decreases). Why? _____________________
12. A negative ion is (larger/smaller) than its parent atom.
13. A positive ion is (larger/smaller) than its parent atom.
14. As you go from left to right across a period, the first ionization energy generally (increases/decreases).
Why? ____________________________________________________________________________
15. As you travel down a group, the first ionization energy generally (increases/decreases). Why? ______
16. Where is the highest electronegative ion found? ________________
17. Where is the lowest electronegative ion found? ________________
18. Elements of Group 1 are called ________________________________________.
19. Elements of Group 2 are called ___________________________________________.
20. Elements of Groups 3-12 are called ____________________________________________.
21. As you go from left to right across the periodic table, the elements go from (metals/non-metals) to
22. Elements of Groups 17 are called ________________________________.
23. The most active element in Group 17 is ________________________________.
24. Elements of Groups 18 are called ________________________________.
25. What sublevels are filling across the Transition Metals? ________________
26. Elements within a group have a similar number of ________________________________.
27. Elements across a period have the same number of ________________________________.
28. A colored ion generally indicates a________________________________.
29. As you go down a group, the elements generally become (more/less) metallic.
30. The majority of elements in the periodic table are (metals/non-metals).
31. Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their ________________________________.
32. An element with both metallic and non-metallic properties is called a _________________________.
33. Identify the following elements as metal, nonmetals, or metalloid.
1) Boron
2) Carbon
3) Gold
4) Lead
5) Hydrogen
34. Identify the following elements by which group they belong to on the periodic table.
1) Flourine
2) Argon
3) Calcium
4) Potassium
5) Carbon