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Mount Auburn International Academy
SABIS® School Network
Level H/ Grade 6
Term 2 End of Term Revision Sheet
Level H Science
Exploring the World of Science Level H Earth and Space /Textbook 4114042-12
ES Ch.2 Minerals and Rocks S2.1
Key terms: cleavage, luster, mineral, streak
1. Identify the common characteristics of all minerals.
2. Explain that minerals have a definite chemical composition.
3. Recognize three ways minerals form naturally.
4. Recognize how color, luster, streak, and hardness are used to identify
5. Use the Mohs scale to identify minerals.
6. Identify some practical uses of minerals.
Exploring the World of Science Level H Physical Science - Textbook 4114044-12
PS Ch.1 Describing Matter S1.1
key terms: chemical property, matter, physical property
1. Define matter and relate it to mass.
2. Define physical properties and list some.
3. Define intrinsic physical properties and give examples.
4. Explain how intrinsic properties can be used to identify a substance and
give examples.
5. Define and give examples of chemical properties.
6. Explain how a chemical property can be used to identify matter.
7. Describe how chemical properties are different from physical properties.
PS Ch.3 Forms of Energy S3.1
Key terms: energy, kinetic energy, law of conservation of energy, potential
1. Define energy and give examples of changes caused by energy.
2. List forms of energy and give examples of their usage.
3. Define kinetic and potential energy and give examples of each.
4. Define and give examples of energy transformation.
5. State the law of conservation of energy and give examples.
PS Ch.3 Forms of Energy S3.2
Key terms: Temperature, thermal energy
1. Define thermal energy, and relate thermal energy of matter to the
kinetic motion of its particles.
2. Define temperature, explain how to measure it, and relate it to
thermal energy.
3. Relate thermal energy to mass and give examples.
4. Describe and explain the changes in size of objects when heated or
Exploring the World of Science Level H Life Science - Textbook 41-1404312
LS Ch.1 Cells and Organisms S1.1
Key terms: cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast, cytoplasm, endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi body, mitochondrion, nucleus, organelle, vacuole
1. List needs and characteristics that differentiate living from nonliving
2. State the cell theory.
3. Identify the main parts of a cell.
4. List organelles and their functions.
5. Identify the main parts of a plant cell.
6. Identify the main parts of an animal cell.
7. Differentiate between plant and animal cells.
LS Ch.1 Cells and Organisms S1.2
Key terms: active transport, cellular respiration, diffusion, homeostasis,
osmosis, passive transport
1. Explain how living things get the energy they need.
2. Describe how plants trap sunlight energy during photosynthesis.
3. Describe how energy is released during cellular respiration.
4. Recognize how materials can be passively transported in and out of
the cells.
5. Describe the processes of diffusion and osmosis.
6. Describe active transport.
7. Explain why cells divide.
8. Define homeostasis and explain its importance for cell processes.
LS Ch.1 Cells and Organisms S1.3
Key terms: organ, tissue
1. Identify the cell as the basic unit of an organism.
2. Differentiate between the cell of a single-celled organism and the cell
of a many-celled organism.
3. Recognize that cells are organized in tissues.
4. Recognize that tissues are organized in organs.
5. Recognize that organs are organized in organ systems.
6. Identify some animal organ systems and their functions.
7. Describe how different organ systems work together to meet an
organism’s needs.
8. Describe animals with different body plans.
LS Ch.1 Cells and Organisms S1.4
Key terms: angiosperm, bacteria, domain, fungus, gymnosperm,
invertebrate, kingdom, nonvascular plant, protest, vascular plant, vertebrate
1. Recognize why organisms are classified.
2. Recognize how organisms are classified.
3. List some characteristics of organisms that belong to Kingdom
4. List some characteristics of organisms that belong to Kingdom
5. List some characteristics of organisms that belong to Kingdom Fungi.
6. List some characteristics of organisms that belong to Kingdom
7. List common properties of organisms that belong to Kingdom
8. Differentiate between vascular and nonvascular plants.
9. Classify plants according to how they reproduce.
List some characteristics of organisms that belong to Kingdom
Define invertebrate.
Identify an arthropod.
Identify a mollusk.
Define vertebrate and give examples.
List the main characteristics of fish, amphibians, and reptiles.
List the main characteristics of birds and mammals.
LS Ch.3 Growth and Reproduction S3.1
Key terms: asexual reproduction, budding, chromosome, fission, mitosis
1. Identify the functions of cell division.
2. Describe what happens during interphase.
3. Describe the cell division part of the cell cycle.
4. Describe the stages of mitosis.
5. Describe the process of fission.
6. Describe vegetative reproduction and budding.
7. Recognize when regeneration is considered a form of asexual
LS Ch.3 Growth and Reproduction S3.2
Key terms: egg, fertilization, gamete, meiosis, sexual reproduction, sperm
1. Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction.
2. Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction.
3. Explain how a new organism is formed during sexual reproduction.
4. Recognize the importance of meiosis in keeping the number of
chromosomes in offspring the same as in parents.
5. Recognize that meiosis has two divisions of the nucleus.
6. Recognize that meiosis has two divisions of the nucleus.
7. Compare mitosis to meiosis.
8. Identify the number of chromosomes in different cells.
LS Ch.3 Growth and Reproduction S3.3
Key terms: DNA, gene, heredity
1. Identify the function and structure of DNA.
2. Relate the sequence of DNA base pairs to the building of proteins.
3. Describe the process of DNA replication.
4. Recognize how genes are passed from parents to offspring.