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Summer Reading Assignments
2016-2017 School Year
Note to Parents and Students: Please purchase a copy of each book you/your student has to read, especially so that he/she can
annotate while reading and so that he/she will have it when it is used in the respective class during the school year. Copies can be
ordered online at several websites; you may purchase used copies.
English I (all levels) Mrs. Eymard ([email protected]) or Mrs. Stuart ([email protected])
course is for students in the 8thor 9th grade who are enrolled in English I.
Please purchase a copy of each book you/your student has to read, especially so that he/she can annotate while reading and so that he/she will have it when it is used
in the respective class during the school year. Copies can be ordered online at several websites; you may purchase used copies.
Book #1: Locked in Time by Lois Duncan ISBN 0316099023 OR ISBN 978-0316099028
1. Buy and annotate your book. Annotation briefly explained after Book #2’s assignment.
2. You will complete a plot analysis for Locked in Time. On loose leaf paper and in BLACK ink, please identify and explain each
of the different story elements (listed below) from Locked in Time. Pay careful attention to writing in complete sentences and using
correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
 Exposition – any background information that is given at the beginning of the story that is important to know for
 Setting – time period, place
 Characters – Provide a brief description of all main characters and explain their relationships to one another; be sure to
identify whether the character is a Greaser or a Soc.
 Rising Action – list of all major events that take place up to the point of the climax
 Climax – the turning point of the story
 Falling Action – list of all major events that take place after the point of the climax
 Resolution – the way that the story wraps itself up
3. Connecting to the Novel: Respond to the following (continue on loose-leaf paper) –
If you stopped your aging process right now, what would you gain by being this age forever, and what would you miss by not
experiencing middle age and old age? Write two paragraphs (always welcome to do more) to respond to both parts of this question.
You are welcome to use first person pronouns (I, me, we, us, our, ours, my, mine); however, you MAY NOT use 2 nd person
pronouns (you, your, yours, you’re, y’all).
Book #2: Mythology: Times and Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton ISBN 0446574759 OR 978-0446574754
Please purchase a copy of each book you/your student has to read, especially so that he/she can annotate while reading and so that he/she will have it when it is used
in the respective class during the school year. Copies can be ordered online at several websites; you may purchase used copies.
Please be sure to buy the paperback and bring it to class as we will use the book during the 1st nine-week period to work on some
close reading skills. We will be annotating (writing inside the book), so be sure to write your name prominently on the book.
Directions: Use loose-leaf paper to respond to the following. Write your answers in black ink and do NOT write on the back of the
paper. You do not have to re-write the question; just number your answers accordingly. Make sure that you respond to the question
in complete sentences. You should ONLY read the pages that are required – NOT the entire book.
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Part I: Read pages 1-50 (Introduction and Chapter 1)
1. According to Hamilton, how does Greek mythology differ from the folklore of other ancient cultures? Why does it differ?
2. What is the “Greek Miracle”? How did the miracle affect the Greek world and our world?
3. What remnants of primitive culture are left in Greek mythology?
4. What purposes did myth serve in early Greece?
5. How did the character of Zeus change over the years? Why might this change have occurred?
6. When were the myths recorded? Name some of the people who recorded the myths. Did these authors believe in the myths?
Chapter 1: The Gods, the Creation, and the Earliest Heroes
7. According to the Greeks, who created the universe?
8. List the more important Titans. Write a fact about each. You may write your response in a list form. The fact should be in a
complete sentence.
9. Where did the children of the Titans reside?
Directions: For the 12 Olympians that you will list in question #10, you may print the pages and fill in the blanks, or you can
continue to respond on loose-leaf paper (your choice). If you write on loose-leaf paper, please continue to number and letter
10. Using the information provided by Hamilton, fill in the following chart.
Greek Name
Roman Name
or Power
A. Zeus
Facts about Zeus: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Poseidon
Facts about Poseidon: _______________________________________________________________________________________
C. Hades
Facts about Hades: __________________________________________________________________________________________
D. Hestia
Facts about Hestia: __________________________________________________________________________________________
E. Hera
Facts about Hera: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
F. Ares
Facts about Ares: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
G. Athena
Facts about Athena: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Greek Name
Roman Name
or Power
H. Apollo
Facts about Apollo: _________________________________________________________________________________________
I. Aphrodite
Facts about Aphrodite: ______________________________________________________________________________________
J. Hermes
Facts about Hermes: ________________________________________________________________________________________
K. Artemis
Facts about Artemis: ________________________________________________________________________________________
L. Hephaestus
Facts about Hephaestus: ______________________________________________________________________________________
12. Print and fill in the chart for the Lesser Gods of Olympus:
a. Goddess of corn
and agriculture
b. God of wine and
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________
c. God of nature and
flocks; Origin of “panic”
d. God of love:
“son of Venus
e. Goddess of Youth:
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ _____________ _______________
f. Goddess of the Rainbow
Messenger to the gods
_____________ _____________ _______________
g. Three Graces, goddess of joy and gratitude, and bringers of beauty to young girls
Splendor: ______________ Mirth: _______________
Good Cheer: _______________
h. Three Fates, goddesses of Destiny
Spinner: _______________Disposer of Lots: _______________Cutter: _______________
i. Nine Muses, goddesses of song, poetry, and the arts and science:
History: _______________
Comedy: _______________
Tragedy: _______________
Dance: _______________
Lyric Poetry: ____________
Epic Poetry: _____________
Love Poetry: _______________
Astronomy: _____________
Songs to gods: _______________
j. The “Old Man of the Sea”
k. The “Trumpeter of the Sea”
l. King of the Wind
East _______________
His daughters: _______________
m. Nymphs – nature goddesses, usually depicted as beautiful women
Sea Water Nymphs:
Water Nymphs (Brooks Streams):
Mountain Nymphs:
Tree Nymphs:
n. Who is the Roman god of good beginnings?
Read pages 62-75 (“Dionysus or Bacchus”) and respond to the following.
13. Who are Dionysus’ parents? Why does his parentage make him unique among the gods?
14. According to myth, how is Dionysus born? How is this related to Dionysus’ association with grapes and wine?
15. What did Dionysus do for his mother when he was older?
16. What is the reason that Dionysus was different at times?
17. How does Dionysus become a symbol of resurrection?
Read pages 76-94 (“How the World and Mankind Were Created”) and respond to the following.
18. What is Hesiod’s version of the creation of man?
19. Who are Prometheus and Epimetheus?
20. What gifts does Epimetheus give to animals? What does Prometheus give to mankind to make us superior to animals?
21. What is the second version of creation, the five stages of man?
22. What does Prometheus do that angers Zeus?
23. How is Prometheus tortured?
24. Why is Pandora created?
25. Why does Zeus send a flood to earth?
26. Who are the only two survivors?
27. Who are the Stone People?
Read pages 114-116 – “Narcissus” – and respond to the following.
28. Who is Narcissus and what was his major flaw?
29. How is Narcissus responsible for Echo’s fate? And what is Echo’s fate?
30. What was Narcissus’ fate? Why? From whom did his punishment come? What stands to remind the world of his presence
Read pages 135-138 – “Pyramus and Thisbe” – and respond to the following.
31. What are Pyramus and Thisbe like and how do they know one another?
32. Why can't Pyramus and Thisbe get married?
33. How do Pyramus and Thisbe use the chink in the wall?
34. What plan do Pyramus and Thisbe concoct?
35. What does Thisbe see in the moonlight that poses a threat to her safety?
36. What did Thisbe leave behind in her rush to escape and what happens to the item?
37. What does Pyramus presume has happened to Thisbe?
38. What dire action does Pyramus take after making this presumption about Thisbe?
39. What happens to the berries as a result of his actions?
40. What does Thisbe do when she finds Pyramus?