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Brief Overview the Myth of Prometheus:
Prometheus was a Titan, a race of giant gods who ruled the Earth until
overthrown by Zeus, in ancient Greek mythology. One night, when Zeus, ruler of
the gods, was away, Prometheus sneaked to Olympus, the home of the gods,
along a secret path. He stole the gods’ sacred fire and hid it in his cloak. Then he
gave the gift of fire to man, and taught mankind how to use it. But when Zeus
returned to Olympus, so great was his rage that he ordered Prometheus to be
chained forever to a lonely rock in the Caucasian Mountains. There he bravely
endured for thousands of years until Zeus, finally set him free.
Consider the following:
1. What might the “fire” represent? Why was Zeus angry?
What might have prompted Prometheus to do what he did?
2.What is the significance of Shelley subtitling her book Modern Prometheus?
Is Frankenstein a stubborn defender of mankind, fighting even against God for the good of mankind?
Consider chapters 2 and 3 and look closely at Victor’s motivations. If Victor is not a true “Promethean,” in
what way is the subtitle apt?
3. Think of other figures—either real or fictional—who have paid a high price “angering the gods” for the
good of mankind. Do such “Prometheans” deserve punishment or not?
4. Did Victor Frankenstein deserve his punishment?