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Case Study
Crop Tested: Carrots
Date of Trial: March 2011 to August 2011
Purpose of Trial: The purpose of this trial was to test
whether the addion of BioFlora® products would increase yield, crop quality and soil lth versus a grower’s
standard ferlity program.
Trial Set Up: 100 acres, equally divided into two secons. Pivot irrigaon.
Locaon: Lancaster, California
Invesgators: Suad Dalipagic, BioFlora® Sales Representave, Farm Manager and Harvest Foreman.
Soil Depth: The edible poron of the plant is the taproot.
Fields should be lled to a 30cm (12 inch) depth to ensure
that root penetraon is not restricted. Raised beds warm
more quickly in the Spring, promong faster emergence.
Irrigaon: Adequate amounts and proper ming of water
are crical for germinaon and root development. Lack of
water or inconsistent watering will lead to woody flavored
carrots, irregular growth pa8erns and misshapen or
forked roots.
Diseases: Scleronia - caused by the disease Scleronia
sclerorum is a significant plant pathogen that is present
in both the field and in storage. Recent research has
shown that BioFlora® products may help with the suppression of Scleronia sp..
Soil Condions: Carrots favor well-drained, fine textured
soils with a good water-holding capacity. Sandy to loamy
soils are preferable for commercial carrot producon.
Crusng: Carrots seedlings are very weak and do not
tolerate soil crusng. Crusng of the soil surface will
prevent seedlings from emerging. The applicaons of
BioFlora® products to the seedbed at the me of
planng will increase the prevenon of soil crusng versus sulfuric or infuric acids, while promong higher germinaon rates.
Seedbed preparaon: To eliminate clods that interfere
with uniform root growth, apply BioFlora® products at
pre-plant to greatly reduce clod formaon and to create
a more friable soil.
Above: BioFlora treated carrots (on le) versus Control
field carrots (on right), noce larger size of the taproot.
Copyright ©2013 Global Organics LLC Proprietary and Confidenal
Control Field: In this trial, the grower used a convenonal ferlizer program based on the use of UN-32.
Rates of applicaons were not disclosed.
BioFlora® Field: In this trial, the BioFlora® test field received applicaons of the BioFlora® products Humega®,
GOgreen®, BioFlora® 5-17-4, BioFlora® 5-4-2, Fulmega™
1% Mg, BioFlora® 0-0-25, BioFlora Seaweed Creme®,
Minera™ and DynaMega® 2-1-1 throughout the growing season. Rates of applicaons varied per product.
The grower standard NPK ferlity program on this
field was reduced by 50% versus the control field.
Above: Control field carrots; the excessive amounts of
dirt on the harvested carrots will lead to higher harvest
Yield: The BioFlora® treated field produced 100 tons of
carrots per acre versus the control field’s 65 tons per
Cost: The BioFlora® treated field had a cost of $389 per
acre verses the control field’s $410 per acre.
Nitrogen Reducon: The BioFlora® treated field received 66% less nitrogen than the control field throughout the crop cycle.
Observaons: The BioFlora® treated carrots were
cleaner (produce had less dirt), longer carrots and
greater weight at harvest. The BioFlora® field carrots
pulled out of the soil easier, as the soil was more friable
with more aggregates. The treated field harvested two
weeks earlier than the control field.
Above: BioFlora® field carrots; carrots with less dirt will
lower the harvest cost for the grower.
16121 W. Eddie Albert Way
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Phone: (623) 932-1522