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7 ­ Cell Cycle.notebook
April 04, 2014
Why do cells need to divide?
Cell Cycle - The life cycle of a cell; Broken up into
three main parts beginning with 1. Interphase,
followed by 2. Mitosis and ending with
3. Cytokinesis.
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1. Interphase - The first stage of the cell cycle where
the following occurs:
1. The cell grows
2. The cell's DNA is replicated
3. The cell waits until Mitosis needs to start.
2. Mitosis - The second stage of the cell cycle where the
nucleus splits, (Mitosis = nucleus division).
Made up of 4 phases:
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
Important Terms to Know for Mitosis
Chromosome - Condensed (smushed), coiled-up DNA.
Centrioles - Rod-shaped structures in the cell that
produce spindle fibers. These spindle fibers are sticky
and attach to the centromere of the chromosome to move
them around the cell during Mitosis.
7 ­ Cell Cycle.notebook
April 04, 2014
2a. Prophase - The first phase of Mitosis
where the following occurs:
- The nuclear membrane disintegrates
- Chromosomes become visible
- Centrioles produce spindle fibers
2b. Metaphase
- The second phase of mitosis
- The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
- The nuclear membrane is gone
7 ­ Cell Cycle.notebook
April 04, 2014
2c. Anaphase
-The third phase of mitosis
-Spindle fibers pull the chromosomes apart into
2d. Telophase
- The last stage of mitosis
- Cell is stretched
- Chromatids uncoil
- The nuclear membrane reforms around the DNA
7 ­ Cell Cycle.notebook
April 04, 2014
3. Cytokinesis
- The last stage of the cell cycle
- The cytoplasm splits to make two new daughter
Daughter Cell - Either of the two cells formed after cell
division; each cell is genetically identical to the original
parent cell.