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By Molly 
Parts of a flower……..
Step 1
A bee rubs against pollen on the male part of the
flower and the pollen sticks to his fury body.
It then goes to another flower and some of the pollen
rubs against the female part of the flower.
With water and the right amount of temperature,
the seed starts to crack and a seedling is formed It
grows taller and taller.
Stems grow up
to the light and
leaves unfold
to take in more
light and roots
anchor the
Fertilisation+ Pollination
Insects are attracted to the colours of the flowers/plants and they
carry the pollen and some of the pollen drops of and goes down
a female part of the flower called a style after the pollen has
travelled down the style it ends up in the ovule where it starts to
get fertilised and turns into a seed.
Seed Dispersal
The parent plant dies and then the seeds get carried away from
the adult plant either by the breeze or by stray or owned animals
with fur or hair.