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World History (UNIT 3)
Chapter 5: India’s first Empires
Lesson One: Origins of Hindu India (Sept 13)
Vocabulary: Varnas, Caste System, Hinduism, yoga, reincarnation, karma, dharma
Reading Questions:
1. What was the social structure of ancient India?
2. What are the origins, beliefs and practices of Hinduism?
Lesson Two: Buddhism (Sept 14)
Vocabulary: Buddhism, Nirvana
Reading Questions:
1. What are the origins of Buddhism?
2. What beliefs serve as the basis for Buddhist practices?
Lesson Three: The Mauryans and Guptas (Sept 15)
Vocabulary: Silk Road, pilgrim, Vedas
Reading Questions:
1. What led to the rise and fall of the Mauryan, Kushan, and Gupta Empires?
2. What did the three major empires have in common?
Chapter 6: The First Chinese Empires
Lesson One: Schools of Thought (Sept 16)
Ch. 5 Reading Quiz
Vocabulary: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism
Reading Questions:
1. What were the basic tenets of Confucianism?
2. What was the system of ideas on which Daoism was based?
3. What are the characteristics of an ideal ruler according to Legalist philosophy?
Lesson Two: The Qin Unify China (Sept 19)
Vocabulary: Regime, censorate, Shihuangdi
Reading Questions:
1. How did Qin Shihuangdi unify the Chinese world?
2. What practices of the Xiongnu made them especially difficult to combat?
3. What were the policies of the Qin Dynasty and why did the dynasty fall?
Lesson Three: The Han Dynasty (Sept 20)
Vocabulary: Civil service, martial, Liu Pang, Han Wudi
Reading Questions:
1. What school of thought did the Han dynasty embrace over the Qin dynasty’s
legalism, and what difference did it make for China’s social and political structure?
2. What factors contributed to the fall of the Han dynasty?
Unit 3 Assessments
UNIT 3 Notebook Check (September 22)
Ch. 6 Reading Quiz
UNIT 3 Exam (September 23)