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Name: __________________________
Taming the Chinese Dragon Study Guide
Definitions: (You should be able to explain each of the following and its
contribution to Ancient China).
Dynasty: a family or group that maintains power over several generations.
Civil Service-Confucius founded it, exam given to people to ensure that the
smartest get gov’t jobs.
Shang Dynasty-China’s 1st civ, it had all part of the civ wheel, founded by the
yellow river.
Qin Dynasty-Shihuangdi’s dynasty, first to unify China, standardized culture
(everyone used same dictionary, weights and measures, currency).
Han Dynasty-golden age of Ancient China, where technology, education, and
science flourished.
Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism
Silk Road-4,000 mile trading route throughout China that connected it to the
outside world.
What two rivers help start civilization in China?
Yellow and Yangtze
What is a dynasty? In a dynastic cycle (use your notes!), how do people inherit power?
Compare the Han Dynasty’s social hierarchy to the other ARVC’s. How is it different? Is it
better or worse? Why?
They’re social hierarchy is different because people could MOVE UP THE
HIERARCHY! They could rise up the levels because of the Han Dynasty’s use
of civil service exams!
How did the Han Dynasty help China reach a golden age? Name TWO reasons.
1. Reached a golden age because it didn’t have to do much work (The Shang
and Qin already made a great civ wheel) so they had a lot of FREE TIME to
do all the extras (education, technology). Think of the icing of top of the
cake. Not necessary, but fun.
2. Also had a stable government because they had smart people in their gov’t
due to Confucius’s civil service exams.
Explain the differences between Daoism, Legalism, and Confucianism. (You will need to
know their basic beliefs about government and what they value).
Why is the Silk Road considered like the internet? Name at least three ways.
1. Trading goods is like Ebay
2. Bandits are like hackers
3. Sandstorms are like viruses
4. ***Information highway (exchanging culture and info)
5. Social networking
Discuss Shihuangdi and at least THREE of his famous reforms.
1. Creating an Empire-established a gov’t after wars throughout land, 1st to
unify China, China is still unified today
2. Standardizing the Culture-rich and poor were punished equally, though
laws were harsh (Legalism), made a currency to be used throughout China,
made the first dictionary, standard weights and measures (lbs, kgs, etc.), great
idea because communication, travel, and life are easier. CHINA IS UNIFIED
3. Protecting the Northern Border-sent thousands of peasants and farmers
build the wall in poor weather conditions and little food/rest. Many died. Kept
out invaders, kept China unified and protected.
4. Ending Opposition-killed Confucian scholars (harshly), let no one else share
their opinion or views, sent his son to work on the Great Wall, buried people
alive (vicious dictator). He kept China unified and stable by ending all
rebellions and protests.
5. Burial Ritual-terracotta warriors reveal what life was like in Ancient China,
new wonder of the world. Killed workers who worked on tomb, rebellions
started immediately after his death, wasted $ and workers on his tomb instead
of building roads, schools, etc for his people. SELFISH.