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Cells and Heredity
Chapter 2, Section 1 (pg 44-48)
Name one thing cells
need to carry out
All cells need energy to carry out their functions.
Define photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the process by which a cell captures E in
sunlight and uses it to make food.
Identify how nearly all
living things obtain E.
Nearly all living things obtain E either directly or indirectly from
the E of sunlight captured during photosynthesis.
Compare and contrast
autotroph and
An organism that makes its own food is an autotroph and an
organism that cannot make its own food is a heterotroph.
Explain what happens
during photosynthesis.
During photosynthesis, plants use E from the sun to convert CO2
and H2O into O2 and sugars.
Describe what happens in
the 1st stage of
The 1st stage of photosynthesis involves capturing the E in
Define pigments.
Pigments are colored chemical compounds that absorb light –
where the green color in plants comes from.
Define chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is the main pigment in chloroplasts.
Explain what chlorophyll
Chlorophyll captures light E and uses it to power the 2nd stage of
Describe what happens in
the 2nd stage of
In the 2nd stage of photosynthesis, the cell uses the captured
light E to produce sugars and O2 from H2O and CO2.
(from the soil)
(from the air)
Explain how the CO2
enters the plant.
The CO2 enters the plant through the small openings (stomata)
on the underside of leaves.
Recite the photosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H2O
light E
C6H12O6 + 6O2
(a sugar)
Photosynthesis is the process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight and uses it to make
food. This process occurs in 2 stages. In the first stage, chloroplasts in plant cells capture
energy from sunlight. In the second stage, the captured light energy is used to produce
sugars and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide. Sugars produced are used by the plant
cells for energy.