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The Solar System
By Charlotte Y5
What is the solar system?
• The Solar system is made up of planets, moons,
comets, asteroids, dust and gas which all orbit
the Sun.
• The Sun has a large gravitational force because its
big, and it pulls the planets towards it. The
planets resist the pull. The force is so tight, the
planets can only orbit the Sun.
The Sun
• The sun is one of the 100 billion stars in our galaxy.
• The sun is about 4.5 billion years old, and there’s probably another 5 billion years until it runs
out of hydrogen.
• The sun has 8 planets moving round it and Pluto.
• The suns core is 15 million degrees Celsius and the surface is 5,500 degrees Celsius. { that’s
• The sun is the largest object in the solar system and makes up 99 % of the mass {wow, that’s
• Its diameter is 1,390,000 km{ over 1 million earths could fit in it.}
• Its made up of mostly of hydrogen and some helium.
• The sun is in the middle of the solar system and its gravity holds planets in place.
• Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach earth.
The moon
The moon is 4.5 billion
years old.
The 1st person to step foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong.
The moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days.
Our moon is the 5th biggest moon in the solar system
• Mercury has no moon.
• Mercury's distance from the sun is 57,910,000 km.[even Jessica
Ennis Couldn't run that far!]
• Mercury got its name after a roman god [surprisingly called
• Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.
• Its the closest planet to the sun but not the hottest.
• Venus the brightest planet in the solar system and can
be seen in daylight if you know where to look.
• Its known as the morning star.
• Its slightly smaller than earth.
• Venus is the 2nd planet away from the sun{67 million miles.}
• Venus hasn't got a moon.
• Its the only planet that turns clockwise, the rest turn
• Earth is the 3rd planet away from the sun[93 million miles.]
• 70% of earths surface is covered in water.
• Earths day is actually 23 hours,56 minutes, and 4 seconds.
• Earth is our home planet.
• Earth is between 4.5 billion and 5 billion years old{that is old !!!!!}
• Mars is nicknamed the red planet because it is covered in
red dust.
• Its the second smallest planet in the solar system.
• Mars is the 4th planet away from the sun {142 million
• People believe that water was once on Mars.
• Mars has 2 moons.
• Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system,
More than 1300 earths could fit inside it.
• It has winds that go up to 400mph.
• Jupiter is the 5th planet away from the sun{466 million miles}
• It has 67 moons.
• Jupiter's clouds are no more then 50 km in thickness.
•Jupiter is one of the solar systems 4 gas giant planets; it has no
rocky surface {the others are Saturn, Uranus and Neptune}.
• Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system.
• Earth could fit into Saturn 755 times.
• Saturn is the 6th planet away form t he sun[888 million miles]
• Its rings are made up of ice, dust and rock.
• Like Jupiter, Saturn has many moons that surround it.
Uranus was first discovered by William Herschel on 13 of March 1781.
Its the 7th planet away from the sun.
It was discovered using a telescope
It has 11 rings.
It is 4 times larger than Earth.
8th planet from the sun.
Discovered by Johan Galle on September 23rd
Surface temperature is -201 C.
Its a large gas giant.
It has short day {16 hours} and a longer year {59,800 days.
Pluto is not a proper planet, it is classed as dwarf planet.
It takes 248 Earth years to go round the sun.
It was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on 18 February 1930.
It has 66% of the diameter of the Earths moon.
No space craft has visited Pluto but in July 2015 , one may fly by.