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The Renaissance is a fascinating period to study where there was a
renewal of society’s interest in learning, art, literature, and technology.
The area of art is particularly intriguing because in
Renaissance Italy, artists grew to the status of celebrities for the first
time in history. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and
Raphael made lasting contributions to society through their paintings,
sketches, and sculptures. The purpose of this lesson is to create an
understanding of the differences between Medieval and Renaissance art
in both technique and content as well as foster an appreciation of the
classic pieces created by da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.
Key Concepts/Definitions:
Renaissance: era of renewed interest and remarkable developments in
art, literature, science, and learning. French for “rebirth.”
Patron: buyers of art—could be wealthy individuals, city governments,
or the church
Madonna: Mary, mother of Jesus
Background Paragraph
Prior to the Renaissance unit, you studied the Middle Ages where
society focused on church and religion as a result of the Black Plague.
At the introduction of the Renaissance, you learned that as society was
emerging from the Middle Ages, there was a “re-birth” in the areas of
finance, art, science, and politics. You also learned the causes of the
Renaissance included: increased trade with Asia and other regions as a
result of the crusades; growth of large, wealthy city-states in Italy;
renewed interest in the classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome;
rise of rich and powerful merchants, who became patrons of the arts;
increased desire for scientific and technical knowledge; and a desire to
beautify cities. You will see in this lesson the sharp contrast between
medieval art and Renaissance art and the lasting impression it has left
on Western society.
Renaissance Art
New Techniques:
Fresco-Painting done on fresh, wet plaster with water based-paints,
three dimensional
Perspective-Organization of outdoor space and light through geometry.
Human Anatomy and movement-Realistic portrayal of the individual
person, especially human nude.
Sfumato-comes from the Italian word “fumo” for smoke; refers to the
blending of colors or tones so subtly that there is no perceptible
Leonardo da Vinci
“Renaissance Man”: painter, writer, inventor, architect, engineer,
mathematician, musician, and philosopher
Original “Last Supper” deteriorated quickly because of use of tempera
instead of fresco
Use of sfumato on the “Mona Lisa”: no hard lines or contours, only
seamless transitions between light and dark
Accomplished sculptor
Pieta: sculpture of Mary holding Jesus after his death
13 Foot marble statue of David
Accomplished Painter
Sistine Chapel in Rome
Story of Genesis and other Old Testament stories
Showed personalized characterizations of Biblical Characters
Fresco Painting: wet plaster
Painted in 3 stages
Nearly 4 years to complete
Noted painter and architect
Most famous work: School of Athens
Fresco, painting done on fresh wet plaster
Plato and Aristotle surrounded by past and then present philosophers
admired by the humansists
Well known for paintings of the Madonna
Mimicked Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa with Maddalena Doni
Medieval Art
Idealized and symbolic
Representation of religious
Focus on the Church and
Art created by anonymous
artists who worked for the
Images of art were depicted
as unrealistic and unnatural
For the purpose of glorifying
Renaissance Art
Reflected humanist spirit
Depicted things in observed
in nature.
Focus on individuals, worldly
matters, as well as Christianity
Artists worked for whoever
offered highest price.
Painted the natural world in
the most realistic way possible
using perspective.
Included Greek and Roman
myths along with religious
Focus on those looking at the art