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1. (1.1) The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonists because it
1. placed quotas on immigration
2. discouraged the export of raw materials to England
3. placed restrictions on trading
4. encouraged colonial manufacturing
2. (1.1 & 4.1)Before the Civil War, slavery expanded in the South rather than in the North because
1. the Constitution contained a clause that outlawed the importation of slaves into the Northern
2. Congress passed a law forbidding slavery in the North
3. Northern states passed affirmative action legislation
4. geographic conditions in the South encouraged the development of large plantations
3. (1.1) Because of fertile land and a long growing season, plantations in the thirteen colonies
developed in
1. New England
2. the Middle Atlantic region
3. the South
4. the upper Mississippi River valley
4. (1.1) What would be the best title for this map?
1. British Domination of the Americas
2. Colonial Trade Routes
3. Spanish Colonies in the New World
4. The United States in 1750
5. (2.1) The Virginia House of Burgesses was important to the development of
democracy in the thirteen colonies because it
(1) provided an example of a representative form of government
(2) created the first written constitution in America
(3) provided for direct election of senators
(4) began the practice of legislative override of executive vetoes
6. (2.1)Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. ____________________________________
A. Committees of Correspondence
B. Nonimportation Agreements
C. Boston Tea Party
D. First Continental Congress
Protests Against Slavery in the American Colonies
British Parliamentary Actions to Punish Colonial Americans
Colonial Responses to British Mercantile Policies
Colonial Attempts to End the British Policy of Salutary Neglect
7. (2.2) Which group had the most influence on the ideas stated in the Declaration
of Independence and United States Constitution?
(1) political leaders of Spain and Portugal
(2) religious leaders of the medieval period
(3) writers of the Renaissance
(4) philosophers of the Enlightenment
8. (2.2) Which statement is most accurate about the movement for independence in the thirteen
1. The independence movement began soon after the founding of the Plymouth Colony.
2. Protests against British colonial policies gradually led to demands for independence.
3. The King of England required the colonists to become economically self-sufficient.
4. The movement for independence was equally strong in all of the colonies.
9. (2.3) The system shown in the diagram was developed under the Articles of Confederation in
order to
divide lands seized from the Loyalists
provide an orderly system of development for the Northwest Territory
remove Native American Indians to areas west of the Appalachian Mountains
extend slavery as the nation grew
10. (2.3) In the 1780’s, many Americans distrusted a strong central government. This distrust is best
shown by the
1. lack of debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution
2. plan of government set up by the Articles of Confederation
3. development of a Federal court system
4. constitutional provision for a strong President
11.(2.3 & 2.5) One way in which the United States Constitution differed from the Articles of
Confederation was that the Constitution
1. created a national government having three branches
2. provided for the direct election of the President by the voters
3. made the amendment process more difficult
4. increased the powers of the states
12. (2.4)“New Congress to Have Two Houses”
“Slaves to Count as Three-Fifths of a Person”
“President to be Chosen by Electoral Vote”
Which conclusion about the Constitutional Convention is best supported by these
(1) The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues.
(2) States that were small in area would lose power in the new Constitution.
(3) States with large populations controlled the outcome of the convention.
(4) The president and Congress would have equal power under the new
13. (2.4) A significant compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention of
1787 was the agreement to
(1) exclude slaves from census counts
(2) forbid tariffs on imports
(3) establish a bicameral legislature
(4) limit the number of terms a president could serve
14.(2.4) At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from the small states most strongly
supported the idea of
1. establishing a strong national executive
2. levying taxes on exports
3. popular election of Senators
4. equal representation for the states in the national legislature
15. (2.5) The United States Constitution corrected a weakness of the Articles of
Confederation by
(1) creating three branches of government
(2) giving greater power to state governments
(3) providing a clear definition of states’ rights
(4) granting the right to vote to all white males
16. (2.5) Which newspaper headline shows the operation of the system of checks
and balances?
(1) “Senate Rejects President’s Choice of Supreme Court Justice”
(2) “Florida To Gain Two Seats in the United States House of
(3) “Charleston County Receives $4 Million from Congress for
Transportation Development”
(4) “South Carolina Rejects Federal Regulations on Drug Testing”
17. (2.6) One reason the United States Constitution is considered a flexible
document is that it
(1) can be rewritten every ten years
(2) allows for the creation of a multiparty political system
(3) gives the states the power to change federal laws
(4) includes the elastic clause
18. (2.6) One similarity in the foreign policies of Presidents George Washington,
Jefferson, and James Monroe was that they
(1) favored France over England
(2) promoted colonial expansion
(3) came to the defense of Latin American nations
(4) sought to avoid involvement in European political struggles
19. (2.6) “The Congress shall have Power . . . To make all Laws which shall be
necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all
other Powers vested [granted] by this Constitution in the Government of the United
States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. . . .”
This section of the United States Constitution was frequently used during the 20th
century to
(1) expand federal control of interstate commerce
(2) reduce the number of federal courts
(3) overturn decisions of the electoral college
(4) impeach the president
20. (2.7) In the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803), the Supreme Court increased
its power by
(1) establishing the practice of judicial review
(2) upholding the presidential appointment power
(3) expanding the meaning of individual liberties
(4) declaring the principle of states’ rights unconstitutional
21. (2.7) During John Marshall’s years as Chief Justice (1801–1835), the Supreme
Court increased its powers by
(1) limiting the spread of slavery in the West
(2) expanding the federal supremacy clause of the Constitution
(3) joining the president in disputes with Congress
(4) staying out of disputes between the two political parties
22. (3.1) The aim of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to
(1) restore previously taken land to Native American Indian tribes
(2) maintain traditional Native American Indian cultures
(3) assimilate Native American Indians into American culture
(4) end all governmental contact with Native American Indians
23. (3.1) Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana
Territory from France in 1803?
1. warm-water ports on the Atlantic coast
2. rich fishing areas in the Great Lakes
3. full control of the Mississippi River
4. vast coal reserves in the region west of Pennsylvania
24. (3.2) Which event was most influenced by the principle of Manifest Destiny?
(1) founding of Jamestown
(2) defeat of Britain in the Revolutionary War
(3) purchase of Florida
(4) acquisition of the Mexican Cession
25. (3.2) In which war was Manifest Destiny used to justify United States
government actions?
(1) Revolutionary War
(2) Mexican War
(3) Civil War
(4) Vietnam War
26.(3.2) Which United States foreign policy action resulted from the close geographic relationship
between the United States and Latin America?
1. Monroe Doctrine
2. Truman Doctrine
3. Marshall Plan
4. Open Door policy
27. (3.3)Which statement best describes the economic differences between the North and South just prior
to the Civil War?
(1) The Northern economy was primarily agricultural, while the Southern economy was
based on manufacturing.
(2) Jobs on plantations attracted more European immigrants to the South than to the North.
(3) Transportation systems were more developed in the North than in the South.
(4) The Southern economy was more diversified than the Northern economy.
28. (3.3)During the early 1800s, the United States placed few restrictions on
immigration because
(1) the Constitution did not allow restrictions
(2) labor unions welcomed the new workers
(3) southern landowners needed additional workers
(4) the industrial economy was creating new jobs
29. (3.3) Which geographic factor had the greatest influence on early patterns of
industrialization in the United States?
(1) scarcity of flat land on which to build factories
(2) shortages of timber and coal
(3) desire of workers to live in mild climates
(4) availability of waterpower to operate machines
30. (3.3)Before the Civil War, slavery expanded in the South rather than in the
North because
(1) the Constitution contained a clause that outlawed the importation of slaves into
Northern states
(2) Congress passed a law forbidding slavery in the North
(3) Northern states passed affirmative action legislation
(4) geographic conditions in the South encouraged the development of large
Base your answer to question 31 on the poster below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
Ranaway from the subscriber on the
27th of July, my Black Woman, named
Seventeen years of age, well grown, black
color, has a whining voice. She took with
her one dark calico and one blue and white
dress, a red corded gingham bonnet; a
white striped shawl and slippers. I will pay
the above reward if taken near the Ohio
river on the Kentucky side, or THREE
HUNDRED DOLLARS, if taken in the State
of Ohio, and delivered to me near
Lewisburg, Mason County, Ky.
August 4, 1853.
Source:OhioHistorical CenterArchives(adapted)
31. (4.1)Prior to the Civil War, abolitionists reacted to the situation described in the
poster by
(1) supporting the Underground Railroad
(2) opposing the Emancipation Proclamation
(3) banning freed slaves from Northern states
(4) proposing a stricter fugitive slave law
32. (4.1) The Declaration of Sentiments from the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848
proclaimed that
(1) the abolition of slavery was necessary
(2) all men and women are created equal
(3) California should be admitted as a free state
(4) the sale of alcoholic beverages should be illegal
33. (4.2) One way that “Bleeding Kansas,” the Dred Scott decision, and John
Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry had a similar effect on the United States was that
these events
(1) ended conflict over slavery in the territories
(2) eased tensions between the North and the South
(3) contributed to the formation of the Whig Party
(4) made sectional compromise more difficult
34. (4.2) William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe are
best known for their efforts to
(1) create free public schools
(2) begin the temperance movement
(3) expand the rights of women
(4) oppose the practice of slavery
35.(4.2) The election results shown on this map most clearly reflect the influence of
nationalist motives
sectional differences
political stability
ethnic conflicts
36. 4.2)“A house divided against itself cannot stand. . . . I do not expect the Union
to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be
divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. . . .”
— Abraham Lincoln, 1858
The “divided house” referred to in this speech was caused primarily by
(1) expansionism
(2) war with Mexico
(3) slavery
(4) the suffrage movement
37.(4.2) Sectional differences developed in the United States largely because
1. the Federal Government adopted a policy of neutrality
2. economic conditions and interests in each region varied
3. only northerners were represented at the Constitutional Convention
4. early Presidents favored urban areas over rural areas
38. (4.2) "By the 1850’s, the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had
become a source of sectional discord."
This quotation suggests that
1. vast differences of opinion existed over the issue of States rights
2. the Federal Government had become more interested in foreign affairs than in domestic
3. the Constitution had no provisions for governing new territories
4. the Southern States continued to import slaves
39. (4.3) A major result of the Civil War was that the
1. economic system of the South came to dominate the United States economy
2. Federal Government’s power over the States was strengthened
3. members of Congress from Southern States gained control of the legislative branch
4. nation’s industrial development came to a standstill
40. (4.3) The North’s rapid economic growth during the Civil War was stimulated by
1. the elimination of taxes on defense industries
2. a reduction in the number of immigrants
3. increased government demand for many products
4. enslaved persons filling industrial jobs
41. (4.3) Which statement is best supported by the data in the table?
1. The Confederate troops lost the Civil War as a result of their higher numbers of injuries and
2. The Union army had better generals during the Civil War.
3. The Civil War had more casualties than any other war.
4. More soldiers died from disease than from wounds
42. (4.4) A major reason the Radical Republicans opposed President Abraham Lincoln’s
Reconstruction plan was that his plan
1. demanded payments from the South that would have damaged its economy
2. postponed the readmission of Southern States into the Union for many years
3. granted too many rights to formerly enslaved persons
4. offered amnesty to nearly all Confederates who would swear allegiance to the United States
43. (4.4) The provision of the Radical Republicans’ plan for Reconstruction that Southern States
found most objectionable was that a former Confederate State could not be readmitted to the Union
unless that State
1. gave land and money to former slaves
2. granted full citizenship to former Confederate leaders
3. ratified the 14th amendment
4. agreed to modernize its economy
44. (4.4) After the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, African Americans continued to
experience political and economic oppression mainly because
1. the amendments were not intended to solve their problems
2. many African Americans distrusted the Federal Government
3. Southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws
4. poor communications kept people from learning about their legal rights
45. (4.4) "Although important strides were made, Reconstruction failed to provide lasting guarantees
of the civil rights of the freedmen.” Which evidence best supports this statement
1. passage of Jim Crow laws in the latter part of the 19th century
2. ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
3. refusal of Southern States to allow sharecropping
4. passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1866
Base your answer to the question below on the passage below and on your knowledge of social
46. (4.5) "[The registrar] brought a big old book out there, and he gave me the sixteenth section of
the constitution of Mississippi, . . . I could copy it like it was in the book, but after I got through
copying it, he told me to give a reasonable interpretation and tell the meaning of the section I had
copied. Well, I flunked out." Source: A History of the United States since 1861
The main intent of the literacy test described in the passage was to
1. encourage reform of the political system
2. encourage Mississippi residents to learn about their state’s legal system
3. prevent African Americans from exercising a basic right
4. enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution
47. (4.5) In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that
(1) states may not secede from the Union
(2) racial segregation was constitutional
(3) slaves are property and may not be taken from their owners
(4) all western territories should be open to slavery
48. (4.5) What effect did the system of sharecropping have on the South after the
Civil War?
kept formerly enslaved persons economically dependent.
brought investment capital to the South.
encouraged Northerners to migrate south.
provided for a fairer distribution of farm profits.
49. (5.1) During the late 1800s, industrialization in the United States led to
(1) the growth of the middle class
(2) an overall decline in labor union membership
(3) the creation of affirmative action programs
(4) a decrease in the use of natural resources
Base your answers to questions 50and 51 on the speakers’ statements below and
on your knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: “When demand ran high, and markets were scarce, he showed little
broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices.”
Speaker B: “The man of wealth must hold his fortune ‘in trust’ for the community
use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes.”
Speaker C: “It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been successful. They
gone into great enterprises that have enriched the nation and the nation has
enriched them.”
Speaker D: “The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal
fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind.”
50. (5.1) Which two speakers would most likely label late 19th-century industrialists
as robber barons?
(1) A and B
(2) A and D
(3) B and C
(4) C and D
51. (5.1) The most valid conclusion that can be drawn from the different
viewpoints of these speakers is that industrialists of the late 19th century
(1) benefited and harmed society
(2) treated their workers fairly
(3) used illegal means to gain wealth
(4) generally opposed the free-enterprise economic system
52. (5.1) During the late 1800s, industrialization in the United States led to
1. the growth of the middle class
2. an overall decline in labor union membership
3. the creation of affirmative action programs
4. a decrease in the use of natural resources
The growth of a
large business
is merely
of the fittest.
The American
beauty rose
can be
produced in the
splendor and
which bring
cheer to its
beholder only
by sacrificing
the early buds
which grow up
around it. This
is not an evil
tendency in
business. It is
merely the
working out of
a law of nature
and a law of
God. . . .” -JohnD.
Rockefeller, Jr.
53. 5.1)Which concept is described by this passage?
1. communism
2. Populism
3. utopian socialism
4. Social Darwinism
54. 5.2) Which term best describes United States economic policy during the era of the rise of big
business (1865-1900)?
1. laissez-faire capitalism
2. mercantilism
3. Marxism
4. welfare-state capitalism
55. (5.2) Why did the United States follow a policy of unrestricted immigration for Europeans
during most of the 1800’s?
Business and industry depended on the foreign capital brought by immigrants.
The American economy needed many unskilled workers.
Most Americans desired a more diversified culture.
The United States wanted to help European nations by taking in their surplus pop-ulation.
56. 5.2) Which situation brought about the rapid growth of industry between 1865 and 1900?
1. high worker morale resulting from good wages and working conditions
2. availability of investment capital
3. establishment of western reservations for Native American Indians
4. decline in the number of people attending schools
57. (5.2) During the late 1800s, what was the main reason labor unions had difficulty achieving
gains for workers?
1. Communists had taken control of the major unions
2. The government supported business efforts to limit the powers of unions
3. Most unions had been organized by big business.
4. Most workers were satisfied with working conditions.
58. 5.2) In the 19th century, protective tariffs, subsidies for railroads, and open immigration showed
that the federal government followed a policy of
1. support for economic development
2. noninterference in the free-market system
3. regulation of unfair business practices
4. support for organized labor
59. (5.3) A goal of the Granger and Populist movements was to
(1) expand rights for African Americans
(2) help western farmers fight unjust economic practices
(3) provide support for the banking industry
(4) enable big business to expand without government
60. (5.3) The success of the Populist Party of the 1890s can best be measured by
which development?
(1) The party replaced one of the two major parties.
(2) The party gained support among business leaders.
(3) Two of the party’s candidates were elected to the presidency.
(4) Several of the party’s proposed reforms were made into laws
61. (5.4) What is the main idea of this cartoon from the 1800s?
Labor is gaining power over big business.
Most Americans support the labor movement.
Business has advantages over labor.
Government should support the expansion of railroads.
62. (5.4) The American Federation of Labor responded to the situation shown in the
cartoon by
(1) organizing skilled workers into unions
(2) encouraging open immigration
(3) forming worker-owned businesses
(4) creating a single union of workers and farmers
63. (5.4) The slogan “Eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for
what we will” was used in the late 1800s to promote a major goal of
(1) farmers (3) industrialists
(2) politicians (4) organized labor
64. (5.5) Which generalization about population growth is supported by information
in this chart?
For every census listed, rural population exceeded urban population.
By 1920, more people lived in cities than in rural areas.
The Civil War significantly slowed the rate of population growth.
Most urban population growth was due to people migrating from rural areas.
Use the following quote to answer the following question
To the Honorable Senate and
House of Representatives in
Congress Assembled, We the
undersigned, citizens of the
United States, but deprived of
some of the privileges and
immunities of citizens among
which, is the right to vote, beg
leave to submit the following
Resolved; that we the officers
and members of the National
Woman Suffrage Association,
in convention assembled,
respectfully ask Congress to
enact appropriate legislation
during its present session to
protect women citizens in the
several states of this Union, in
their right to vote.
— SusanB. Anthony,MatildaJoslynGage,
and ElizabethCadyStanton(1873)
Source:National Archivesand RecordsAdministration
65. (5.5) This resolution illustrates the constitutional right to
petition for redress of grievances
protection against unreasonable search and seizure
a speedy and public trial
freedom of religion
66. (5.5) The migration of African Americans to the North during and following
World War I was mainly a result of the
(1) success of military desegregation
(2) efforts of the civil rights movement
(3) availability of new factory jobs
(4) impact of affirmative action programs
67. (5.5) Which development led to the other three?
1. growth of tenements and slums
2. shift from a rural to an urban lifestyle
3. rapid industrial growth
4. widespread use of child labor
68. (5.5) Jacob Riis, Jane Addams, and Margaret Sanger are most closely associated with efforts to
1. educate and train formerly enslaved persons
2. preserve the natural environment
3. advance the interests of organized labor
4. improve conditions for the poor
69. (5.5) What major trend related to population occurred during the industrialization boom of the
late 1800s?
1. Immigration decreased
2. Suburbanization decreased
3. Urbanization increased
4. Migration to rural areas increased
70. (5.6) In the late 19th century, the major argument used by labor union leaders
against immigrants was that immigrants
(1) took jobs from United States citizens
(2) contributed little to enrich American life
(3) placed financial drains on social services
(4) refused to assimilate into American culture
71. (5.6) During the Progressive Era, Jane Addams responded to urban conditions
by working to establish
(1) settlement houses that provided assistance to the poor
(2) newspapers that helped to inform Americans about slum conditions
(3) laws that restricted certain immigrant groups
(4) free public schools located in inner-city neighborhoods
72. (5.6) Between 1880 and 1900, most immigrants coming to the United States
settled in the cities along the east coast because
(1) many factory jobs were available in the East
(2) little farmland remained to be settled in the Midwest
(3) most immigrants came from the cities of Europe
(4) city laws afforded special rights and protections for immigrants
73. (5.7) During World War I, many American women helped gain support for the
suffrage movement by
(1) protesting against the war
(2) joining the military service
(3) lobbying for child-care facilities
(4) working in wartime industries
Base your answer to question 74 on the table below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
74. (5.7) The common purpose of these legislative acts was to
(1) protect the nation’s natural resources
(2) improve conditions for recent immigrants to the United States
(3) advance the growth of big business
(4) promote the general welfare of the American public
75. (5.7) Muckrakers contributed to the rise of Progressivism in the early years of
the 20th
century by
(1) challenging big government and urging a return to past conditions
(2) exposing widespread corruption in business and government
(3) writing favorable biographies about wealthy Americans
(4) aligning themselves with the women’s suffrage movement
76. (5.7) The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in an
effort to
(1) promote the formation of new trusts
(2) maintain competition in business
(3) increase business investment
(4) limit the activities of foreign corporations
77. (6.1) “But today we are raising more than we can consume. Today we are
making more than we can use. Today our industrial society is congested; there are
more workers than there is work; there is more capital than there is investment.
We do not need more money—we
need more circulation, more employment. Therefore, we must find new markets for
produce, new occupation for our capital, new work for our labor. . . .”
— Senator Albert J. Beveridge, 1898
This statement provides a reason why political leaders of the late 1800s adopted
the policy of
(1) imperialism (3) protectionism
(2) isolationism (4) collective security
78. (6.2) During the 1890s, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used
yellow journalism to generate public support for the
(1) election of Populist Party candidates
(2) presidential candidacy of William McKinley
(3) goals of workers in the Pullman strike
(4) Spanish-American War
79. (6.3) Between the 1890s and the start of World War I, the United States
expanded its access to overseas markets and raw materials through the policy of
(1) containment
(2) imperialism
(3) isolationism
(4) neutrality
80. (6.3 or 9.2)Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. ____________________________________
A. Open Door policy
B. Panamanian Revolt (1903)
C. Roosevelt Corollary
D. Truman Doctrine
American Domestic Programs
Cold War Events
United States Interventionism
Efforts at Isolationism
81. (6.3) The Open Door policy of 1899 was originally adopted so that the United
States could
(1) restrict Chinese immigration
(2) stop Japan from colonizing China
(3) gain equal trading rights in China
(4) encourage the development of democracy in China
82. (6.4) Following World War I, the United States Senate refused to ratify the
Treaty of Versailles primarily because the treaty
(1) failed to include most of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points
(2) did not punish Germany for starting the war
(3) contained provisions that might lead the United States into foreign conflicts
(4) made no provision for reduction of military weapons
83. (7.1) A significant contribution to the industrialization of the United States was
Henry Ford’s development of
(1) the assembly line
(2) electric-powered vehicles
(3) the first holding company
(4) a new process for making steel
Base your answer to question 84 on the poem below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
One Way Ticket
I am fed up
With Jim Crow laws,
People who are cruel
And afraid,
Who lynch and run,
Who are scared of me
And me of them.
I pick up my life
And take it away
On a one-way ticket
Gone Up North
Gone Out West
— Langston Hughes, 1926
84. (7.2) The author states that he has “Gone” because
(1) jobs were available in northern industries
(2) there was no racial prejudice in the West
(3) farmland was more available in the North
(4) racial discrimination drove him away
85. (7.3) Which long-awaited goal of the women’s rights movement was achieved
during the Progressive Era?
(1) right to vote
(2) right to own property
(3) equal pay for equal work
(4) equal access to employment and education
86. (7.3) Which event represents an expression of nativism during the 1920s?
(1) trial of John Scopes for teaching evolution
(2) adoption of a quota system to limit immigration
(3) Charles Lindbergh’s solo transatlantic flight
(4) rise in popularity of spectator sports
87. (7.3) Which generalization can best be drawn from the experiment with national
Prohibition (1919–1933)?
(1) Social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce.
(2) Americans resent higher taxes.
(3) Morality can be legislated successfully.
(4) People will sacrifice willingly for the common good.
88 (7.3) During the 1920s, controversies concerning the Scopes trial, national
Prohibition, and the behavior of “flappers” were all signs of disagreement over
(1) the return to normalcy
(2) traditional values and changing lifestyles
(3) causes of the Great Depression
(4) the benefits of new technology
89. (7.3) A major goal of the immigration acts of the 1920s was to
(1) allow unlimited immigration from Southeast Asia
(2) assure equal numbers of immigrants from all nations
(3) favor wealthy and well-educated immigrants
(4) use quotas to limit immigration from southern and eastern Europe
90. (7.4) Which statement most accurately describes conditions of American
farmers during the economic boom of the mid-1920s?
(1) Shortages of fertile land and farm equipment lowered farm income.
(2) Overproduction helped keep farmers from participating in the prosperity of the
(3) Subsidies and other government programs dramatically increased farmers’
(4) Higher prices for farm products resulted in a higher standard of living for
91. (7.4) Which conditions are most characteristic of an economic depression?
(1) high unemployment and overproduction
(2) large business investments and low taxes
(3) too much money in circulation and high stock prices
(4) high employment and increased real estate investments
92. (7.4) Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression?
rising cost of mass-produced goods
increasing income tax rates
falling tariff rates
widening income gap between the rich and the poor
93. (7.5) The New Deal tried to solve many problems of the Great Depression by
(1) providing federal aid to many sectors of the economy
(2) reducing taxes on big business to stimulate job creation
(3) lowering federal spending to maintain a balanced budget
(4) decreasing foreign competition by raising tariffs
94. (7.5) President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to pack the United States Supreme
Court, but Congress did not support him. This situation is an example of
(1) Congress undermining the separation of powers
(2) the president using the unwritten constitution
(3) the use of the system of checks and balances
(4) how federalism was preserved by one branch of government
95. (7.5) The strongest opposition to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal
programs came from
(1) western farmers (3) factory workers
(2) business leaders (4) recent immigrants
96. (7.5) The Supreme Court declared some New Deal laws unconstitutional
because these laws
(1) overextended the power of the federal government
(2) forced the federal government into heavy debt
(3) ignored the rights of minority groups and women
(4) failed to solve the problems for which they were intended
97. (8.1) In the 1930s, Congress attempted to avoid the situations that led to
United States involvement in World War I by
(1) enacting a peacetime draft law
(2) passing a series of neutrality acts
(3) authorizing the deportation of American Communist Party members
(4) relocating Japanese Americans to internment camps
98. (8.1) • Cash and Carry (1937)
• Destroyers for Naval Bases Deal (1940)
• Lend-Lease Act (1941)
Which change in United States foreign policy is demonstrated by the passage of
these acts prior to World War II?
(1) a shift from neutrality toward more direct involvement
(2) an effort to become more neutral
(3) a movement from isolationism to containment of communism
(4) a desire to provide aid to both Allied and Axis Powers
Base your answers to questions 99 and 100 on the speakers’ statements below and
on your knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: “The use of the bomb shortened the war and saved American lives.”
Speaker B: “The United States might have been able to force the Japanese to
simply by demonstrating the power of the bomb on a deserted island.”
Speaker C: “The use of the bomb was justified because of the Japanese attack on
Speaker D: “In Hiroshima, the bomb instantly incinerated more than 60,000 people.
were civilians.”
99. (8.2) Which speakers hold the view that using the
bomb was an appropriate military action?
(1) A and B (3) B and C
(2) A and C (4) B and D
100. (8.2) These statements most likely were made during the
(1) Versailles Peace Conference (1919)
(2) 1920s
(3) Great Depression
(4) post–World War II period
101. (8.3) During World War II, the federal government used rationing to
(1) hold down prices of military weapons
(2) increase educational benefits for veterans
(3) increase imports of scarce products
(4) provide more resources for the military
102. (8.3) During World War II, many women experienced a change in role in that
(1) served in military combat positions
(2) worked in jobs formerly held by men
(3) controlled most corporations
(4) chaired several congressional committees
103. (9.1) What was the main purpose of the GI Bill passed by Congress shortly
before the end of World War II?
(1) to offer low-interest loans to the defense industry
(2) to provide economic aid to veterans
(3) to contain the spread of international communism
(4) to expand career opportunities in the military
104. (9.1) The rapid growth in personal income in the decade after World War II
contributed to
(1) a decrease in the birthrate
(2) a major economic depression
(3) expansion of the middle class
(4) shortages in the supply of luxury goods
105. (9.2) What does this photograph indicate about the United States in the 1950s?
Extraordinary steps were taken to hide atomic weapons.
The nation had become the only nuclear superpower.
Much fear was created by the Cold War.
Only government officials would be safe in a nuclear attack.
106. (9.2) During the Cold War era, the United States and the Soviet Union were
hesitant to become involved in direct military conflict mainly because of
(1) the threat of China to both nations
(2) pressure from nonaligned nations
(3) the potential for global nuclear destruction
(4) mutual dependence on Middle East petroleum
107. (9.2) Which event of the 1950s most likely led to the publication of this cartoon?
Russia put cosmonauts on the Moon.
The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.
The United States was defeated in the Vietnam War.
American students scored low on tests in math and science
108. (9.2) What was one outcome of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962?
(1) Cuba became a communist nation.
(2) The United States seized military control of Cuba.
(3) The Soviet Union withdrew its nuclear missiles from Cuba.
(4) Fidel Castro met with President John F. Kennedy.
109. (9.3) What was a major result of the Watergate controversy?
(1) Presidential veto power was expanded.
(2) The president resigned from office.
(3) Congressional power was reduced.
(4) The Supreme Court was weakened
110. 9.3) In the 1950s, the domino theory was used by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower to justify
(1) sending federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas
(2) United States involvement in Vietnam
(3) joining the United Nations
(4) opposing Britain and France in the Suez Canal crisis
111. (9.4) President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs were similar to
Progressive Era programs in that both
(1) strictly enforced antitrust laws
(2) focused on expanding civil rights for African Americans
(3) used federal government power to improve social conditions
(4) made urban renewal their primary concern
112. (9.4) The policy of détente was used by President Richard Nixon in an effort to
(1) decrease tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States
(2) improve relations with Latin America
(3) promote democratic government in China
(4) create stronger ties with Western Europe
113. (9.4) “. . . Our decision about energy will test the character of the American
people and the ability of the President and the Congress to govern. This difficult
effort will be the ‘moral equivalent of war’— except that we will be uniting our
efforts to build and not destroy. . . .”
— PresidentJimmyCarter
Addressto the Nation, April 18, 1977
President Carter put these ideas into practice by
(1) halting construction of nuclear power plants
(2) increasing imports of foreign oil
(3) urging the development of alternative fuel sources
(4) imposing a price freeze on all petroleum products
114. (9.4) “I think it will be a safer world and a better world if we have a strong,
healthy United States,
Europe, Soviet Union, China, Japan, each balancing the other, not playing one
against the other, an even balance.”
— Richard Nixon, 1972
President Nixon put this idea into practice by
(1) expanding economic relations with communist nations
(2) abandoning his policy of détente
(3) declaring an end to the Korean War
(4) ending collective security agreements
115. (9.5) The main goal of affirmative action programs is to
(1) enforce racial segregation laws
(2) secure equal voting rights for African Americans
(3) provide affordable child care
(4) promote economic gains for minorities and Women
116. (10.1) “Clinton Offers Economic Aid to Russia”
“U.S. Sends Peacekeeping Troops to Bosnia”
“U.S. Airlifts Food and Medicine to Somalia”
These headlines illustrate that United States foreign policy during the 1990s
(1) containment
(2) collective security
(3) global involvement
(4) neutrality
117. (10.2) President Bill Clinton supported the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) primarily as a way to
(1) normalize trade relations with Cuba
(2) stimulate economic growth in the United States
(3) restrict the flow of drugs into the United States
(4) increase the United States trade deficit
118. (10.2) The Federal Reserve System has an impact on economic conditions in
the United States by
(1) regulating the amount of money in circulation
(2) providing direct loans to farmers and small businesses
(3) enforcing strict antitrust laws
(4) controlling imports from other nations
119. (10.2) The changes shown in the graph support the recent concerns of Americans about the
future of Social Security and Medicare
return to an agrarian society
surplus of health care workers
shortage of schools and colleges
Base your answers to questions 120 and 121 on the graph below and on your
knowledge of social studies.
120. (10.2) Which statement is most clearly supported by the information in the
(1) More children were under age 6 in 1990 than in 1950.
(2) Since 1990, women have made up more than half of the workforce.
(3) The gap between male and female incomes has declined.
(4) Fewer women are staying home to raise their young children.
121. (10.2) A candidate for public office would likely conclude from a study of this
graph that the public would favor increased government support for
(1) additional foreign aid
(2) health care facilities
(3) child day-care centers
(4) colleges and universities
Base your answer to question 122 on the cartoon
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
122. (10.2) The cartoonist is critical of computers mainly because
(1) important personal records are frequently lost
(2) personal information may no longer be private
(3) computers are becoming more difficult to use
(4) computer technology becomes obsolete too Quickly