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Name________________________ Date____________ Period_____
Mitosis and Meiosis Review
1. How many single chromosomes do humans have in their body cells? ______
2. How many chromosome pairs do humans have in their body cells? ______
3. How many single chromosomes do humans have in their sex cells? ______
4. How many chromosome pairs do humans have in their sex cells? ______
5. How many single chromosomes do humans have in a fertilized egg? ______
6. How many chromosome pairs do humans have in a fertilized egg? ______
7. How many chromosomes are found in a cell in your nose?
8. How many chromosomes are found in a cell in your toe?
9. If a male dog has 20 chromosomes in his sperm cell, how many
does he have in a body cell?
10. Describe the purpose of mitosis. ______________________________
11. How many times does the cell divide during mitosis? ________________
12. What kind of cells are produced at the end of mitosis? ______________
13. What are sister chromatids? _________________________________
14. Is cytokinesis part of mitosis? Explain.__________________________
15. Briefly describe what happens during interphase. __________________
16. Describe the purpose of meiosis _______________________________
17. How many times does the cell divide during Meiosis? ________________
18. What kind of cells are produced at the end of meiosis? ______________
19. What do you think would happen if the nuclear membrane did not dissolve
and go away during mitosis?_____________________________________
20. The cell cycle starts with ______________ (where the chromosomes
are duplicated), followed by _____________ (where the cell divides), and
ends with __________________ (where the cytoplasm splits in two forming
two separate new cells).
Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow:
21. Which stage of the cell cycle is this above cell in?
22. Which stage of mitosis is the above cell in?
23. How many chromatids are present in the picture?
24. How many chromosomes will be present in each of the new cells after the
cell divides?
What is the relationship between the following terms?
25. chromatin and chromatid
26. centromere and spindle fiber
27. mitosis and meiosis
Cell Division
4. holds two sister chromatids together
5. cells that contain half the number of chromosomes in the nucleus.
7. process that results in 4 daughters cells each with half the number of chromosomes as parent cell.
9. division of the cytoplasm to form two cells.
10. stage where chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
11. stage of mitosis that occurs at the same time the cytoplasm starts to divide
1. where a cell spends most of its time preparing for cell division
2. stage of mitosis where chromatids separate and go to opposite sides of the cell.
3. stage where the nuclear membrane disappears.
6. cells that contain a complete set of chromosomes in the nucleus
7. asexual cell division
8. male sex cells
12. female sex cells