Download Genetics Review 1. Vocabulary you need to know: a. Gene b. Allele

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Genetics Review
Vocabulary you need to know:
k. Zygote
a. Gene
l. Dominant
b. Allele
m. Recessive
c. Genotype
n. Incomplete Dominance
d. Phenotype
o. Codominance
e. Homozygous
p. Multiple Alleles
f. Heterozygous
q. Sex linked traits
g. Heredity
r. Karyotype
h. Sperm
s. Pedigree
i. Egg
t. DNA Fingerprinting
j. Gamete
2. Be able to identify the difference between mitosis and meiosis.
3. Be able to show all possible gametes in a given punnett square
Show work for each:
Monohybrid crosses:
4. What is the probability that a parent heterozygous for cleft chin and a parent homozygous for cleft chin will
have a child with no cleft chin?
5. A child is born with attached earlobes, but both parents have hanging earlobes.
a. What are the genotypes and phenotypes for the parents?
b. What is the genotype and phenotype for the child?
6. Dragon eye color has two dominant traits, blue and red, but the heterozygous eye color is purple.
What type of inheritance does dragon eye color show?
Cross two dragons both heterozygous for eye color.
What color are the parent’s eyes?
What is the genotype and phenotype ration of the offspring?
7. Dragons have alleles for long horns, short horns, or no horns. No horns is a recessive trait.
What type of inheritance is this?
What are all of the possible genotypes and phenotypes for the horn trait?
8. Colorblindness is a recessive, sex-linked trait in dragons. What is the probability that a female with normal vision
and male with colorblindness with have a daughter with colorblindness?
In fruit flies, eye color is a sex linked trait. Red is dominant to white.
9. What are the sexes and eye colors of flies with the following genotypes?
X R X r _________ X R Y __________ X r X r __________ X R X R ____________ X r Y ____________
10. Show a cross between a pure red eyed female and a white eyed male. What percentage of their sons will have
white eyes?
11. Show the cross of a red eyed female (heterozygous) and a red eyed male. What percentage of their offspring will
have red eyes?
In humans, hemophilia is a sex linked trait. Females can be normal, carriers, or have the disease. Males will either have
the disease or not (but they won’t ever be carriers)
12. A woman who is a carrier marries a normal man. Show the cross. What is the probability that their children will
have hemophilia? What sex will a child in the family with hemophilia be?
13. There are 3 alleles for blood types A, B and O. A man with type O blood (ii) and a woman with type AB blood
(IAIB) get married. What is the probability that they will have a child with type O blood?
Dihybrid cross:
14. In pea plants green is dominant and round is dominant. Cross a Heterozygous green pea plant that is also
homozygous for round peas with a homozygous yellow pea plant that is also heterozygous for wrinkled peas.
(dihybird) What are the genotypes of the parents?
What is the phenotype ratio of the offspring?
15. List all of the things you can determine with a karyotype.
16. What information can you get from a pedigree?