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Respiratory System
• Supply oxygen to the body
• Breathing the movement of chest that
brings air into lungs and removes waste gases
• Cellular respiration oxygen is used by the
cells to release energy from glucose
– Waste products of carbon dioxide and water
• Pharynx tube-like passage used by food, liquid, and
air. Lower end has tissue flap called epiglottis to
prevent food from entering airway
• Larynx contains vocal cords used to speak
• Trachea tube held open by rings of cartilage, lined
with cilia and mucous
• Bronchi the two short branches the trachea splits
• Bronchioles smallest tubes
• Alveoli clusters at end of bronchioles that are
surrounded by capillaries. This is where oxygen enters
blood and waste products exit blood
• Signals from brain tell muscles in chest and
abdomen to contract and relax
• If carbon dioxide levels in blood increase,
breathing rate increase, and vice versa
• Diaphram muscle that contracts and relaxes
to move gas into and out of the lungs
• Respiratory infections colds, flu, pneumonia
• Chronic bronchitis bronchial tubes become irritated and
swell; too much mucus produced, excess coughing can
damage cilia, form scar tissue, and reduce function
• Emphysema disease of alveoli, which enlarge and fail to
function effectively
– Causes shortness of breath
– Can lead to heart problems
• Lung cancer uncontrolled cell growth in lung tissue
– Smoking greatest contributing factor
– Tar and other ingredients are carcinogens
• Asthma bronchial tubes contract quickly, causing
shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing
• Remove body wastes through skin, digestive,
circulatory, respiratory, and urinary systems
• Urinary system gets rid of cell waste that
accumulates in blood and controls blood volume
• Part of brain called hypothalamus controls
amount of water in blood
– If too much water, hormones tell kidneys to increase
amount of urine and return less water to blood
Organs of Urinary System
• Kidneys pass blood through filtering units
called nephrons
• Urine drains from kidneys to the bladder
through tubes called ureters
• Urethra passes urine out of the body
• Liver produces a chemical called urea which
ends up in urine
• Bladder infections
• Kidney failure
– A person with one kidney can live normally
– If both kidneys fail, the person may need a dialysis
machine to filter blood