* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) Revised Structure & Syllabus of MCA (w.e.f. from Session – July 2012) MCA Master of Computer Applications I Year (I & II Semester Syllabus) 2012-13 DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) Revised Structure of MCA Syllabus 2012 First Year (Semester – I) Code Title CSA C 121 Information Technology 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 122 Data Structure using ‘C++’ 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 123 Operating System 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 124 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 125 Behavioral & Organization Science 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 126 SOFTWARE LABORATORY-1(a) Based on ‘C++’ SOFTWARE LABORATORY-1(b) Based on VB & Access 0 3 3 2 100 0 0 3 1 100 CSA C 127 L T P C Total 15 3 06 18 700 Total Load : 24 First Year (Semester – II) Code Title CSA C 221 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 222 Computer Organization & Assembly Programming Theory of Computation 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 223 Business Communication Skills 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 224 Data Base Management 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 225 OOP’s using ‘Core JAVA’ 3 0 0 3 100 CSA C 226 SOFTWARE LABORATORY-2(a) Based on Assembly Programming SOFTWARE LABORATORY-2(b) Based on ‘JAVA’ 0 3 3 2 100 0 0 3 1 100 18 700 - CSA C 227 L T P C 15 3 06 Total Load : 24 (1) Total - DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 121 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT I: 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Computer Fundamentals: Block structure of a computer, characteristics of computers, problem solving with computers, generations of computers, classification of computers on the basis of capacity, purpose, generation, Introduction to Number System. UNIT II: Computer languages: Machine language, assembly language, higher level language. Software- system software, application software. Operating system: Batch, multi-programming, time sharing, network operating system, on-line and real time operating system, Distributed operating system, multi-processor, Multi-tasking. Assembler: Elements of assembly language programming, a simple assembly scheme, pass structure of assembler, design of two pass assemblers, a single pass assemblers, Macro definition & Call. UNIT III : Compilers & Interpreters: aspects of compilation, memory allocation, interpreters, Linker & Loaders. Software Tools: Software tools for program development, editors, debug monitors, programming environment, user interfaces. UNIT IV : Computer Network and Communication: Network types, network topologies, network communication devices, physical communication media. Internet and its Applications: E-mail, TELNET, FTP, World Wide Web, Internet chatting. Introduction to E-Commerce: Meaning, its advantages & limitations, Types of E-Commerce Applications. REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. Petrick Norton, Fundamentals of Computers. 2. Dhamdhere M. “System Programming & O.S.” (2nd Ed), TMH. 3. Rajaraman, “Fundamentals of Computers” (2nd Edi), PHI, New Delhi, 1996. 4. Jain Satish, “Information Technology", BPB 1999. 5. Ram B., “Computer Fundamentals”, Wiley, 1997. (2) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 122 DATA STRUCTURE USING C++ UNIT I: 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Introduction to C++: Structures, Variables in C++, Functions, Function Overloading, Default Values for Formal Arguments of Function, Inline Functions. Introduction to Classes and Objects, Constructors, Destructors, friend function, dynamic memory allocation, Inheritance, Overloading, Polymorphism, Templates UNIT II: Stacks and Queues: Introduction to Stacks, Array implementation of Stack (Push & Pop operation on Stack), Linked Implementation (Push & Pop operations on Stack), and Applications of Stack. Queues –Array implementation of Queue (Add, Delete operation in Queue) Linked List Implementation (Add, delete operation in queue), Circular Queue (Add operation in circular queue, Delete operation in Queue) UNIT III: Linked List & Trees : Introduction, Traversing a linked list, Searching a linked list, Insertion, Deletion operation in a linked list, Reverse linked list, Circular linked list-creation of circular linked list, traversing circular linked list, insertion in circular linked list, deletion in circular linked list. Double linked list – Various operation in doubly linked list. Trees – Introduction, Binary tree, Representation of Binary tree-Linked representation, traversing in Binary tree, Binary Search Tree (Search and Insertion Operations, Deletion Operations), Traversing in Binary Search trees. UNIT IV: Sorting & Searching : Sorting - Efficiency parameters, efficiency of sorting, Bubble Sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort. Searching: What is searching, Linear search, Binary search, Comparison of Linear and Binary search. REFERENCE: BOOKS: 1. Jesse Liberty & Jim Keogh, “C++: An Introduction to Programming”, PHI. 2. Yadidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein & Aaron M. Tenenbaum “Data Structures using C and C++”, PHI, Second Edi. 3. Kanetkar Yashavant “Data Structures through C++”, BPB Publications. 4. Budd T. A. , “Classic Data Structures in C++”, Addision Wesley, Reading Mass, 1999 . (3) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 123 OPERATING SYSTEM 3 UNIT-I: 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Introduction to Operating System: Operating System: Introduction, Objectives and functions. Evolution of Operating System. Process Description and control: process definition, process states, two state & five state process model, process creation & termination, Scheduling : Types of scheduling, scheduling and performance criteria, scheduling algorithm. UNIT-II: Memory Management: Memory partitioning, paging, segmentation, virtual memory. Concurrency and Synchronization: Interprocess communication and synchronization. Principles of concurrency, Mutual exclusion: Software approaches, hardware support, semaphores. UNIT-III: Deadlock & starvation: Principles of deadlock, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection and recovery, starvation. Input/Output Management: Principles of I/O hardware: I/O devices, I/O modules, I/O communication Techniques. Principles of I/O software: Goals, Interrupt handlers, device drivers. UNIT-IV: File Management: File system, file organization, file directories, file sharing, Record blocking, Error handling. Distributed operating system: Motivation, Types of distributed system, Network structure, Network topology, and Distributed file system: Naming and transparency, Remote file access, Stateful verses stateless service. REFERENCE: BOOKS: 1. William Stallings: “Operating System”, PHI 2. Silberschatz and Galvin: “Operating System Concept”, Addison Wesley 3. Tanenbaum, A.S., “Modern Operating Systems”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. (4) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 124 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 UNIT-I : Sets, Relations and Functions: Sets, Subsets, Power sets, Complement, Union and Intersection, Demorgan’s law Cartesian products, Relations, relational matrices, properties of relations, equivalence relation, functions , Mathematical induction. UNIT-II : Proportions & Lattices: Proposition & prepositional functions, Logical connections Truth-values and Truth Table, the algebra of prepositional functions-the algebra of truth values-Applications (switching circuits, Basic Computer Components). finite graphs, incidence and degree, isomorphism, sub graphs and union of graphs, connectedness, walk, paths, and circuits Eulerian graphs ,tree, properties of trees, pendant vertices in tree, center of tree ,spanning trees and cut vertices, binary tree , UNIT-III : Discrete Numeric function and Recurrence relation: Introduction to discrete numeric functions and generating functions, introduction to recurrence relations and recursive algorithms, linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients, homogeneous solutions, particular solutions and total solutions. UNIT IV : Matrix Algebra : Definition and types of matrices, Matrices associated with given matrices viz transpose, conjugate, matrix symmetric and skew symmetric, hermitian and skew hermitian matrices.Properties of addition and matrix multiplication, Adjoint and inverse of a matrix: Adjoint of a square matrix, inverse of a matrix, algorithm for finding the inverse of a square matrix, solving matrix equations elementary transformations or operations of a matrix. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. J.P.Trembley & R.P.Manohar “Discrete Mathematical Structure with Appl to Computer Science”. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Kenneth H. Rosen-203 “Discrete Math & its Applications” 5th ed. Ross K.A. and Writht C.R.B. “Discrete Mathematics “. Bernard Kolman & Robert C. Busby “Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science”. Mukhopadhyay A. K., ‘Mathematical Methods’, Wheeler Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi. Sharma R. D., ‘Mathematics’, Dhanpatl Rai Pub. (P) Ltd., New Delhi (5) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 125 BEHAVIORAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCE UNIT: I 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Introduction to organizational behavior: The challenges facing management approach to organizational behavior. Management -functions of a management, Management Roles, Management Skills. Foundation of Individual BehaviorAbility, Biographical characteristics and Learning. UNIT: II Organization: Organization structure, Common organizational design, New design options, authority and responsibility, centralization and decentralization, work design and technology – requisite task attribute theory, Job characteristic model, social information process model. Conflict– source and types of conflicts in organization, conflict management. Negotiation– Bargaining policies, Negotiation process. UNIT: III Motivation : primary and secondary motives, Maslow’s theory of motivation, Hertzberg’s two factor theory, Adam’s equality theory, McGregor’s theory X and theory Y. McClelland’s theory, leadership – it’s theories and skills, Contemporary issues in leadership, trust and leaders. Job satisfaction: Measuring job satisfaction, outcome of job satisfaction, with respect to productivity, ternover, absenteeism, etc. UNIT: IV Job Enrichment: Job rotation, MBO techniques, Human resource policies and practices – Training and development programme, Types of training & Training methods. Introduction of Communication Process and it’s benefits, It’s significance in an organization. REFERENCE: BOOKS: 1. Luthans Fred, ‘Organizational Behavior’, 2. Robbins Stephen P., ‘Organizational Behavior’ 10th Edition, Mc Graw Hill. 3. Weihrich Koont, ‘Principal of Management’ Mc Graw Hill. 4. Franklin Terry, ‘Principal of Management’, AITBS, New Delhi. (6) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 126 SOFTWARE LABORATORY – I 0 0 3 1 Max. Marks : 100 (a) based on C++ Array & pointer & function : 1. Write a program to initialize two dimensional arrays and enter element in array. 2. Write a program to fine largest and smallest element in array. 3. Write a program to initialize array using pointer. 4. Write a program to generate the Fibonacci Series with calling a function. 5. Write a program to swap values with calling function with passing argument by address (Reference). 6. Write a program to find factorial of given number using call function recursively. Stack & Queue : 1. Write a program to implement stack and perform following operations I. Initialize stack II. Push Element III. Pop element IV. Check Empty V. Check Full. 2. Write a program to implement queue. Link list : 1. Write a program to implement link list and perform its operation. 2. What are the steps to inserting a new item at the head of a linked list? 3. Perform operation in link list. a. Checking if the list is empty. b. Finding the length of the list. c. Retrieving an element from one end or a specified position in the list. d. Retrieving elements of the list from one end to the other (iteration). e. Removing an element at one end or a specified position in the list. f. Comparing elements. Tree : 1. Draw a full binary tree with at least 6 nodes. 2. Here is a small binary tree: 14 / \ 2 11 /\ /\ 1 3 10 30 / \ 7 40 Write the order of the nodes visited in: A. An in-order traversal B. A pre-order traversal C. A post-order traversal (7) Searching : 1. Write a program to search element in list using sequential sorting method and print its position. 2. Write a program to search element in list using Binary searching method. 3. Write a program to search given elements of list and print its position. Sorting : 1. Write a program to sort an array using quick sort, bubble, selection, insertion method. (8) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – I SEMESTER) CSA C 127 SOFTWARE LABORATORY – I (b) based on VB and ACCESS 0 0 3 1 Max. Marks : 100 Visual Basic Practical’s: 1. Create a window application for simple Calculator. 2. Create a window application to compare b/w two no, compare b/w 3 no. 3. Create a program with a textbox and one button control to check whether a Number is Prime or Not. 4. Create a program with a textbox and one button control to check no is even or odd. 5. Create a program with a textbox and one button control check the year is leap year or Not. 6. Create a windows application to calculate simple interest. 7. Create a windows application to calculate factorial of a number. 8. Create a windows application to calculate for storing and displaying 10 Numbers in an Array. 9. Create a windows application to calculate for sorting 10 numbers stored in an array. 10. Create a windows application to calculate to generate Fibonacci series. 11. Create a windows application to calculate for swapping two numbers. 12. Create a windows application to calculate Sum and Average of 10 Numbers stored in a array. MS ACCESS: 1. (i) Create a new database, save it on the desktop and name it “School Database” (ii) Create a Table in the School Database with the following: Field Name Data Type Field Size or Format ID Number Text 10 Name Text 15 Surname Text 15 Telephone Number Number Long Integer Date of Birth Date/Time Medium Date Stipend Currency Currency Foreigner Yes/No Yes/No (iii) Make the “ID Number” Field as the Primary Key. (iv) Save the table as “Student’s Table” (v) Return to the main Access window. 2. (i) Open the “Students Table” and enter 5 complete records. (ii) Sort the table in ascending order by surname (iii) Move the Date of Birth and Telephone Number fields so that the Date of Birth field is now directly after the Surname field. (iv) Delete the last Record you have entered (v) Change the field size of the Surname to 20 3. (i) Create a Form with all fields on the Student’s Table. (ii) Name the form Students Entries (9) 4. (iii) (iv) (i) 5. (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) Make the ID Number of Each student in the form, Red Insert a Picture in the form in way that all text is visible. Create a report based on the Student’s Table showing the Fields Name, Surname, and Telephone Number. Name the report Telephone List Insert a picture in the report Header. Create a query, showing all fields of those students who have a particular surname of your Choice. Create another query showing all fields of those students born after 1987 Create a query showing only the Student’s Name, Student’s Surname and Student’s Date of birth. (10) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 221 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION & ASSEMBLY PROGRAMMING UNIT-I : 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Register Transfer Language and Micro-operations: concept of bus, data movement among registers, a Language to represent conditional data transfer, data movement from/to memory. Design of simple Arithmetic & Logic Unit & Control Unit, arithmetic and logical operations Along with register transfer, Timing in register transfer. UNIT-II : Architecture of a simple processor: A simple computer organization and instruction set, instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction cycle, interrupt cycle ,concepts of interrupt and simple I/O organization, Synchronous & Asynchronous data transfer, Data Transfer Mode : Program Controlled, Interrupt driven, DMA(Direct Memory Access). UNIT-III : Assembly Language programming: Pin Diagram of 8086, Architecture of 8086, Addressing Mode of 8086,detailed study of 8086/8088 assembly language, instruction set of 8086, loops and Comparisons, conditions and procedures, arithmetic operations in assembly language. Simple Assembly Language program of 8086. UNIT-IV : Memory organization: Secondary Memory, Primary Memory: Random access memory, Read Only memory basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories using chips, Concept of segmentation & Paging, Associative memory, cache memory organization, virtual memory organization. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Morris Mano M., “Computer System Architecture”, PHI, 3rd edition, 1993 2. Govind arajalu “Computer Architecture & Organization”. 3. Liu and Gibson, “8086/8088 Micro processor Assembly Language”. 4. Mano M. “Digital Logic & Computer Design” (11) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 222 THEORY OF COMPUTATION UNIT: I 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Sets, Relations and Functions, Graph and Trees, Strings and their properties, principle of induction. Definition of an automation, Description of a finite Automation, Transition systems, properties of Transition Functions, Acceptability of a string by a Finite Automation, Non deterministic Finite state machines, The equivalence of DFA and NDFA, Mealy and More models, Minimization of Finite Automata. UNIT: II Chomsky classification of Languages, Languages and their relation, Recursive and Recursively Enumerable sets, operation on Languages, Languages and Automata, Regular Expressions, Finite Automata and Regular Expressions, pumping Lemma for Regular sets, Applications of pumping Lemma, closure properties of Regular sets, Regular sets and Regular Grammars. UNIT: III Context-free languages and Derivation Trees, Ambiguity in context-free Grammars, simplification of context-free Grammars, Normal forms for contextfree Grammars, pumping Lemma for context-free Languages, Decision Algorithms for context-free languages. UNIT: IV Propositions, Normal forms of well-formed Formulas, Rule of Inference for propositional calculus, predicate Calculus, Rule of Inference for predicate Calculus. Turing machine model, Representation of Turing machines, Language Acceptability by Turing Machines. Universal Turing machine and other modifications. REFERENCE: BOOKS: 1. Mishra K.L.P. and Sekaran N. Chandra, “Theory of Computer Science” PHI. 2. Hopcroff J. E. and Ul lman J. D., “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation,” Narosa. (12) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 223 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS UNIT: I 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 Meaning and process of communication, Importance of effective communication, situation, Communication skills, Barriers to communication, Objectives of communication, Types, Directions and Principles of communications, Essentials of effective communications. UNIT: II Oral communication skills, verbal and non – verbal communication speaking, listening and notes taking skills, Presentation skills, body language, Voicemodulation, Written communication skills, letter writing, office correspondence. Business correspondence, presentation, presentation techniques, Objectives and Audience, Inclusion of diagrams, charts, graphs, figures etc. UNIT: III Preparing Bio-data, Types of Bio-Data, Reports, Abstract, Paper, Paper publication and reading, Surveys and Questionnaire for generating report. Interviewing: Types and principles of interviewing, Setting objectives for interview, Planning and preparation. Face-to-face skills. UNIT: IV Common Abbreviations and Numerals of report writing and proof reading, Introduction of stress management and Brain storming, Team Skills: Group Discussion and its objectives. Web Communication techniques: e-mail and SMS etc REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Rodriques M.V., “Effective Business Communication” Concept Pub., New Delhi 2. Ludlow & Panton “The Essence of Effective Communication” PHI 3. Shrama & Mohan “Business correspondence and Report writing” Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Lesikar & Pettit, “Business Communication”,AITBS, New Delhi 5. Rai & Rai “Business Communication” Himalaya Pub. House. 6. Menzal and Jones,“Writing a Technical Paper”, McGraw Hill. 7. Turbin, KL.“A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Thesis & Dissertation”, Univ. of Chicago Press. 1973. 8. Riordan & Pauley, “Technical Report Writing Today”, Biztantra, New Delhi (13) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 224 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT 3 0 0 3 Max. Marks : 100 UNIT: I Introduction: Data & Information, Evolution of Database Systems, Overview of DBMS, Database System Concepts & Architecture- Data models, schemes and instances, Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Database languages and interfaces. Database Characteristics: Data modeling using Entity – Relationship (ER) model : Entity sets, attributes and keys, Relationship types, sets, Database types : Relational, Hierarchical Network and Object Oriented. UNIT: II The Relational model: Relational data model concepts, Codd’s 12 rules. Relational model constraints and schemas, Relational Algebra and Relational calculus, Constraints on Relations, Relational database design by ER & EER to Relational Mapping, Database Languages SQL : SQL Programming Techniques:, Constraints and Triggers, Views and Indexes, Queries, (with Introduction to RDBMS : ORACLE / INGRES). UNIT: III Database Design: Data dependency, Functional dependencies and Normalization of Relational Databases, First, Second and Third Normal forms, Boyce-Codd Normal form (BCNF), Relational Database design Algorithms and further dependencies. Storage Strategies and file organizations: Disc storage, Basic File Structures and Hashing, Indexing structures for files, Multi-level indexing using B-trees and B+-Trees. UNIT: IV Transaction processing Concepts: Introduction to Transaction Processing concepts and Theory, ACID Properties, Concurrency Control, Serializability and Recoverability, Database Recovery Techniques- Shadow paging, ARIES recovery algorithm. Database Security, Deadlock: Detection, Avoidance and Recovery. Outline of : Information Integration, Data Mining, Data Warehousing and OLAP, Database Systems and the Internet, Searching Engines, Web Database, Distributed Databases, Mobile Databases, Multimedia Databases, GIS. REFERENCE: BOOKS: 1. Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems” Fifth Edition (2007), Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi. 2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henr F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, “Database Systesm Concepts”, 5th Edi. (2006), McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi. 3. Gary W.Hansen and James V. Hansen, “Database Management and Design” 2nd Edi. (2005), PHI, New Delhi. (14) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 225 OOP’s using ‘Core JAVA’ 3 0 0 3 UNIT I : Max. Marks : 100 Introduction : History of Java: Comparison of Java and C++; Java as an object oriented language: Java buzzwords; A simple program, its compilation and execution; the concept of CLASSPATH; Basic idea of application and applet; Basics: Data types; Operators- precedence and associativity; Type conversion; The decision making – if, if..else, switch; loops – for, while, do…while; special statements– return, break, continue, labeled break, labeled continue; Modular programming methods; arrays; memory allocation and garbage collection in java keywords. OOPS IN JAVA: Class; Packages; scope and lifetime; Access specifies; Constructors; Copy constructor; this pointer; finalize () method; arrays; Memory allocation and garbage collection in java keywords UNIT II : Inheritance : Inheritance basics, method overriding, dynamics method dispatch, abstract classes. Interfaces: defining an interface, implementing & applying interfaces, variables in interfaces, extending interfaces. Multithreading :Basic idea of multithreaded Programming; The lifecycle of a thread; Creating thread with the thread class and runnable interface; Thread synchronization; Thread scheduling; Producer-consumer relationship; Daemon thread, Selfish threads; UNIT-III : Exception Handling : Basic idea of exception handling; The try, catch and throw; throws Constructor and finalizers in exception handling; Exception Handling. Applets: Applet security restrictions; the class hierarchy for applets; Life cycle of applet; HTML Tags for applet. The AWT: The class hierarchy of window fundamentals; The basic user interface components Label, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Choice menu, Text area, Scroll list, Scroll bar; Frame; Layout managers- flow layout, Grid layout, Border layout, Card layout. UNIT-IV : The Java Event Handling Model: Java’s event delegation model – lgnoring the event, Self contained events, Delegating events; The event class hierarchy; The relationship between interface, methods called, parameters and event source; Adapter classes; Event classes action Event, Adjustment Event, Container Event, Focus Event, Item Event, Eey Event, Mouse Event, Text Event, Window Event. Input/Output : Exploring Java i.o., Directories, stream classes The Byte stream : Input stream, output stream, file input stream, file output stream, print stream, Randomaccess file, the character streams, Buffered reader, buffered writer, print writer, serialization. REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Herbert Schildt,“The Complete Reference JavaTM 2”, Tata McGrow-Hill 2. Deital “Java How to Program”, Pearson Education. 3. Steve Holzner, “Java 2 Black Book”, Paraglyph Press (15) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 226 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SOFTWARE LABORATORY2(a)Based on Assembly Programming 0 0 3 1 Max. Marks : 100 Introduction to the Lab. Exploring the software architecture of the 80x86 microprocessors. Working on basic instructions and program control with emu8086. Assembling, editing, linking, and executing assembly language programs using MASM assembler. Developing Assembly Language Programs. Programming techniques. (16) DR. H. S. GOUR (CENTRAL) UNIVERSITY, SAGAR (M.P.) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS MCA - I YEAR (MCA – II SEMESTER) CSA C 227 SOFTWARE LABORATORY-2(b) Based on ‘JAVA’ 0 0 3 1 Max. Marks : 100 1. Exercises related to use of Primitive data types _ Integer, short, long, byte, float, double, Unicode character set, Boolean, their ranges, defaults initial values wrapping of integer arithmetic casting. 2. Exercises related to use of comments, Identifiers and reserved words, local variables operators and operator precedence 3. Exercises related to use of statement simple and compound, Use of control do, for, while, switch, break, case of continue, label. 4. Exercises related to use of exercises related to use class type data : String, Arrays, Object Arrays, Examples of use of class type data 5. Exercises related to use of instance fields and methods, static Fields and methods, exercises related to use of Initialization by Constructor, Initialization bay default constructor. 6. Exercises related to use of Creation of object, access method. 7. Exercises related to use of Inheritance, super class, subclass, Method Overloading. 8. Exercises related to use of interface 9. Exercises related to use of thread, multithreading examples, synchronized. 10. Exercises related to use of Exception (try-catch-final blocks examples.) 11. Java programs using classes & objects and various control constructs such as loops etc, and data structures such as arrays, structures and functions (Any Five). 12. Develop a simple OPAC system for library using even-driven and concurrent programming paradigms of Java. Use JDBC to connect to a back-end database. 13. Develop multi-threaded echo server and a corresponding GUI client in Java. 14. Java programs for creating Applets for display of Images ,Texts and Animation 15. Development of Web site for the college or newspaper agency. (17) 16. Develop Rational number class in Java. Use Java Doc comments for documentation. Your implementation should use efficient representation for a rational number, i.e. (500 / 1000) should be represented as (½). 17. Develop Date class in Java similar to the one available in java. util package. Use Java Doc comments. 18. Implement Lisp-like list in Java. Write basic operations such as 'car', 'cdr', and 'cons'. If L is a list [3, 0, 2, 5], returns 3, while L.cdr() returns [0,2,5]. 19. Design a Java interface for ADT Stack. Develop two different classes that implement this interface, one using array and the other using linked-list. Provide necessary exception handling in both the implementations. 20. Design a Vehicle class hierarchy in Java. polymorphism. (18) Write a test program to demonstrate