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The Aztecs
 A tribe of hunters and farmers who migrated to the shores of _______________ in the 1200s.
 Founded _________________________ in 1325.
 Became a powerful tribe that was _______________ in the art of war.
Capital city of the Aztec empire.
by three causeways/bridges.
Aztec Warfare
Aztecs conquered surrounding tribes and forced them to pay large tributes.
the Aztecs to gain wealth and _______________ for sacrifice.
___________ against the
Aztec Government
________-____________ that were governed by an emperor.
_______________ always chose the emperor from members of the royal family.
Became emperor in _________
Built many temples, water conduits, and ______________.
Expanded the empire as far south as ________________.
Even though the other conquered tribes disliked him, he was thought of as a great ruler by the
Brought the ____________ to Tenochtitlan.
Polytheistic –_________ _________
Each______________ and each occupation had its own patron god.
Worshipped over 60 ____________ and __________________–some helpful, some harmful.
To win favor from the helpful gods, the Aztecs made _________________to them.
Sometime these offerings were ______________ sacrifices.
_________________ were used as Temples.
Sacrifices were made on an altar at the top of the pyramid.
Blood would run down the steps.
Most sacrificial victims were ____________ of ____________.
Advanced Civilization
_________________ system to maintain their empire
_________________ systems to organize their empire
_________________system was very efficient
Developed ____________________ systems to help their crops grow during dry periods.
Aztec Calendar
solar calendar had ___________ days
_______ days.
________________ and ___________________times.
e considered
________________ ______________ to the gods.
Art used _______________ subjects and themes.
The best remaining examples of Aztec art are ______________ and sculpture.
Used stone, wood, jade, turquoise, metal, emerald, and ________________ glass.
Most Aztec _______________ treasures no longer exist as they were taken and melted down to
reuse the gold.
Many buildings and pieces of artwork were ___________________ by the Spanish.
Aztecs also made__________________ and woven cloth.
Aztec Sports
Tlachtli is a ball game that was played during ___________________ ceremonies.
Played on a _______________. In the shape of a capital “I.”
A vertical stone ring was in the middle of the side walls.
The object of the game was to put the ball through the ______________.
They used a hard, rubber ball. This ball could only be moved by the players’ hips, knees, legs, and
This game was used to ________________ who was to be sacrificed next.
____________ and ____________ method.
Terraces and _____________
Chinampas were small islands formed in lake and swamp area.
Made by digging mud at the bottom of the lake or swamp and piling it into little mounds.
Sometimes called _____________ gardens, even though they did not really float.
Common foods:
Corn (Maize), beans, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, papayas,
Rubber, cotton and cacao beans
_____________ (pictures).
________________ of the wild fig tree.
en folded like an ________________________ (codex).
Acapulco, Mexico, ____________, chocolate, and tomato.
The END of the Aztecs
___________ ________________ lands on eastern coast of Mexico looking for gold
•_____________________ = Spanish explorer or soldier
____________________ his ships.
*Success or death*
nearby natives that _________________ the Aztecs.
Cortes & the Aztecs
____________ god,
Quetzalcoatl, who had returned to earth.
city of ____________”.
rtes and the Spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs in ___________.
__________________ in his own palace.
__________________ Aztecs were killed, and the city was destroyed.
How were the Spanish able to conquer the Aztecs so easily?
, Cannons, Horses
________________ were one creature.
: _______________ killed
_____________________ helped the Spanish
Life after the Aztecs
Major consequence of the Spanish conflict with the Aztecs . . .
Creation of a new _________________ empire by the end of the 1500’s.
Stretched from the southern tip of __________________ to the tip of South America.
Thousands of _________________ moved from Spain to settle in the New World.
Influenced ________________, _______________, and ______________.