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Study Guide Quarter 1 Ecosystems
1. What is the above diagram called?
2. What do the arrows represent?
3. Use the diagram above to give an example of each
a. Producer
b. Consumer
c. Decomposer
d. Predator
e. Prey
4. What will most likely happen to the fox if the rabbit population disappears?
5. What abiotic factors do plants need in order to survive?
6. Define biotic factors and provide 3 examples of biotic factors.
7. What is an ecosystem?
8. What generally flows in one direction through an ecosystem, from producers up through each level of
consumers, and is not recycled?
Study Guide Quarter 1 Ecosystems
9. What happens when one organism eats another?
10. How can an increasing human population lead to climate change, increased pollution, species extinction, and
less abundant natural resources?
11. If a new species with very few predators was introduced into an environment, what impact would it have on the
12. What is biodiversity?
Reed Warblers make their nests in the reeds within wetlands. A female European Cuckoo lays its eggs in the
nests of a Reed Warbler. The cuckoo egg closely mimics the eggs of the Reed Warbler. The Reed Warbler may
recognize the intruding egg and abandon the nest, or it may incubate and hatch the cuckoo egg. Shortly after
hatching, the young European Cuckoo, using a scoop-like depression on its back, instinctively shoves over the
edge of the nest any solid object that it contacts. With the disappearance of their eggs and rightful young, the
foster parents are free to devote all of their care to the young cuckoo which includes feeding them insects.
Frequently this is a difficult task, since the cuckoo chick often grows much larger than the host adults long
before it can care for itself. In nature, one may see a pair of small foster parent Reed Warblers working hard to
keep up with the huge appetite of an outsized young cuckoo.
13. Give an example of a predator/prey relationship from the paragraph above?
14. What type of relationship exists between the Reed warbler and the cuckoos?
15. Muskrats eat the reeds within the wetlands. What type of relationship is this?
16. Which change in the reeds could limit the growth of the insect population?
a. Loss of Competition
b. Loss of habitat
c. Fewer predators
d. Reduction in disease
Study Guide Quarter 1 Ecosystems
17. What happened when ash borers were introduced into local forests? How could that affect ash tree
18. What is competition? Give 1 example.
a. Competition
b. Predation
c. Symbiosis
d. Parasitism
19. What is a predator prey relationship? Give 1 example.
20. What is mutualism or mutually beneficial? Give 1 example.
21. What is commensalism? Give 1 example.
22. What is parasitism? Give 1 example.
23. Match each term with its definition.
a. Community
b. ecosystem
c. population
d. organism
_____ a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time
_____ a community of organisms and its abiotic environment
_____ all the populations of different species that live and interact in an area
_____ one living thing
Study Guide Quarter 1 Ecosystems
The picture shows one possible food web for a forest ecosystem. Based on your understanding of ecosystem
interactions, answer the following questions.
24. How is the relationship between the snake and the mouse in the diagram above best described?
25. Which of the organisms in the web above gets its energy from decomposing organic material?
26. How would an increase in sales in snake skin boots by humans would result in changes in the ecosystem’s food
web? List 2 direct effects.
27. How are producers indirectly affecting the red-tailed hawk?
Study Guide Quarter 1 Ecosystems
28. Draw arrows to complete the food chain.
29. What do the arrows in the food chain represent?
30. If the owl was reduced in the food chain, what would most likely happen as a result of the reduction of owls in
the food chain?
31. Swans are territorial and each pair needs a large amount of space. A small lake can only support one nesting
pair of swans, but when a man-made lake is enlarged, how would the human activity of enlarging the lake have
a positive effect on the ecosystem?
32. Which plant would survive better in a
warmer climate? Why?
Study Guide Quarter 1 Ecosystems
33. DDT was an insecticide used to cut down on insects that caused diseases. Describe 2 possible unintended
consequences of using the insecticide.