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• Identify the three main
kingdoms of Ancient Egypt.
•Describe the major events
that occurred in each
•Define pharaoh and
intermediate period.
• Wordy Wed. Quiz Fri.
•Egyptian webquest due
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English word below is made of the first two letters of
one country and the last two letters of a country that it
borders. For example, PACA is a combination of Panama
and Costa Rica. How many crossings can you make?
Problem of the Day
The Egyptian Empire
The Three Kingdoms
• A dynasty is a series of rulers (pharaohs) from
the same family or ethnic group
• The Ancient Egyptian empire had 31 dynasties
between 3100BC until 332BC
• The dynasties were grouped into three major
time periods:
1. The Old Kingdom
2. The Middle Kingdom
3. The New Kingdom
• Menes or Narmer
united Upper and
Lower Egypt
The Early Dynastic Period
( 2925 – 2575 BC)
1st , 2nd, and 3rd dynasties
First dynasty Menes united Egypt
Others believe it was Narmer
Still others believe Narmer and Menes were the
same person
• Memphis chosen as first capital by King Narmer
• King Narmer first king to unite Lower and Upper
• Memphis disappeared; Heliopolis replaced it(close
to Cairo)
The Old Kingdom:
2686-2125 BC
• The 3rd to the 8th Dynasties
• Governmental capital located at Memphis
• Advancements in technology, art, farming and
• “The Age of the Pyramid”
– During the Old Kingdom, the Egyptians built the Great
Pyramids, 20 major pyramids, and the Sphinx
– The only era where Pharaohs were buried in pyramids.
The First Intermediate Period
2055-1650 BC
• 9th – 11th Dynasties
• End of the Old Kingdom, pharaohs challenged
by local governors called nomarchs
– Egypt had 42 nomoi (nome =district or province)
– Result: civil wars throughout the empire and the
kingdom split into two dynastic kingdoms:
Herakleopolian and Theban dynasties
• Drought causes the Nile to stop flooding,
which results in famine
Nomoi of
Lower Egypt
The Middle Kingdom
2055 – 1650 BC
• 11th – 13th Dynasties
• One of the feuding dynasties
from Thebes in the south was
able to unify Egypt again into
one kingdom:
– Mentuhotep II, marked the
beginning of a new era of unity and
Mentuhotep II
Mentuhotep II’s Burial Complex
Mentuhotep II’s Burial Complex
Mentuhotep II’s Burial Complex
The Middle Kingdom
2055 – 1650 BC
• Trade flourished, arts and literature
• Egypt built strong armies to defend herself
against her neighbors.
• Religion- afterlife for common people too
The Middle Kingdom
2055-1650 BC
• Theban nobles reunited Egypt
• Developed a new system of government
– Less power given to king
• During the middle kingdom, pharaohs were
expected to be good kings and wise rulers.
• Instead of building huge expensive pyramids,
when pharaohs died, they were buried in
hidden tombs
The Second Intermediate Period
1630 – 1520BC
• 14th – 17th Dynasties
• Hyksos, nomads from Asia, invaded disunited
Egypt, set fire to the cities, razed the temples,
squandered the accumulated wealth,
destroyed much of the accumulated art.
– Rule over the north for 160 years.
– Rule of the “Shepherd Kings”
• Thebans rule the south.
Hyksos Entering Egypt
Egypt during
the Second
New Kingdom
1540-1097 BC
• 18th – 20th Dynasties
• Ahmose united and restored Egypt under one
central government
• Ramses II (“the Great”)
• Ruled 67 years and expanded empire into Middle East
• Brief reign of Tutankhamun
• Ramses III lost several wars in Syria against the
“Sea People”, which started demise of empire
• Increasingly beset by droughts, below-normal flooding
of the Nile, famine, civil unrest and official corruption
New Kingdom
1540-1097 BC
• The new kingdom was Egypt's expansion
• Egypt expanded her borders through military
conquest and became a world power.
• During the time period of the new kingdom,
pharaohs were all powerful (gods of earth)
• Pharaohs were all buried in the same
geographic area called the Valley of the Kings.
The Valley of the Kings
• Contains 63 known tombs
– Some simple pits
– Others with up to 120 chambers
– King Tut’s Tomb
Third Intermediate
1075-715 BC
• 21st -25th dynasties
• Disunity and civil war
– Egypt loses control of
Israel and Syria
• Libyans invade and
control northern Egypt
• Nubians completely
separate from Egypt
The Late Period
715-332 BC
• 26th – 31st Dynasties
• Egypt conquered
briefly by Assyrians
• Cultural revival under
kings from Sais
• Persian conquest of
Egypt (525 BC)
• Egypt independent
again (404-343 BC)
The Greco- Roman Period
• Macedonia, under Alexander the
Great, occupies Egypt
– Alexander's general, Ptolemy,
becomes king and founds a dynasty
– Cleopatra VII reigns as the last
pharaoh (51-30 BC)
• Egypt becomes a province of the
Roman Empire (30 BC)
Ptolemaic Egypt