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Standard 10.4
Kaylin Hicks
Natasha Flores
Olivia Valasquez
10.4.1: Chapter 10 Section 4
Nineteenth-Century Progress
 The demands for growing industries spurred even
greater advances in technology.
 Inventions for communications, transportation,
medicine, science, social science (psychology)
 This all lead to the rise of mass culture (forms of
entertainment to a larger audience)
10.4.1: Chapter 11 Sections 1 and 2
 Section 1:
 Superiority and stubbornness
Europeans felt to imperialize on
Africa resulted in colonies being set
up on African soil.
• Section 2:
– In addition to imperializing,
Europe sets up an Empire and
controls it through different
Menelik Ii emperor
of Ethiopia
Berlin Conference
10.4.1: Chapter 11 Section 4
Section 4
 Europeans seek other lands
to call their own and they
find India. (“jewel in the
British Imperializing in
11 Section 5
Southeast Asian and
Pacific Islands
 As Asian products became a
demand, Western imperialist
(Dutch, British, French, Germans)
seek possessions in their lands
which leads to both flaws and
 U.S. imperializes on the Pacific
Islands. (Philippines, Hawaii) U.S.
eventually lets the Philippines self
rule, and they annex Hawaii.
Emilio Aguinaldo (leads Filipinos against U.S.
Pacific rim is all in cream color.
10.4.1 Chapter 12 Section 3
U.S. Economic Imperialism
 Throughout Latin America
caudillos are the main form of
government for most of
countries in that region (mid1800s).
 Economies grow under
foreign(U.S.) influence (as
result of not paying loans)
 Pressure is placed on Latin
American countries by U.S.
(through building Panama
Canal, helping in the Spanish
American War [Cuba])
Panama Canal
Traditional Caudillo
 Europeans were determined to shape the
economies of the lands to benefit European
economies. Over time, four forms of
colonial control emerged:
 Colony
 Protectorate
 Sphere of Influence
 Economic Imperialism
 Two Methods of Management
 Indirect Control
 Direct Control
 Britain gained control of Southern Nigeria
through diplomatic and military means.
The conquest of Northern Nigeria was
accomplished by the Royal Niger
Company. In 1914, Britain claimed Nigeria
as a colony.
Africans resisted European attempts but powers
were never equal.
Ethiopia – only African nation that resisted
Europeans. Victory due to Menelik II.
Negative Effects:
 Africans lost control of land and
independence, people died from diseases,
breakdown of cultures and Division of
African Continent
Positive of Effects:
 Reduced warfare, sanitation improved, life
spans increased, economic expansion
Selim III came into power of the Ottoman
Empire and attempted to modernize the army.
He was Overthrown and reforms were
In 1830, Greece gained independence, Serbia
gained self-rule. Ottomans’ weakness made
European powers looked for ways to take their
Geopolitics played an important role in the fate
of the Ottoman Empire.
Crimean War- Russia went to war against
Ottomans to try to gain land on Black Sea. The
purpose was to give Russia a warm-weather
Ottomans lost control of Romania, Montenegro,
Cyprus, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Bulgaria. Also
land in Africa.
“Great Game”- war waged over India between
Great Britain and Russia.
Muhammad Ali broke away from Ottoman
control and gained control of Syria and Arabia.
 He began reforms in military and economy.
Plantation cash crop: cotton
Nasir al-Din exported Persian tobacco to
Britain. Jamal al-Din set up a boycott that
worked. Russia and Britain took over country
and divided it into spheres of influence.
Chapter 10 section 2
This is the fate of the Irish during the Great
Where they emigrated to (1851)
Chapter 11 Section 1
 Imperialism: The seizure of
a country or territory by a
stronger country.
During Berlin conference, this is how they
decided to divide of Africa.
Colonial powers
seized vast areas of Africa during
the 19-20th century because it had raw materials
and worked as a market for industrial products.
Imperialism also grew out of racism because may
Europeans thought they were better than everyone
The factors that contributed Europeans conquest to
Africa is the technological superiority like the
maxim gun and the steam engine.
The Berlin conference was where 14 European
nations met to divide Africa
An example of imperialism is when a Zulu chief
shaka fought the British for their land but they were
match with their bows and arrows because the
British used guns and soon the British controlled
their land.
The Boer war between the British and Boers was
the first modern total war because the Boers would
use guerilla tactics and the British countered by
burning down farms and then the British finally
won the war
The establishing of colonies changed the Africans
life style because the Europeans changed the
political, social and economic lives of the people
they’d conquered.
Chapter 11Section 2
The new period of imperialism the Europeans
wanted to completely change the lives of the people
by shaping the economy differently and making
people adopt European customs.
Although others opposed foreign intervention
Britain established a protectorate over the Niger
river delta
The British used indirect rule to rule the land of the
Hausa Fulani, the Yoruba and the Igbo. Although it
worked for Hausa Fulani it didn’t for Yoruba and
Igbo because they resented having their powers
Over 20 different African groups resisted to be
ruled by the Germans, however once the Germans
recorded 7,500 resistors dead they changed up the
way they governed to make it more acceptable for
the Africans.
The only successful resistance was Ethiopia which
was ruled by a man named Menelik the 2nd, he
figured out how to play the Italians, French and
British against each other.
The effect was that dealing with local traditions and
people would continue to cause problems with
areas that were controlled by Europeans.
Chapter 11 Section 3
As the Ottoman Empire began to weaken the Europeans began to look into which territories they could take from them.
Every Russian czar made a war with the ottoman empire to gain land of the black sea one war was called the Crimean war
where Britain and France combined forces with the ottoman empire to defeat Russia. But the Crimean war revealed how
weak the ottoman empire was and soon they lost control of Romania, Montenegro, Cyprus, Bosnia, Herzegovina and an
area that became Bulgaria and soon they lost control of African land too.
Muhammad Ali was one of the rulers who helped modernize Egypt him and his grandson Isma’il supported the
construction of the Suez Canal that ended up having them in debt by $450 million to the Europeans and the British insisted
on overseeing the debt and so they did and they took control of Egypt in1882.
In 1907 Russia and Britain took over Persia through economic imperialism and creating spheres of influence
Chapter 11 Section 4
British economic interest in India began in the 1600s when
the British East India company set up trading posts in
British considered India its “jewel in the crown” because it
was the most valuable of all Britain colonies.
The British also told the Indians how to live to prevent Indian
economy from operating on its own. India had to produce
raw material for British manufacturing and they had to buy
British goods.
The impact of colonialism was both good and bad. It was bad
because British had more of the political and economic
power. But good because India had the third largest railroad
network which was a major British achievement.
By 1850 the British controlled most of India but some Indians
weren't happy about it because they believed they were trying
to change them into Christians, and then they became
outraged when they found out that the British gave them
cartridges that were greased with beef and pork because they
considered the cow sacred they rebelled and 85 0f the 90
sepoys refused to accept the cartridges which was known as
the Sepoy Mutiny.
The Mutiny was a turning point it revealed the racist attitude
of the British and increased the distrust between the British
and the Indians.
Conflict over the control of India continued to develop with
the British and Indians.
Chapter 11 Section 5
In the 18th century the Dutch East India Company took over more than
3000 chains of Indonesian islands. And the British established a trading
port in Singapore while the French took over Indochina on the Southeast
Asian mainland's.
The lands of Southeast were goo for plantation agriculture.
The Dutch took control of Malacca from the Portuguese and fought the
British for control of Java. And finally the Dutch took control of the island
chains of Indonesia.
The British would compete with the Dutch and created a trading base in
Singapore they too gained control of Malaysia and in Burma.
The colonial impact was that Southeast Asia brought mixed results.
Economy grew based off of cash crops or goods that were sold at the
world market. While roads, harbors, and rail systems improved
communication and transportation which benefited Europeans
Unlike other places millions of people from Asia would migrate to work
on plantations and in mines in Southeast Asia.
Siam was never controlled it was considered a neutral zone.
The U.S took over the Philippines, Puerto Rico , and Guam because of
the Spanish American War in 1898. The U.S promised the Pilipino selfrule however with other South East Asians areas businessman encouraged
growing cash crops.
The U.S. also gained political power in Hawaii and the U.S. annexed
The period of Imperialism was a great time for the Europeans.
Describe the independence struggles of
the colonized regions of the world,
including the roles of leaders, such as Sun
Yat-sen in China, and the roles of ideology
and religion.
The independence struggles of India started
with the East India Trading Company which
ruled India until about the 1850’s. It had it’s
own army which had British officers and
sepoys or Indian soldiers. The Indians began
to resent the British for controlling their
land, trying to convert them to Christianity,
and also their heavy racism. One day the
sepoy soldiers refused to use their rifles
because they heard a rumor that went against
a practice of their religion. Some sepoy
soldiers were put into jail. Other sepoy
soldiers started a rebellion known as the
Sepoy Mutiny.
Ram Mohun Roy
The British decided to take direct control
over India. This period was the British ruled
over India from 1757-1947 was known as
Raj. Soon, Nationalism started to appear in
India. Ram Mohun Roy wanted to make
India more modernized and showed
nationalistic views. Indians were tired of
being treated like second-class citizens.
The nationalism led to the making of two
nationalist groups. The Indian National
Congress and the Muslim League which
were calling for self- government. Then the
problem between the British and the
Indians got worst. The British decided to
split up the province of Bengal into a
Muslim section and Hindu section. This led
to terrorist acts which made the British split
the country in a different way. The Indians
were finally getting through to the British.
Anna led Mexican forces to fight. A
couple battles in, he was captured
and he promised to respect the
independence of Texans. He returned
to Mexico. In 1845 the U.S. annexed
Texas and the Mexicans got angry
and started a dispute on the border.
Next thing you know, a war breaks out
in 1846. Then they both signed the
Treaty of Hidalgo where the U.S. got
the northern third of Mexico. Santa
Anna A
and went
intonamed Benito Juarez influenced the politics in
Mexico. Juarez worked hard to help the poor. He then creates a liberal
reform movement called the La Reforma which was to redistribute land and
increase education for the poor. However, Santa Anna sent Juarez and
other liberal leaders into exile. Eventually all the exiled liberal leaders
 Opium War: Britain trading
opium to China.
 Took place mostly at sea.
 Taiping Rebellion:
 “Heavenly kingdom of Great
 Belief that all Chinese would
share China’s vast wealth and
have no poverty.
 Opium War & Boxer
rebellion contributed to the
growing problems in China.
 Dowager Empress
 Francisco Madero
 He believed in democracy
and wanted to strengthen its
hold on Mexico.
 PanchoVilla
 He had a policy of taking
money from the rich and
giving it to the poor.
 Porfirio Diaz:
 He was re-elected as
president of Mexico in 1867.
 He rebuilt the country that
was destroyed by war.