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1. What would J.J. Thomson say to Dalton to prove that his
plum pudding model is superior?
2. What would Ernest Rutherford say to J.J. Thomson to
prove that his atomic model is superior?
3. What would Niels Bohr say to those other dead white
guys to prove that his orbiting model is the superior?
Review - Important Point #1
• The atom is mostly empty space. This is why
most of the alpha particles went through
• The majority of the atom does not have
anything in it.
Review - Important Point #2
• The atom has very small, but very dense
• Alpha particles that bounced back were coming
into contact with nucleus.
• Alpha particles were deflected back because
nucleus is positive.
Lecture 1.9 – Bohr’s Electron Shells
Today’s Learning Targets
• 1.15 – I can define atomic/ionic radius and
explain how it relates to the charge of the
nucleus and the electron. Furthermore, I can
explain how this trend changes as you move
throughout the Periodic Table.
Niels Bohr
• Refined Rutherford’s
model of the atom
with his discovery in
What Bohr Knew
• Shooting electricity through the hydrogen
excited electrons.
• Color produced only for specific values
• Problem – If electrons were free to roam, then
we should get all sorts of colors
Bohr’s Solution
• Electrons are not free to roam in the electron
cloud, electrons are restricted to orbits or
energy levels.
The Modern Model
Dalton’s atom
Thompson’s electrons
Rutherford’s space
and nucleus
Bohr’s energy levels
How do they work?
Nuclear Attraction
• The negatively charged electrons are
attracted towards the positively charged
• The more the electron “feels” the nucleus.
The tighter it is held
How does the size of the atom relate to the positive
and negative charges in an atom?
What do the
How does the
thickness of the
arrows relate to
nuclear attraction?
Why are the atoms
• As you move from the smallest atom
to the largest atom, how does the
distance between the valence
electrons and the nucleus change?
• As you move from the smallest atom
to the largest atom, how does the
attractive force between the valence
electrons and the nucleus change?
• What direction does this go on the
periodic table?
Stop and Jot
• Order the elements from smallest to largest
IE: phosphorus, arsenic, nitrogen.
Master Chef - White Board Races
White Board Relay Race Problems
1. Which has a larger atomic radius: chlorine or
2. Which has a smaller atomic radius magnesium
or calcium?
3. Put the following elements in order from
smallest atomic radius to largest: B, F, N, O.
4. Put the following elements in order from
smallest atomic radius to largest: N, As, Bi, P .
5. Why does bromine do a worse job of attracting
electrons than fluorine?
Atomic Radius
• Atomic Radius – The distance from the center of
the nucleus to the outermost edge of the
electron cloud
Outer edge of
electron cloud
Atomic Radius Trends
• Atomic radius increases as you go down a group on
the Periodic Table.
• Atomic radius decreases as you go across a period on
the Periodic Table
Why Atomic Radius Increases Down a
• As you add more electron shells to an element, the
element becomes “bulkier”.
• This means that as you go down a group, more orbits
are added, so the radius becomes bigger.
Why Atomic Radius Decreases Across a
• As you move across a period, more protons are
added to the nucleus.
• Also, more electrons are added within the same
• This means there is a larger positive and negative
charge, which results in a higher attraction and a
decrease in the radius.
Master Chef - White Board Races
Whiteboard Questions (T/F)
1. Atomic radius is the distance from the center
of the nucleus to the first electron orbit.
2. Atomic radius increases across a period and
down a group.
3. Atomic radius decreases down a group
because you are adding more electron orbits.
4. Atomic radius decreases across a period
because there are less electrons in the same
Whiteboard Questions (cont)
5. Order the following from largest to smallest
atomic radius: Ca, Se, Ni
- Answer: Se, Ni, Ca
6. Order the following from largest to smallest
atomic radius: O, Po, S
- Answer: O, S, Po
7. Order the following from smallest to largest
atomic radius: Cs, F, Ga
- Answer: F, Ga, Cs
Exit Ticket
1. Define atomic radius
2. Define electronegativity.
3. Order from largest to smallest
electronegativity: Ca, Se, Ni
4. Order from smallest to largest atomic radius:
O, Po, S
Rate Yourself
• Based on the exit ticket and your current level
of understanding, rate yourself 1 – 4 on LT 1.8
and 1.9
Closing Time
• 1.9 – Electronegativity and Atomic Radius
• UNIT 1 EXAM Thursday/Friday (9/19/2014)!