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What makes up the Solar
System and what force is
holding it in place?
The Force of Gravity hold our Solar System in Place. Things that make up
our Solar System are the Sun, Planets, Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites,
and Dwarf Plants
•Name the 8 planets in
order from closest to the
Sun: Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
•Describe the main Features of
the inner planets
•Closest to the Sun
•small, dense, solid, rocky
Describe the main Features of the inner planets
Describe the main features of the outer
•are all gas giants made mostly of
hydrogen and helium. Their thick
outer layers are gases and have liquid
•All of the outer planets have lots of
moons, as well as planetary rings
made of dust and other particles
If the Sun were the size of a marble, describe how
the rest of the planets would be and the space you
would ned to build a model Solar System.
•The planets would be tiny if not
•It would take approximately a playing field
to build a model of this solar system.
What effect did the solar wind and heat from the
newly formed sun have on the composition of the
inner planets of the solar system?
•Solar Winds, push lighter elements out
past the inner planets and have resulted
in the formation of the Gas Giants.
Why do scientists think the outer planets have
cores made from rock and a great deal of ice?
• The outer planets are to far from the Sun to have liquid water.
Because of the makeup the Gas Giants the hythat the core of the
outer planets are made of rocks and Ice.
Make a comparison of the Milky Way Galaxy and
our Solar System:
•If the Milky Way was represented by
100,000 dollars out solar system would be
0.32 cents of that 100,000
Why would mars be the most likely voyage for
manned exploration?
•Because it has an atmosphere similar to
•It is relatively close
•There is frozen liquid on its surface
Describe three important conditions on Earth that
support life?
•Liquid Water
•Oxygen and atmosphere
•Organic material
List the steps of formation of the solar system
from the nebular cloud. Describe how each step
affected the composition (lighter and heavier
elements) of the planets.
• 1. Gravitational collapse of the nebula
• Spinning disc and collection of matter in planets, denser matter
towards center
• Ignition of the sun-blast of energy removes lighter elements from
inner planets, melts heavier into rocky cores
• Collection of debris and gasses by outer planets.
What do Scientist use to determine the age of the
Solar System?
•Radioactive decay, as elements
decay they loose matter, as the
energy in and atomic nucleus is
What do Scientist use to determine the age of the Solar
Scientist graph the decay of radioactive elements and
over many years have come to the conclusion that
radiation is given off at a steady predictable rate.