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All of the following EXCEPT __________ can weather
a. sunlight
b. freezing and thawing
c. animals
d. plants
When materials containing iron are exposed to
water and oxygen, oxidation can occur.
What kind of weathering causes the mineral composition of
rocks to change?
a. mechanical weathering
b. permeable weathering
chemical weathering
d. general weathering
Ice wedging causes mechanical weathering of
rock by means of
a. heating and cooling.
b. plant growth.
c. animal actions.
d. freezing and thawing of water.
Which is an example of chemical weathering?
a) A rock breaking into fragments.
b) A rock being scratched by rocks embedded in the
bottom of a glacier.
c) A rock dissolving in water.
d) Sediment being moved down a hillside.
Which does not contribute to the rate of weathering?
a. Rock type
c. Climate
b. Rock composition
d. Fossils
Soil formation begins with the weathering of
a. litter.
b. bedrock.
c. the A horizon.
d. humus.
If a river in flood picks up a house and moves it
downstream, this is
a) Chemical weathering
b) Mechanical weathering
c) Erosion
d) All of the above
Soil is a valuable resource because it
a. is important to all living things on land.
b. contains sand and gravel.
c. is rich in decomposers.
d. has all three soil horizons.
Which factor has the least effect on the weathering of a rock?
A) composition of the rock
B) exposure of the rock to the atmosphere
C) the number of fossils found in the rock
D) climatic conditions
In which horizon is humus concentrated?
a. A – horizon
c. C – horizon
b. B – Horizon
d. O – horizon
Which describes a residual soil?
Soil from sediment deposited by glaciers
b. Sand that has collected in a floodplain
Fine-grained sediment that was deposited by wind
d. Layers of material that weathered from bedrock below
Which of the following statements is NOT true of soil?
a. It is a loose covering of broken rock particles and
decaying organic matter.
b. There is one kind of soil in the United States
c. Living organisms add nutrient to it
d. It takes a long time to form
What is one source of organic matter in soil?
a. Acid precipitation
b. Weathered topsoil
c. Dead fungi, bacteria, and protozoa
d. eroding bedrock
For which movement of earth materials is gravity not the
main force?
A) snow tumbling in an avalanche
B) moisture evaporating from an ocean
C) boulders carried by a glacier
D) sediments flowing in a river
Why is weathering an important process in soil formation?
A. Weathered material is the main component in the soil.
B. Weathering brings water into the soil layers.
C. Weathered material provides the organic nutrients into the soil.
D. Weathering removes the soil, and therefore prevents soil
The color of a soil ___________.
a. Is a reliable indicator of its fertility
b. It always dark brown or black
c. Is not dependent on the amount of humus
d. Is determined by its composition and climate
Which is considered NOT a factor of soil formation?
a. Topography
c. Time
b. Parent material
d. Chemistry
Which is usually the primary factor that affects the rate of
c. Climate
b. Volume
d. Biological organisms
Which of the following has the potential for the most erosion?
Water flowing across a flatland
b. Wind blowing materials in the air, again the force of gravity
Wind blowing materials down a slope
d. Water flowing down a steep slope
In which of the following climates would chemical weathering
most readily occur?
a. Wet and warm
c. Wet and cool
b. Dry and warm
d. Dry and cool
The loss of topsoil to erosion is bad because
a) Topsoil contains most of the nutrients.
b) Topsoil protects the rich organic material beneath it.
c) When the topsoil is gone it means that the entire soil
profile has eroded away.
d) All of the above
Going down in a soil, each soil horizon downward
a) More altered from the original rock.
b) Less altered and more like the original rock.
c) Darker and more organic rich.
d) A & C