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Elements of Persuasion
Test Review
Argument/Persuasion Terms
(Yes – define them)
Parallel structure
Common place assertion
Argument/Persuasion Terms - definitions
 Anaphora – repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of
successive clauses
 Parallel structure – the repetition of similar grammatical structures to
link related ideas
 Rhetoric – the skillful use of language to persuade an audience
 Thesis – the statement that describes the main point/controlling idea of
a composition/essay
 Common place assertion – a statement that many people think is true
 Diction – the choice of words & arrangement in which they are used
 Ethos – an appeal to credibility or ethics
 Pathos – a persuasive appeal to emotions
 Logos – an appeal based on logic
 Rhetorical Question – is asked to make a point; no answer expected
“Position on Dodge ball in Physical Education”
• What is the NASPE’s position on
today’s children regarding dodge
• What widely accepted value does the
NASPE use to persuade you?
• Find one example of logos
• The NASPE dislikes dodge ball
“The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym”
• What is the tone the author uses to
persuade you?
• List examples of humor the author
uses to persuade you.
• Why do children need to play dodge
ball according to the article?
• List an example of emotional appeal
“No More Pep Rallies”
• Find an example of Common Place
• What is the writer trying to persuade us to
do in the article.
• Find an example of opinion in the article
• Find an example of a rhetorical question in
the article.
• Find an example of a fact in the article