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Physics 3 – Sept 13, 2016
Do Now: P3 Challenge –
Gravity – G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
1) What is the force of gravity between a 70 kg doctor at birth
when he is 75 cm away from a 1.4 kg baby?
2) What is the force of gravity between the planet Jupiter (m =
1.9 x 1027 kg) at a distance of 7.8 x 108 km from the baby?
Objective: 3.1 Thermal Physics and 3.2 Gases Review
P3 Gravity Review (Jupiter vs a doctor)
Practice Problems with Thermal Physics from Giancoli
Practice Problems with Gases from a College Chemistry text
(any will do)
Assignment: Prepare for 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2 Mastery Quizzes Friday
Topics Reviewed Sept 15
Debunking Astrology comparing gravity w/ Jupiter and a doctor
Transfer of heat from water to a thermometer
Transfer of heat from copper to water in an Aluminum calorimeter
Transfer of heat from an iron horseshoe to an iron pot of water
Melting Silver
Melting ice with steam
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
Simple Gas Laws
Ideal Gas Law
Today’s Assignment
Continue reviewing 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2
Prepare for Unit 6-7 Mastery Quizzes Friday
Mastery quizzes are worth 10 points and will be two multiple choice
questions with 8 points of problems. (Usually one or two problems).
IB materials will be integrated as much as possible.
May retake mastery quizzes as needed to reach 8/10 proficiency level.
See me during Lunch or after school. Schedule your retakes and give me
at least 24 hours to prepare the quiz for you