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James Madison
Confident conservative or overwhelmed by the moment?
You decide!
• Who was
Father of the Constitution,”
writer of the Federalist Papers,
and Dolly Madison’s husband
• Conservative
• Democratic-Republican
• Faced many problems:
• Following Jefferson
• Native Americans
• pressured for war
• ship seizing and
• sectionalism
Problems with Natives:
 Different culture meant different
beliefs about land
 Many had died because of disease
and murder
 Slowly being pushed back to the
west by the Americans.
 Natives had supported the British
during the Revolution.
 Washington had tried to keep peace Tecumseh formed a
but the Louisiana Purchase
confedration of
threatened their lands again.
natives to save lands
How did the problems grow into an
international problem?
• Tecumseh and his brother the Prophet formed a confederation of
Native peoples.
• Village at Tippecanoe in the Indian Territory (Indiana).
• The British began to supply the confederation with supplies and
encouraged the natives to attack the American settlements in
the west.
• The Confederation threatened American power.
• The Americans led by Governor William Henry Harrison attacked
the natives at Tippecanoe. The natives were defeated and the
Prophet was killed. Tecumseh was not there.
• The British continued to support and encourage the natives
Pressure for War from the War Hawks
 Young Democratic Republicans
who wanted war against Britain
oImpressment and ship seizing
oBritish helped the Natives,
oTake over Canada and Florida
oLed by Henry Clay
Trade and the war between Britain and
• Americans wanted to
trade with all nations
• Ship seizing and British
impressment continued
War of 1812
 Madison offered to trade with
the first nation that respected
American neutrality. France
quickly agreed.
 America and France became
allies and the British started to
blockade US ports.
 Fighting broke out at sea and
Madison asked Congress to
declare war.
War of 1812
• What happened
during the War of
Oliver Perry defeated the British at
Lake Erie even though he had to
jump of a sinking ship and board
another to do it.
• Neither side was prepared for war.
• Jefferson had downsized the
• Britain was at war with France.
• For the most part the war was a
• The Americans won battles at sea
and on the Great Lakes.
• Embarrassing: US failed in their
invasion of Canada.
• Canadians with no training dressed as
redcoats and scared the Americans
into retreating
Important Battles of the War of 1812
American Victories
–Battle of Lake Erie
–Battle of Thames (over Natives
and Tecumseh was killed)
–Battle at Fort McHenry (stopped
the British invasion)
–The Battle of New Orleans
The huge American victory at New Orleans
(the last battle) made it look like the
Americans won the war! Jackson will use
this victory to become President.
British Victories
–The Invasion of Canada was
–Burned Washington DC
The burning of Washington DC was an
extreme low point for the United States.
Many believed America would be under
British control
War of 1812
• What happened
during the War of
• Once the British defeated France,
they invaded the United States and
were able to burn Washington DC
including the White House.
• The invasion was stopped at Ft.
McHenry in Baltimore (Star Spangled
Banner written).
• Last Battle: New Orleans, won by the
Americans created the impression
that the US won.
• In the end the Treaty of Ghent set
things back to the way that they were
before the war.
Hartford Convention
• How did people in New
England react to the
• What was the result of
their meeting?
• The war was very
unpopular in New England.
• Many were Federalists
• Convention was to protest
the War.
• Goal: form a new nation
loyal to the British
• The war ended and the
Federalists seemed like
• This destroyed their party!
Results and Importance
• Treaty of Ghent ended the War –
returned things to the same as they were
before the war.
• National Anthem written at Fort
• Heroes: Andrew Jackson (New Orleans
the people’s hero) and William Henry
Harrison (defeated Natives) would
become presidents.
• Abolitionist Movement: African
Americans helped and got respect in the
North. Led more people to be against
Results and Importance
• Federalist Party died: Hartford
Convention New England
• Battle of New Orleans made them
look like traitors. Nobody could be
a Federalist anymore!
• New Political Era: Sectionalism
grew no more party fighting (for
• Power vacuum. “Founding Father”
old and gone. A new type of leader
will rise (Andrew Jackson)
• Native American Removal: The
Natives would be moved off of
their land because they lost.