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Bone List
I. Axial Skeleton
A. Bones of the Head and Neck
1. Cranial bones:
a) frontal bone
b) parietal bone (2)
c) temporal bone (2)
d) occipital bone
e) sphenoid bone
f) ethmoid bone
2. Facial bones:
a) zygomatic bone (2)
b) superior and inferior maxilla
c) nasal bone (2)
d) mandible
e) palatine bone (2)
f) lacrimal bone (2)
g) vomer bone
h) inferior nasal conchae (2)
3. Bones of the middle ear (6):
a) malleus (2)
b) incus (2)
c) stapes (2)
4. Hyoid bone
B. Bones of the thorax (25):
1. sternum (3 parts)
2. ribs (24)
C. Bones of the vertebral column (26):
1. cervical vertebrae (7) incl. atlas and axis
2. thoracic vertebrae (12)
3. lumbar vertebrae (5)
4. sacrum
5. coccyx
II. Appendicular Skeleton
A. Bones of the shoulder girdle (4):
1. clavicle or collarbone (2)
2. scapula or shoulder blade (2)
B. Bones of the upper extremity
1. Bones of the arms (6):
a) humerus (2)
b) ulna (2)
c) radius (2)
2. Bones of the wrist (carpal) bones:
a) scaphoid bone (2)
b) lunate bone (2)
c) triquetrum bone (2)
d) pisiform bone (2)
e) trapezium (bone) (2)
f) trapezoid bone (2)
g) capitate bone (2)
h) hamate bone (2)
3. Bones of the hand
Bone List
a) Metacarpals (10)
b) Phalanges (28)
C. Bones of the lower extremity
1. Bones of the pelvis (2):
2. Bones of the legs (8):
a) femur (2)
b) patella (2)
3. Bones of the lower leg
a) tibia (2)
b) fibula (2)
4. Ankle (tarsal) bones:
a) calcaneus (heel bone) (2)
b) talus (2)
c) navicular bone (2)
d) medial cuneiform bone (2)
e) intermediate cuneiform bone (2)
f) lateral cuneiform bone (2)
g) cuboidal bone (2)
5. Bones of the foot
a) metatarsal bones (10)
b) phalanges
(1) proximal phalanges (10)
(2) intermediate phalanges (8)
(3) distal phalanges (10)
The infant skeleton has the following bones in addition to those above:
1. sacral vertebrae (4 or 5), which fuse in adults to form the sacrum
2. coccygeal vertebrae (3 to 5), which fuse in adults to form the coccyx
3. ilium, ischium and pubis, which fuse in adults to form the pelvic girdle