Download Integumentary System Practice Test

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Practice Test KEY- Cells and Integumentary System
1. Label the following diagram:
2. What are the two parts of the cytoplasm: CYTOSKELETON AND CYTOSOL
3. Organelle Functions: You will need to know them from memory. Use Quizlet and the practice function Google Quiz.
2 (covering)
nuclear membrane
3- nucleolus
4 (shaded
1- smooth ER
5 (dots)ribosome
13 (contains old
parts/waste)- lysosome
6- rough ER
12 (covering)plasma (cell)
7- Golgi body
(Golgi apparatus)
11- centriole
10 (toxins inside)peroxisometoxins is your “hint” to
differentiate between
lysosomes and
9- mitochondrion- singular
mitochondria- plural
8 (process)Exocytosis- be
able to explain
this- this is
NOT waste
4) SKIN LABELING: Place the structure name next to the boxed number.
1- hair SHAFT
2- SWEAT pore
3- sweat gland
9 (outside)hair follicle
4- arrector pili muscle
8- adipose tissue
(hypodermis, not
layer of skin)
7- corpuscle
5- sebaceous gland
6 (inside)- hair root
EPIDERMIS: Big, Scary, Gorillas, Like, Corn (deep to
superficial) Don’t forget 16 and 17!!
Label the main layers and the structures at the arrows.
You will have the words on a multiple choice question.
11. stratum corneum (dead, sloughs off)
12. stratum granulosum (cells have keratin granules)
16- melanin
13. stratum spinosum (cells look like “spines”)
14. stratum basale
17- melanocyte
15. This is thin skin on an arm or leg.
-What layer is missing? Why?
Stratum lucidum, only on hairless skin
For skin functions, it will be mostly multiple choice. Make sure to do the practice Google Quiz!!
Homeostasis: There will be a question on homeostasis. EVERYONE has to answer it. It will replace your score
from last test. See the answer key for sample answers.
27. Mr. Hobley went to Planet Fitness for a workout. Unfortunately, he forgot his water bottle. His nervous system first
detected a decrease in water levels. The sensory neurons of his hypothalamus detected an increased sodium (salt)
concentration in his blood. Once his nervous system knew there was more sodium in his blood, the hypothalamus (a
brain structure) “told” his pituitary gland to release a hormone called vasopressin. Vasopressin was carried in the blood
stream to other parts of his body, including his kidneys. The response was that the membranes of the kidney tubules
become more permeable to water, allowing for more reabsorption of water to be used by his body. This is the same
effect as an anti-diuretic, making water loss less severe.
A. Explain which structures in the above example are the receptor(s), control center and effector(s). (Make sure you
indicate HOW you know….claim-evidence-reasoning)
5- A receptor detects a change in equilibrium. Therefore, the sensory neurons would be the receptor in this case, since
they detected an increase in sodium concentration. The control center is usually the brain or spinal cord, which
processed information from the receptor and decides what needs to be done to maintain homeostasis. In this case, the
hypothalamus would be the control center since it “told” the pituitary gland what to do. An effector is usually a muscle
or endocrine gland which does the actual work of maintaining homeostasis. In this case, the pituitary gland and the
kidneys would both be effectors; the pituitary released a hormone and the kidney responded by reabsorbing more
water, thus maintaining water balance.
4- Less evidence but same reasoning.
3- No definitions but accurate answer; OR incomplete/incorrect information
B. What will happen when Mr. Hobley finally drinks water and his water balance returns to normal equilibrium?
5- An important part of negative feedback is the reduction of the effector. In this case, when water balance returns to
normal, the pituitary will secrete little to no vasopressin, which will result in the kidneys taking up less water.
4- Correct idea but no supporting evidence or no concrete example from the text.
3- Incomplete or incorrect portions of the answer.
C. Is the above example negative or positive feedback? (claim-evidence-reasoning)
The above example is negative feedback because the effector worked to oppose the change. In other words, the
increased sodium balance was lowered. (If the sodium balance had been low, negative feedback would have worked to
increase it). Also, the effector reduced or “shut off” after equilibrium was reached.
D. Create an example of a homeostatic imbalance that could be associated with the above example in an unhealthy
individual other than Mr. Hobley. Indicate which part of the homeostatic control system (receptor-control-centereffector) would be “broken” or dysfunctional in your example. (you only need one; I put several examples)
There are many types of diseases that could affect water homeostasis. If the receptor was broken, the sensory neurons
would not be able to send information to the control center, and the body would continue to dehydrate. If the
hypothalamus was damaged, the body would not be able to process the information from the sensory neurons and the
effector would not receive information. In this case, the pituitary would not secrete the correct hormones and the water
levels would continue to decrease. If the pituitary or kidneys were damaged, the control center would send the correct
signal but the hormones and/or kidney tubules would not be able to correct the water imbalance. This would cause
serious dehydration.