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Section 2 “The Spanish American War
Platt Amendment
Sphere of influence
Open Door Policy
Cuban people rebelled against Spain
 Spain sent military force
 Forced people into guarded camps
(many died)
 Cuban rebels wanted U.S. involved
 Destroyed sugar plantations led to
business owners to increase pressure
on the government
The de Lôme letter
◦ The letter ridiculed McKinley, an outcry in the
United States.
The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
◦ Exact cause is unknown but Spain is blamed
Preparing in the Philippines
◦ People were rebelling
President McKinley asked for declaration of War
“Remember the Maine!”
recognized Cuban independence
Spanish American War
American forces quickly defeated
◦ Most men died from disease
 Cuba's independence recognized.
 For$20 million, Spain also gave up the
Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to
the U.S. “unincorporated” territories
(not intended for eventual statehood.)
 Philippines
wanted independence
(denied by U.S.)
 Teller amendment (promised not
to annex Cuba)
 Cubans wanted American troops
to leave
 Platt Amendment
Hawaii & U.S. had a trade treaty
◦ Important for naval base in Pacific
◦ Monarch overthrown by planters
established republic
 Samoa
 Open door policy in China
◦ Large market
◦ Give U.S. equal access
1. How did the activities of the United states
in Latin America set the stage for war with
2. How did yellow journalism and jingoism
influence Americans’ views of the Cuban
3. What were the events leading up to and
following the Spanish-American War?
4. How did U.S. policies, such as the Platt
Amendment, secure control over its newly
acquired territories?
5. What challenges did the United States face
after the war?
6. Why did the United States seek to gain
influence in the Pacific?
7. In what ways was the Spanish-American
War similar to the war between the United
States and Mexico in 1846?
Annexation of Hawaii
Spanish American War (Teddy Roosevelt)
A) the title of a popular play in the late 1800s.
B) a slogan used by anti-imperialists
C) a political rallying cry about a sunken
D) a song sung by anti-imperialists
A) a rebellion in Puerto Rico.
B) a Spanish attack on the Philippines
C) a rebellion in Cuba.
D) Spain’s annexation of the Hawaiian
A) pineapples
B) sugar cane
C) naval stations
D) scenery and the tourists industry
A) It portrayed the Spanish as "yellow," or
B) It heightened public opinion against Spain.
C) It weakened American resolve by
portraying the U.S. military as unprepared.
D) It provided an accurate and even-handed
assessment of the Cuban situation.
A) a fanatical dedication to a specific
B) the belief in the use of military force to
solve international conflicts
C) a movement that sought to persuade
people to read the newspaper
D) intense national pride and desire for
aggressive foreign policy
A) important ports in Mexico.
B) Puerto Rico and the Philippines
C) Panama.
D) a large section of China
China's huge population and its vast markets
became increasingly important to American
trade by the late 1800s.
The de Lôme letter, which described McKinley
as “weak and a bidder for the admiration of
the crowd,” caused no outcry in the United
In the treaty, the Spanish government
recognized Cuba's independence. In return
for a payment of $20 million, Spain also gave
up the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and the
Pacific island of Guam to the United States.
Their sensational headlines and stories,
known as yellow journalism, whipped up
American public opinion in favor of the Spain.