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Regents exam: Tuesday, June 16
• Please bring in your texts to sign back in
• Review:
– Today, 222
– Tuesday and Thursday, 120
– Monday, June 15 8:00- 242
• Thematic review instructions (due Thursday)
• Review key Supreme Court cases
• Kahoot!
1. Jan. 2014
Geography (2 acquired territories)
2. Aug. 2013
Foreign Policy (2 Cold War actions)
3. June 2013
Foreign Policy (2 foreign policy actions)
4. Jan. 2013
Government (2 laws passed by Congress)
5. Aug. 2012
Reform Movements (2 problems/industrialization)
6. June 2012
Foreign Policy (2 Presidential decisions)
7. Jan. 2012
Supreme Court Decisions (2 cases)
8. Aug. 2011
Geography (2 events influenced by geography)
9. June 2011
Constitutional Amendments (2 Amendments)
10. Jan. 2011
Diversity (2 Supreme Court Cases)
11. Aug. 2010
Presidential Actions (2 Presidential Actions)
12. June 2010
Technology (2 Technological Developments)
13. Jan. 2010
Writing and Reform (2 pieces of writing)
14. Aug. 2009
Supreme Court Decisions (2 cases)
15. June 2009
Individual Rights (2 groups facing discrimination)
16. Jan. 2009
Movement of people (2 periods of migration)
17. Aug. 2008
Government Role in the Economy (2 Gov’t. actions)
18. June 2008
Change (2 Individuals that caused change)
19. Jan. 2008
Change (war) (2 groups affected by war)
20. Aug. 2007
Contributions of Individuals to American Life (2)
June 2014- supreme court
August 2014- technology
January 2015- laws
• Always choose “2”
• Always give “historical
• Usually “impact
/effects/ change”
1. Jan. 2014
Geography (2 acquired territories)
2. Aug. 2013
Foreign Policy (2 Cold War actions)
3. June 2013
Foreign Policy (2 foreign policy actions)
4. Jan. 2013
Government (2 laws passed by Congress)
5. Aug. 2012
Reform Movements (2 problems/industrialization)
6. June 2012
Foreign Policy (2 Presidential decisions)
7. Jan. 2012
Supreme Court Decisions (2 cases)
8. Aug. 2011
Geography (2 events influenced by geography)
9. June 2011
Constitutional Amendments (2 Amendments)
10. Jan. 2011
Diversity (2 Supreme Court Cases)
11. Aug. 2010
Presidential Actions (2 Presidential Actions)
12. June 2010
Technology (2 Technological Developments)
13. Jan. 2010
Writing and Reform (2 pieces of writing)
14. Aug. 2009
Supreme Court Decisions (2 cases)
15. June 2009
Individual Rights (2 groups facing discrimination)
16. Jan. 2009
Movement of people (2 periods of migration)
17. Aug. 2008
Government Role in the Economy (2 Gov’t. actions)
18. June 2008
Change (2 Individuals that caused change)
– Choose 2 options (can go
off the list)
– Fill in graphic organizer
19. Jan. 2008
Change (war) (2 groups affected by war)
20. Aug. 2007
Contributions of Individuals to American Life (2)
• HW due Thursday:
– Choose any 5 thematics
from list
– Look up actual question
on-line (google us
history regents
Thematic Essay Organizer
Introduction (including a clear thesis) - ________________________________
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence - _________________________________________________
Historical Circumstances
Impact/ Effects
Choice #1 –
Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence - _________________________________________________
Historical Circumstances
Impact/ Effects
Choice #2
Conclusion (what’s the big deal) - _____________________________________
The Big 10:
1803- Marbury v. Madison
1832- Worcester v. Georgia
1857- Dred Scott v. Sanford
1896- Plessy v Ferguson
(1954- Brown v Board of Education)
1919- Schenck v. US
1944- Korematsu v. US
1963- Gideon v. /Wainwright
1966- Miranda v. Arizona
1974- US v. Nixon
Chief Justice JOHN MARSHALL- 18011835
– Gibbons v. Ogden 1824
• Power of FEDERAL GOV’T in interstate commerce
– McCullough v. Maryland 1819
• States can’t tax the federal government
• Okays National Bank (elastic clause)
– Marbury v. Madison-1803
• Establishes JUDICIAL REVIEW- Sup. Ct. declares a law
• Strengthens power of judicial branch
Worcester v. Georgia- 1832
a.Cherokee WIN case against Georgia but…
b.Andrew Jackson defies ruling with Indian Removal
Dred Scott vs. Sanford (1857)
a.Part of controversy over SPREAD of slavery before
Civil War
i. Says Fed. Gov’t cannot ban slavery in territories
• Says African Americans are not citizens (overturned by
14th Amendment
****Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
– Establishes “separate but equal”- SEGREGATION IS
– Overturned by Brown v. Board of Education 1954
a.During this time, cases tend to be PRO-BIG
BUSINESS, anti- union
i. Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific RR v. Illinois 1886
1. states can’t regulate trade, only Congress
ii.US v. EC Knight- failed anti- Trust suit 1895
iii.In Re Debs- okay for gov’t halting a strike 1895
Northern Securities Co. vs. US (1908)
• TR’s trust-busting works
• (New Era- Progressive Era- Supreme Court
“friendlier to workers, enable gov’t to regulate
War time- civil liberties limited
a.Schenck v. US (1919) WORLD WAR I
i. Limits free speech during time of war
ii.“clear and present danger”
b.Korematsu v. US (1944) WORLD WAR 2
i. Japanese internment camps
Supreme Court versus the New Deal
a.Schechter Poultry Corporation v. US 1935 (sick
i. Part of Nat’l Ind. Recovery Act unconstitutional
b.FDR- “Court packing plan” NOT passed by
Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren1954- 1969
a. VERY influential court in expanding civil right and criminal
b. Civil Rights
i. Brown v. Board-1954- ends “separate but equal”
ii. Heart of Atlanta Hotel v. US- 1964- no segregation in private
facilities (upholds Civil Rights Act)
c. Criminal Rights
i. Mapp v. Ohio- 1961 evidence found without a search warrant
cannot be used in Court
ii. Gideon v. Wainwright- 1963 states must provides defense
attorneys for all criminal cases
iii.Miranda v. Arizona- 1966- those accused of crimes must be mad
aware of their rights before questioning
1. (“You have the right to remain silent…)
Roe v. Wade- 1973
• “right to privacy”- states cannot outlaw abortions
Supreme Court and Schools
a.62- Engel v. Vitale- no prayer in public school
b.69- Tinker v. Des Moines: “rights not checked at
schoolhouse doors”
i. Can wear black armbands to protest war (freedom of
c. 85- New Jersey v. T.L.O.: kids can be searched if
“reasonable grounds” (not probable cause)
d.95- Vernonia v. Acton- drug testing athletes okay
Nixon, Vietnam and the Supreme
a.New York Times vs. US- 1971- FREEDOM OF PRESS
i. Freedom of press (gov’t could not stop them from
publishing Pentagon Papers)
b.US vs. Nixon
i. Nixon forced to hand over Watergate tapes
ii.Lessens “executive priviledge”