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Mitosis Review Lesson
Get your brains in gear with the Mitosis game!!
How much do you remember
about mitosis?
Listen to the song and see if you can
fill in the blanks on your sheet!
Group Activity
Here is a summary of the stages of mitosis.
Put the letters for each stage in the correct order…
A. the chromosomes move
to the equator of the cell
spindle fibres attach
each centromere to the
B. each chromosome
doubles up to form two
identical chromatids the
chromosomes shorten and
thicken and become visible
C. nuclear membranes
form and the
cytoplasm divides to
make two identical
D. the spindle fibres
shorten and pull the
chromatids apart the
chromatids are pulled to
the opposite ends of the
Answer: BADC
Group Sort It Out!
1. The chromosomes form replicas of themselves before division starts.
2. The chromosomes become visible as double structures, the nuclear membrane vanishes.
3. The chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell.
4. The chromatids are pulled apart by the spindle fibres.
5. A complete set of chromosomes is gathered at each end of the cell.
6. The cytoplasm divides and the nuclear membranes form to give two identical cells.
Group Activity
Can you identify which cells are in which stage?
Tasks for this lesson
• Complete the Mitosis worksheet
• Try the Mitosis Modelling exercise
-use some coloured chalks
-go outside
-as a group draw the process of mitosis out onto
the ground
-make sure everything is labelled!
• Watch this summary of mitosis
Timed extended answer response
1. Up to two additional marks are available for the
construction of your answers.(2)
(a) Before cell division in unicellular and multicellular
organisms, the nucleus must divide to produce two
genetically identical nuclei. Explain the events that occur
in cells that result in the production of genetically
identical nuclei. (8)
(b) Suggest why cell division is necessary in multicellular
organisms. (4)
(Total 14 marks)
1.(a) mitosis;
• DNA replication;
• each chromosome consists of two sister / identical chromatids;
• chromosomes condense / supercoiling;
• nuclear membrane breaks down;
• chromosomes align (at equatorial plate);
• spindle fibres / microtubules attach to centromeres of
chromosomes on opposite
• centromeres split;
• chromatids become chromosomes;
• sister / identical chromosomes pulled to opposite poles;
• nuclear membranes reform;
• events correctly assigned to interphase, prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase; 8 max
• NB: A correct sequence of idea should be recognized when
awarding the quality mark for structure of the answer
(linked ideas).
• more cells needed for growth;
• repair / replacement;
• cells specialize / differentiate for particular functions;
• formation of reproductive cells (meiosis);
• cells have to divide when they reach a certain size;
• surface area to volume ratio becomes too small;
• materials / oxygen / named material cannot be
absorbed quickly enough;
rate of use of materials related to volume but rate
of exchange related
to SA;
4 max