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NAME: ________________________________________________ PERIOD: ________
1. What two processes take place during cell division in a cell with a nucleus?
2. Before mitosis the cell grows during __________________________________________.
3. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus. When they are uncoiled and not visible they are called
4. After the chromosomes replicate and condense they become visible during Prophase. Label this
diagram of a doubled chromosome:
5. Using I, P, M, A, and T, identify each phase of mitosis below:
Replicated chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
Spindle fibers form
Spindle fibers disappear
Daughter chromatids move to opposite poles
Cells spend most of their time in this phase
Chromosomes become visible
Two new nuclear membranes form
Chromosomes replicate
Nuclear membrane disappears
6. The two daughter cells resulting from mitosis are ______________________________ to each other.
7. Mitosis happens most often in places of growth like _______________________________________.