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Chapter 6,
Section 4
 At the onset of the election of 1860, people were
still reeling over John Brown’s raid and execution and
the ever-present question about what would happen
with slavery.
 The issue of government control rose up in
conjunction with the Dred Scott decision and the
Fugitive Slave Act.
 This issue allowed Jefferson Davis to pass through Congress
resolutions that restricting federal control over slavery in the
 Congress could also not interfere with slavery in territories
where it already existed.
 At the Democratic Convention in Charleston, North
Carolina, the Democratic Party split over the issue of
 Northerners supported Stephen Douglas, while Southerners
walked out of the convention and nominated John C.
Breckenridge. The party was thus split.
 The Whigs joined with the Know -Nothings and
created the Constitutional Union Party. Their goal
was to mend regional differences by choosing John
Bell, a moderate from Tennessee.
 The Republicans chose Abraham Lincoln, a moderate
candidate at their convention held in Illinois.
 The Republican Party’s platform:
 End slavery in the territories.
 Each state can control its own decisions.
 No interference in states where slavery already existed .
 The election was won handily by Abraham Lincoln,
with 40% of the popular vote. He did not win any of
the southern states; instead, these states supported
John C. Breckenridge.
 This election demonstrated that the United States was no
longer united.
 After Lincoln had been elected, southern states called a
convention to withdraw from the Union. South Carolina was
the first state to secede.
 Not all states would support secession, though. Some southern states
felt loyalty to the Constitution.
 In 1861 , the seven seceded states would form the
Confederate States of America.
 These states would write their own Constitution which supported their
pro-slavery beliefs.
 They attracted support of Britain and France by prohibiting the import
of new slaves from other countries.
 They chose Jefferson Davis as their president.
In a last-ditch effort to save the Union,
Kentucky senator John Crittenden came up
with a final compromise. It would become
known as the Crittenden Compromise.
 Slavery would be allowed in territories south of the
Missouri Compromise line.
 Federal funds would be used to reimburse
slaveowners for unreturned slaves.
 This compromise was voted down.
 Lincoln’s main goal as president was to preserve the Union.
 When the South seceded, they seized the forts within their borders.
One of these was Fort Sumter. Lincoln had to decide whether or not
to try and hold on to Fort Sumter- including keeping the fort supplied,
or give it up. He notified SC that he was sending food only.
 The Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter and Union troops were
forced to surrender.
 This attack left Northerners shocked.
 Both sides rallied troops and support for the war that both
sides believed would last a few days or months.
- Long-term:
1) Economic and cultural differences
2) Debate over slavery in the territories
3) Compromises did not work
4) Legislation increasing sectional tension (i.e. Fugitive
Slave Act, Dred Scott and increased tariffs)
5) Growing antislavery movement
6) Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- Short-term:
1) Kansas-Nebraska Act splits the political parties
2) Breakdown of the party system (i.e. all of the subparties Know-Northings; Constitutional Party)
3) Lincoln is elected president
4) South Carolina secedes from the Union