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• When a rock is dropped into a large puddle,
• A) the energy of the waves is greatest at
the center of the puddle.
• B) the energy of the waves is greatest at
the edge of the puddle.
• C) the energy of the waves is greatest
between the center and edge of the
• D) the energy of the waves doesn't
change as they move away from the
center of the puddle.
Use the table below to answer this question.
Coming In
of Filter
Coming Out
The table shows the effects of certain filters on different colors of light. Based on the table, when red light shines on a blue filter,
A) no light will come out.
B) blue light will come out.
C) red light will come out.
D) white light will come out.
• What type of simple machine is used to split
things apart?
• A) screw
• B) wheel and axle
• C) wedge
• D) inclined plane
• What type of simple machine is used to pull a flag
up to the top of a flagpole?
• A) screw
• B) wheel and axle
• C) inclined plane
• D) pulley
• The attraction of hair to a briskly rubbed plastic
comb is an example of
• A) magnetism.
• B) static electricity.
• C) gravity.
• D) radiation.
• Mike believes that electricity can be made using a
strong magnetic field and a coil of wire. Which
question would be appropriate for investigating
this statement?
• A) How should the coil be moved in the magnetic
field to make electricity?
• B) What is the largest magnetic field that can be
• C) What should the diameter of the wire be?
• D) Could solar power be used to generate
• A magnet will attract which of these objects?
• A) bar of soap
• B) iron nail
• C) plastic bottle cap
• D) glass marble
• If you saw an ice cube sink after it was placed in what
you thought was a glass of water, which question
should you probably ask?
• A) What kind of liquid is in the glass?
• B) Will the ice melt slower or quicker?
• C) How fast did the ice cube sink?
• D) How soon would the ice cube start to float?
• Mike believes that electricity can be made using a strong
magnetic field and a coil of wire. Which question would be
appropriate for investigating this statement?
• A) How should the coil be moved in the magnetic field to
make electricity?
• B) What is the largest magnetic field that can be produced?
• C) What should the diameter of the wire be?
• D) Could solar power be used to generate electricity?
• The attraction of hair to a briskly rubbed plastic
comb is an example of
• A) magnetism.
• B) static electricity.
• C) gravity.
• D) radiation.
• What type of simple machine is used to pull a flag
up to the top of a flagpole?
• A) screw
• B) wheel and axle
• C) inclined plane
• D) pulley
• The molecules in a test tube filled with cold water move
more slowly than the molecules in a large tank of warm
water. What is responsible for this difference in molecule
• A) pressure
• B) volume
• C) weight
• D) heat
• A glass of water kept at room temperature long enough will
become empty because
• A) water molecules slowly leak through the walls of the
• B) water molecules move into the air as gas molecules.
• C) water left in a glass starts to boil and becomes a gas.
• D) water slowly combines with oxygen to become carbon
• The lowest point of a wave is its
• A) trough.
• B) breaker.
• C) swell.
• D) crest.
• The distance between a wave's crest and its
trough is known as its
• A) low tide measurement.
• B) water depth.
• C) wave height.
• D) wave length.
• When mud and water are combined, the result is
• A) a mixture.
• B) a compound.
• C) an element.
• D) a molecule.
• Which of the following is an example of kinetic energy?
• A) a child jumping rope
• B) a swimmer ready to dive
• C) a stuffed toy lying on a table
• D) firewood stacked in a fireplace
• 29
• Which is a type of inclined plane?
• Which is a type of inclined plane?
• A) ramp
• B) rope
• C) gear
• D) wheel
• Oliver the dog doesn't want to walk in the rain. He can
make his owner pull harder on the leash to get him out
the door by
• A) sitting on the vinyl floor.
• B) sitting on the tile floor.
• C) sitting on the carpeted floor.
• D) sitting on the wood floor.
• Putting sand and salt together makes
• A) a compound.
• B) an element.
• C) a mixture.
• D) a solution.
• Water is
• A) a compound.
• B) an element.
• C) a solution.
• D) a mixture.
• The speed of a sound wave depends MOSTLY on
• A) the amplitude of the wave.
• B) the frequency of the wave.
• C) the angle at which it approaches the listener.
• D) the medium through which the wave travels.
• When doing work using simple machines, what
happens when the effort distance is increased?
• A) The effort force is decreased.
• B) The effort force is increased.
• C) The resistance force is increased.
• D) The direction of the effort force is changed.
• Gasoline, wood, water behind a dam,
and a boulder on the edge of a cliff all
represent some form of potential energy.
What form of potential energy do
gasoline and wood have in common?
• A) heat
• B) light
• C) chemical
• D) mechanical
• What form of energy is associated with the movement
of charges, usually electrons?
• A) chemical
• B) electrical
• C) heat
• D) sound
• Which of the following is an example of kinetic
• A) A baseball moving from the pitcher to the catcher.
• B) A rock sitting on the top of a large hill.
• C) A pendulum at the top of its swing.
• D) A new flashlight battery.
• Which of these is best classified as a mixture?
• A) Carbon dioxide
• B) Water
• C) Soil
• D) Iron
• What is the smallest particle of the element gold (Au) that can still be
classified as gold?
• A) atom
• B) molecule
• C) neutron
• D) proton
• Burt's mother asked him to use a spoon to stir the stew
that was cooking on the stove. Which spoon will stay
the coolest while he stirs?
• A) an iron spoon
• B) an aluminum spoon
• C) a wooden spoon
• D) a silver spoon
• The energy used to move most bicycles is an example of what type of
• A) Electrical
• B) Mechanical
• C) Chemical
• D) Nuclear
• If a small amount of oil is dropped into water, the
• A) oil and the water will mix.
• B) oil will rise to the top of the water.
• C) water will take up less space in the jar.
• D) water will rise to the top of the oil.
Which of the following is a true statement about the magnetic field between two
A) The south pole of one magnet is attracted to the south pole of the other
B) The south pole of one magnet is attracted to the north pole of the other
C) The north pole of one magnet is attracted to the north pole of the other
D) The south pole of one magnet is attracted to both poles of the other magnet.
On a hot day, Jenny walked home from the grocery store with a bag of chocolate
chips. When she arrived home the chocolate chips had melted in the bag.
Why did the chocolate chips melt?
A) Heat transferred from the chocolate chips to the bag.
B) Heat evaporated from the bag to the chocolate chips.
C) Heat transferred from the environment to the chocolate chips.
D) Heat condensed from her hand to the chocolate chips.
• All waves transmit
• A) energy.
• B) mass.
• C) matter.
• D) radiation.
• Copper (Cu) is a transition metal found in the 11th column
of the periodic table. What statement is true about copper
and the two other elements in that column?
• A) All three elements are nonreactive.
• B) All three elements are in the same period.
• C) All three elements have the same number of protons.
• D) All three elements have similar chemical properties.
A group of students were asked to identify three white powders. The students used physical and
chemical properties to identify the powders. They computed the density of each powder. They
checked to see if any dissolved in water. One of the powders did not dissolve in water and they
thought it was cornstarch. They knew that cornstarch felt slippery and reacted with iodine. The
students put a few drops of iodine on each white powder. One powder turned black; it was
definitely cornstarch. Another powder, baking soda reacted with vinegar. It fizzed and the test tube
got hot.
Which of these is an observed chemical property?
A) color of powders
B) density of powders
C) powder dissolves in water
D) powder reacts with vinegar
• Carol placed a lid over a pot of boiling water. After five minutes, she
removed the lid and noticed water drops had formed all over the
lid's inner surface. Which statement describes the change in the
water vapor molecules as they changed to liquid?
• A) Heat energy at the lid's surface increased.
• B) The water molecules average speed increased.
• C) The water molecules were pushed closer together.
• D) The attractive force between the water molecules decreased.
• Two or more atoms, joined covalently, that act as a
unit, are called a(n)
• A) ion.
• B) atom.
• C) mixture.
• D) molecule.
• A circuit contains four light bulbs. One light bulb goes out
but the other three stay lit. This must be a(n)
____________________ circuit.
• A) open
• B) series
• C) parallel
• D) resistant
• In general, metals are solid at room temperature, malleable,
ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity, and react in acids
to produce hydrogen gas. Which of the properties mentioned is a
chemical property?
• A) ductile
• B) malleable
• C) good conductors
• D) reacts with acids
• During science lab, some students added small pieces of magnesium (Mg)
to hydrochloric acid (HCl). They noticed that bubbles formed, the test tube
got hot, and the magnesium disappeared.
• Which of the following is a sign that a chemical reaction has taken place in
this experiment?
• A) odor
• B) formation of a gas
• C) decrease in temperature
• D) formation of a precipitate
• When you turn a screw with a screwdriver, you are actually
using two simple machines: a screw and the screwdriver is
an example of a(n)
• A) lever.
• B) wedge.
• C) inclined plane.
• D) wheel and axle.
• CAM and Brian went mountain climbing. Each boy carried a 196
Newton backpack. As the boys climbed to the top of the mountain,
the weight of the packs actually decreased by a small amount. This
decrease in weight was caused by
• A) increased air pressure.
• B) decreased air temperature.
• C) increased attraction from the moon.
• D) increased distance from the earth's center.
Socrative Data
• Josie sees lightning off in the distance. A few seconds
later she hears thunder. What can Josie conclude?
• A) Sound waves do not travel long distances.
• B) Light waves travel faster than sound waves.
• C) Sound waves are weaker than light waves.
• D) Light waves last longer than sound waves.
• How does the force of gravity on a man
change when he is in an airplane 12.2
kilometers above Earth?
• The relationship of Earth, the moon, and the sun affects the tides
on Earth. The gravitational force on the waters of Earth is much
stronger from the moon than the gravitational force from the sun.
• Part A
• Identify two factors that impact the change in the gravitational
force between two objects.
• Part B
• Explain why the gravitational force from the moon is greater on
Earth than the gravitational force from the sun.
• Part C
• Describe how the gravitational force of an object could be
• Part D
• Explain what keeps the moon orbiting Earth.
• A student examines two different types of magnets. A diagram of
each is shown below.
• Part A
• Identify the two types of magnets the student examines, and
explain why magnet X is called a permanent magnet.
• Part B
• Describe one similarity between the two types of magnets.
• Part C
• Think about how magnet Y is constructed and describe how to
make it a stronger magnet.
• Part D
• Magnet X shows an "S" for one end and an "N" on the other end.
Explain why only one end of magnet X will be attracted to the point
of the nail in magnet Y.
• Most strands of holiday lights have many light bulbs in a
• Part A
• Identify the two types of circuits shown by the two strands.
Explain the difference between the two circuits.
• Part B
• Explain which strand of lights will be best to use if saving
energy is important.
• Part C
• Explain the results if Strand 2 has a broken light bulb.
• Part D
• Which strand will provide the brightest lights? Why?
If a light ray hits the back of the
spoon at a 30° angle, the angle that
the ray will reflect off the spoon is
A) less than 30°.
B) 30°.
C) more than 30°.
D) unpredictable.
• As light waves pass through openings in a
barrier or around the edges of an object, the
waves change direction or
• A) are absorbed.
• B) diffract.
• C) reflect.
• D) refract.
• There are two basic finishes to most paper, glossy and matte.
A glossy finish is used to produce a higher finish quality, for
instance the cover of a magazine. A matte finish is used to
produce a softer finish with less glare, for instance your
notebook paper. If you were to compare both of these
surfaces under a high-powered microscope, how would they
• A) The matte surface would be much rougher.
• B) The glossy surface would contain more fibers of
white paper.
• C) The glossy surface would be still, while the matte
surface would appear to move lightly.
• D) The matte surface would be solid, while the glossy
surface would appear to have small holes.
• Your mother asks you to move a large rock from of her garden. The
rock is too heavy to lift. Because you are an excellent science
student, you understand how simple machines make work easier.
You use a long pole balanced on a brick to lift the rock and start it
rolling. You push down on one end of the pole and the rock moves
up. This simple machine is an example of
• a(n)
• A) fixed pulley.
• B) inclined plane.
• C) first class lever.
• D) second class lever.
• Shaina uses a shovel to dig a hole to plant a
tree. A shovel is an example of a compound
machine because it is made up of what two
simple machines?
• A) wheel and axle and lever
• B) lever and wedge
• C) screw and wedge
• D) inclined plane and wedge
• All metallic elements are
• A) powdery solids.
• B) good thermal insulators.
• C) good conductors of electricity.
• D) easily melted into liquids.
• The chemical symbol Al represents which metal
on the periodic table?
• A) arsenic
• B) antimony
• C) aurum
• D) aluminum
• As you move across the periodic table from right
to left within a period, the elements
• A) become less stable.
• B) become more reactive.
• C) change from gases to solids.
• D) change from metals to nonmetals.
• ach element in the periodic table is assigned an atomic
number. This number is the same as
• A) the number of electrons in the atom's nucleus.
• B) the number of protons in the atom's nucleus.
• C) the number of neutrons in the atom's nucleus.
• D) the number of protons and neutrons in the atom's
The drawing below represents a bit used in a power drill.
Which of the following metals is most suitable for making this drill bit?
A) aluminum
B) copper
C) gold
D) steel
• Which of the following particles combine to form
• A) atoms
• B) protons
• C) electrons
• D) compounds
• Two or more atoms, joined covalently, that act as
a unit, are called a(n)
• A) ion.
• B) atom.
• C) mixture.
• D) molecule.
• The diagram above shows a block from the
periodic table. The number six represents the
• A) atomic mass of the element carbon
• B) atomic number of the element carbon
• C) number of neutrons in the element carbon
• D) number of valence electrons in the element
• Which of these is best classified
as a mixture?
• A) Carbon dioxide
• B) Water
• C) Soil
• D) Iron
• Based on the following characteristics, classify the state
of matter.
• high energy, found in stars, consists of freely moving
charged particles
• A) gas
• B) solid
• C) plasma
• D) liquid
What do these substances have in common?
helium gas
salt water
copper wire
A) They are compounds.
• B) They are pure substances.
• C) They are composed of atoms.
• D) They are composed of molecules.
• Which of the following is an example of kinetic
• A) a child jumping rope
• B) a swimmer ready to dive
• C) a stuffed toy lying on a table
• D) firewood stacked in a fireplace
• Which represents kinetic energy?
• A) a bear standing in a field of berries
• B) a salmon resting in still water
• C) a bear holding a salmon it has caught
• D) a salmon leaping up a waterfall
• Which situation is an example of
increasing potential energy?
• A) pulling a wagon uphill
• B) emptying a bucket of water
• C) a cat jumping from a tree
• D) a bicyclist stopping at a stop
• A pitcher throws a baseball as shown in the diagram below.
• Which of these has MOSTLY kinetic energy?
• A) the pitcher
• B) the ball
• C) the batter
• D) the catcher
• The velocity of a school bus over the course of a trip is shown below.
• Part A
• Describe the velocity of the bus during Section 1. Explain your answer.
• Part B
• Describe the acceleration of the bus during Section 1. Explain your answer.
• Part C
• Explain the velocity and acceleration of the bus during Section 2.
• Part D
• Are balanced or unbalanced forces acting on the school bus in Section 3?
Explain which force opposes the motion of the school bus.
Students place the end of a wooden board on some books so that the board can
be used as an inclined plane. The students release a ball at the top of the inclined
plane and measure the time for the ball to reach the bottom of the ramp. The
students perform three trials. The students then cover the board with a cloth and
follow the same procedure as before. The data are graphed below.
Part A
Describe two forces acting on the ball during the investigation.
Part B
Explain why the ball takes more time to roll down the ramp with a cloth surface.
Part C
Explain why the students repeated the investigation three times.
Part D
Explain how the ball's energy changes as the ball moves down the ramp.
Milestones Review
• Use the diagram below to answer this question.
Which correctly identifies the parts of a wave in this diagram?
• A) A is the crest; B is the trough; C is the wavelength.
• B) A is the wavelength; B is the crest; C is the trough.
• C) A is the trough; B is the wavelength; C is the crest.
• D) A is the trough; B is the crest; C is the wavelength.
• he wave pictured above represents a sound wave. If
the distance from "A" to "B" increased, what would
happen to the pitch?
• A) The pitch would be louder.
• B) The pitch would be softer.
• C) The pitch would be higher.
• D) The pitch would be lower.
• In what ways do their wave characteristics differ?
• A) Wave 1 has a longer wavelength and lower amplitude than wave
• B) Wave 1 has a shorter wavelength and higher amplitude than
wave 2.
• C) Wave 1 has a longer wavelength and a higher amplitude than
wave 2.
• D) Wave 1 has a shorter wavelength and a lower amplitude than
wave 2.
• A tuning fork with a frequency of 404 Hertz is
struck with a soft hammer. The fork is struck a
second time by the same hammer with twice
as much force, and the volume, or amplitude,
increases by a factor of two. What will the
frequency of the second sound be?
A) 101 Hertz
B) 202 Hertz
C) 404 Hertz
D) 808 Hertz
• What is the negatively charged
particle that flows through a circuit?
A) electron
B) proton
C) neutron
D) ion
• A(n) ________________ circuit has only one path for
the current to take.
• A) open
• B) parallel
• C) resistant
• D) series
• A circuit contains four light bulbs. One light bulb goes
out but the other three stay lit. This must be a(n)
____________________ circuit.
• A) open
• B) series
• C) parallel
• D) resistant
• On Earth, an astronaut has a mass of 140 kg. When the
astronaut goes into space, she
• A) will have a mass of 140 kg, but will have less weight.
• B) will have less mass and weight.
• C) will have a mass of 140 kg, and have a weight of 140
• D) will have less mass and a weight of 140 kg.
• One day in the future, a planet with half the mass of the
Earth is found. If everything else is the same, what would
happen to your weight if you visited this planet?
• A) Your weight would stay the same.
• B) You would no longer have any weight.
• C) Your weight would increase by one-half.
• D) Your weight would also decrease by one-half.