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(Good times for all!)
Five Paragraph Essay
Three Supporting Points
Economic / Social / Political
First Paragraph Opens with Thesis
Second, Third, and Fourth Open with Topic Sentences
Fifth is Conclusion (which we don’t care about yet)
These are tools, not rules. We’re building from the
most basic elements in order to ensure we are clear,
concise, and convincing.
• How did the United States overcome Amerindian
resistance to white expansion in the years from
1860 – 1890?
• Although America is proud to be founded on the
idea that “all men are created equal”, the United
States overcame Amerindian resistance to white
expansion in the years from 1860 – 1890 through
overt warfare, forced Americanization, and
destruction of the buffalo on the Great Plains.
• How did the United States overcome Amerindian
resistance to white expansion in the years from
1860 – 1890?
• Although America is proud to be founded on the
idea that “all men are created equal”, the United
States overcame Amerindian resistance to white
expansion in the years from 1860 – 1890 through
1overt warfare, 2forced Americanization, and
3destruction of the buffalo on the Great Plains.
• How did the United States overcome Amerindian
resistance to white expansion in the years from
1860 – 1890?
• Although America is proud to be founded on the
idea that “all men are created equal”, the United
States overcame Amerindian resistance to white
expansion in the years from 1860 – 1890 through
1overt warfare, 2forced Americanization, and
3destruction of the buffalo on the Great Plains.
“Certainly the most obvious and immediately
destructive means of overcoming Amerindian
resistance on the Great Plains was through the use
of military force during the ‘Indian Wars’, a series
of campaigns which could be more accurately
remembered—with one major exception—as the
‘Indian Massacres’.”
(Topic Sentence of 1st Body Paragraph / second overall paragraph)
“Certainly the most obvious and immediately
destructive means of overcoming Amerindian
resistance on the Great Plains was through the use
of military force during the ‘Indian Wars’, a series
of campaigns which could be more accurately
remembered—with one major exception—as the
‘Indian Massacres’.”
What specifics will I include in this paragraph?
(Topic Sentence of 1st Body Paragraph / second overall paragraph)
“Certainly the most obvious and immediately destructive means of overcoming
Amerindian resistance on the Great Plains was through the use of military force
during the ‘Indian Wars’, a series of campaigns which could be more accurately
remembered—with one major exception—as the ‘Indian Massacres’.”
The Sand Creek Massacre (Colorado 1864) / Black Kettle / Cheyenne / 2 Flags /
John Chivington / “Nits Become Lice” / Scalps / Congressional Investigation
Washita (I.T. 1868) / Black Kettle / Cheyenne / Philip Sheridan / Custer / Winter
Little Bighorn (June 1876) / Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho / Custer / Crazy Horse /
Sitting Bull’s Visions / U.S. Centennial Celebration / Budweiser Poster
Chief Joseph / Nez Perces / “I Will Fight No More Forever” / Geronimo
Wounded Knee (1890) / Ghost Dance / Wovoka / End of the Indian Wars
(Topic Sentence of 1st Body Paragraph / second overall paragraph)
• How did the United States overcome Amerindian
resistance to white expansion in the years from
1860 – 1890?
• Although America is proud to be founded on the
idea that “all men are created equal”, the United
States overcame Amerindian resistance to white
expansion in the years from 1860 – 1890 through
1overt warfare, 2forced Americanization, and
3destruction of the buffalo on the Great Plains.
“Arguably more destructive than the assault on
their physical lives was the ongoing erosion of
Amerindian culture through otherwise harmlesssounding institutions like boarding schools and
churches, and through ‘helpful’ government policies
assigning private land ownership to individuals
and supporting agriculture on the reservations.”
(Topic Sentence of 2nd Body Paragraph / third overall paragraph)
“Arguably more destructive than the assault on
their physical lives was the ongoing erosion of
Amerindian culture through otherwise harmlesssounding institutions like boarding schools and
churches, and through ‘helpful’ government policies
assigning private land ownership to individuals
and supporting agriculture on the reservations.”
What specifics will I include in this paragraph?
(Topic Sentence of 2nd Body Paragraph / third overall paragraph)
“Arguably more destructive than the assault on their physical lives was the
ongoing erosion of Amerindian culture through otherwise harmless-sounding
institutions like boarding schools and churches, and through ‘helpful’ government
policies assigning private land ownership to individuals and supporting
agriculture on the reservations.”
Boarding Schools / Hair, Clothes, Language, Food, Education / Church & State
Missionaries to the Tribes / Goals & Good Intentions / White Religion
Dawes Act (1887) / Curtis Act (1908) / Land Paradigms / Legal Theft & Murder
Government Reservations / Handouts (or lack thereof) / ‘Hunts’ on the
Reservation / Forced Agriculture / The Humiliation of Helplessness & Reliance
(Topic Sentence of 2nd Body Paragraph / third overall paragraph)
• How did the United States overcome Amerindian
resistance to white expansion in the years from
1860 – 1890?
• Although America is proud to be founded on the
idea that “all men are created equal”, the United
States overcame Amerindian resistance to white
expansion in the years from 1860 – 1890 through
1overt warfare, 2forced Americanization, and
3destruction of the buffalo on the Great Plains.
“The motto, ‘kill the Indian and save the man’ was
originally coined in reference to Amerindian boarding
schools, but it could have easily been applied to the
systematic destruction of buffalo on the Great Plains.
There is no modern parallel for the extent to which
Amerindian culture on the plains relied on the hunt
and the resources provided by these revered beasts.”
(Topic Sentence of 3rd Body Paragraph / fourth overall paragraph)
“The motto, ‘kill the Indian and save the man’ was
originally coined in reference to Amerindian boarding
schools, but it could have easily been applied to the
systematic destruction of buffalo on the Great Plains.
There is no modern parallel for the extent to which
Amerindian culture on the plains relied on the hunt
and the resources provided by these revered beasts.”
What specifics will I include in this paragraph?
(Topic Sentence of 3rd Body Paragraph / fourth overall paragraph)
“The motto, ‘kill the Indian and save the man’ was originally coined in reference
to Amerindian boarding schools, but it could have easily been applied to the
systematic destruction of buffalo on the Great Plains. There is no modern parallel
for the extent to which Amerindian culture on the plains relied on the hunt and the
resources provided by these revered beasts.”
“Kill the Indian…” Explanation / Richard Pratt, Army & School
Uses of the Buffalo (Food, Clothing, Tools, Utensils, Religion, Etc.)
Role of ‘The Hunt’ (Self-reliance / pride / culture & custom / men & women)
Role of ‘Handouts’ (Insufficient / Corruption / Effect of Handouts over Time)
(Topic Sentence of 3rd Body Paragraph / fourth overall paragraph)
What were the primary
goals of the Populist Party
in the late 19 Century?