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Marriage – When?
A person came to me to know about his marriage and profession. He is at present
running an internet cyber-café, at Kurnool. His birth particulars are given hereunder:Name:- AV.R.
Date of Birth = 24-06-1977.Friday.
Time of Birth = 07-23-35 PM.
Place of Birth = Chintamani (Karnataka) 13-24N/78-04E.
Date of Judgement = 26-04-2009.Sunday.
Time of Judgement = 09-14-25 PM.
Place of Judgement = Kurnool (AP).
1.Ascendant Sign-lord
2. Ascendant Star-lord
3.Ascendant Sub-lord
4. Moon Sign-lord
5. Moon Star-lord
6. Moon Sub-lord
7. Day lord
Birth time R.P.’s
Casting/Judgement time R.P’s
(1) When a client comes to us to know about his/her marriage, at that time, the 7th CSL of
the client should be either RP Moon Star-lord or RP Moon Sub-lord or RP Moon
Sub-Sub-lord. Otherwise 7th CSL be adjusted.
In this birth chart, the 7th CSL is Moon. He is conjoined with Rahu. So, this Rahu is
the Sub-Sub-lord of the RP Moon. So, we can proceed to judge further.
(2) When a client comes to the astrologer for prediction, at that time, the natal 10th CSL
of the client should be either R.P. Moon Star-lord, or R.P.Moon Sub-lord, or R.P.
Moon Sub-Sub-lord. Otherwise the natal 10th CSL to be adjusted.
In this natal chart, 10th CSL is Jupiter; This Jupiter is the Sub-lord of the
R.P.Moon. So, we can proceed further.
(3) Current Dasa/Bhukti/Anthra lords of a native will be the RP’s at the time of
Rahu/Sun/Jupiter is the current D/B/A’s of the native. These are all the RP’s at
the time of analysis.
(4) Lagna sub lord should have connection with 4th and 9th cuspal sub lords.
Lagna sub lord is rahu. Rahu acts as an agent for Moon, Merc, Jup, Sat.
4th CSL is Jupiter and the 9th CSL is Mercury. Both are represented by Rahu.
(5) RP Moon will show the natal lagna.
RP Lagna will show the natal Moon.
RP’s Moon are Ven/Sun/Jup. Natal lagna co-rulers are Jup/Ven/Rahu. Rahu acts
as an agent for Moon, Merc, Jup, Sat. RP’s Lagna are Mars/Merc/Ven. The Corulers of natal Moon are Merc/Moon/Moon.
(6) M.P.S’s Rule:- Sun, Jupiter or Venus are always found as the star lord or sub lord
Of the 9th cusp. Sun= atmakaraka; Jupiter = Putrakaraka; Venus = karaka for
sexual pleasures. These three are mainly responsible planets for human births.
In this present birth chart Venus is the star lord of the 9th cusp.
(7) If the sub-lord of the sub-lord of the ascendant, if posited in a star, whose lord is
situated in a male sign then the chart is of a male child—if in a female sign, then the
chart is of a female.
In this birth chart, the lagna sub-lord is Rahu, and this Rahu is in the sub of Saturn.
This Saturn is in the star of Mercury. This Mercury is situated in Midhuna which is;
male sign. So, this chart belongs to a male candidate.
RP’s at the time of judgment should present the ruling planets operating at
the time of birth. (It is shown above clearly)
(9) To confirm the correctness of the complied chart is as mentioned below.
10th bhava which is always equal to the lagna bhava and if the 10th cusp sub lord is
Connected to the lagna in any manner through its star or sub lord, then also we can
Confirm the exactness of the horoscope complied by us.
In this natal chart the 10th CSL is Jupiter. Jupiter aspects Rahu. And Rahu acts as
An agent for Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn. So, Jupiter the 10th CSL is having
Connection to the lagna sub lord rahu
(10) According to my Sex Confirmation Sub-Sub Theory, which is published already
In K.P.E-zine, July 2008 – Page no.35, the sex of the client is proved as a Male
one as mentioned hereunder:
Ascendant Sub-Sub lord Saturn is in the Sub –Sub of Saturn.
Saturn is in the sub of Venus.
Venus is in the star of Bharani- 4th quarter.
As the Bharani Star is in the list of Male stars. So the sex of this native is male.
–confirmed as male birth. (For further full details of my theory, K.P.E-Zine
July-2008 –Page no. 35 may be referred.)
(11) If the Ascendant cusp sub lord becomes the star lord of the moon and the chart
indicated its correctness or the sub lord should receive good aspect from the
The Ascendant Sub lord Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Thus the moon is
Connected with Rahu. So this chart erected is correct.
Next let us discuss about Marriage:If the 7th CSL is a significator for 2,7 or 11, then only marriage is promised to
the native. In this chart the 7th cusp sub lord is Moon. He is the occupant of 9th
and the owner of 8th in its own star and sub. So it signifies 9 & 8 strongly &
feebly respectively star wise as well as sub wise. These two houses are not at all
required houses for marriage purpose. So the 7th CSL is not promising marriage.
Mercury is Badhaka for this lagna. Both Sat and Ketu are placed in the stars of
Mercury. Venus is only in the sub of Mercury.
7th CSL Moon is in her own star and sub placed in Virgo- a barren sign
conjoined with Rahu.. All the co-rulers of 7th (i.e.) Merc/Rahu/Moon are placed
in the barren signs. Mercury is in Midhuna and Rahu and Moon are placed in
XI CSL Venus is also placed in Mesha – a barren sign along with its sign lord
Mars. II CSL Ketu is very close to the 4th cusp. 4th cusp is in Meena = 27-11-25.
Ketu is in Meena = 27-57-18. Ketu is in the constellation of Mercury who is the
badhaka lord placed in midhuna barren sign. All the co-rulers of the eleventh
cusp sub lord (Venus) are Mars/Venus/Mercury are situated in the barren signs.
Jupiter who is on the 6th cusp aspects the 7th CSL Moon.
Saturn is the owner of 2nd house having no planets in its stars & also in the star
of Mercury (7th lord), no planets in the 7th. So Saturn becomes a strong
significator for 2 & 7.
When ever Saturn is a significator , He will cause delay.
But not deny. Saturn who is on the 8th cusp aspects Moon. It is also not a good
one .
Next let us examine the D/B/A. at present running are Rahu as Dasalord,
Sun as Bhuktilord and Jupiter as Anthralord.
Rahu is exactly on the 10th cusp that
too in a barren sign. He is conjoined with Moon. Already discussed about Moon.
Rahu is aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter+ signifies 4th and Sat+ signifies
2&7 strongly. But Saturn is in the star of Mercury and in the sub of Venus. Both
Merc and Venus are placed in barren signs. Rahu is in the star of Mars at a
barren sign. And he signifies 4th strongly as a grade significator.
Sun, the bhuktilord is also placed in the barren sign along with badhakalord
mercury in Midhuna. Sun+ signifies 10&6. Sun is in the sub of Jupiter+
signifies 4 & 6. Jupiter the anthralord is in the constellation of mars that is in a
barren sign. So all the D/B/A‘s are useless to give marriage.
Therefore I request all the senior members of our group to enlighten me when
will be the marriage takes place to this native.