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Diplomacy in the American Revolutionary War wikipedia , lookup

The Topic For Today Is…American
The Rules
• No talking when it is the other teams turnpoints will be deducted
• No Notes or any kind of cheating!!disqualification
Your Topic
Topic 1: 200
• Question:
• Robert Livingston and James Monroe agreed to
pay roughly $15 million to France in exchange for
this territory in what would be known as the
________. Jefferson would be embarrassed
because he did not know if the federal
government had the authority to authorize this.
However, he was also pleased because this deal
doubled the size of the U.S.
• Answer: Louisiana Purchase
Topic 1: 400
• Question:
• This battle inspired Francis Scott Key to write a
poem that would later become our national
• Answer: The Battle of Baltimore (the flag Key
saw flew above Fort McHenry, which guarded
the entrance of the harbor)
Topic 1: 600
• Question:
• This law reopened trade with all nations
except Britain and France. After a year, it was
allowed to expire by congress and replaced
with Macon’s Bill No.2.
• Answer: Non-Intercourse Act
Topic 1: 800
• Question:
• _______favored war with Britain. They were
composed of an alliance of “nationalist fired
by passion for territorial expansion” and other
men “impassioned in their defense of
Republican values.” Two prominent members
of this group were Henry Clay and John C.
• Answer: The War Hawks
Topic 2: 200
• Question:
• This group of state-sponsored swashbuckler’s
would leave your ship and goods alone, only if
you paid tribute. In order to leave their
merchants alone, many countries paid this tribute
as they believed it would be cheaper than
engaging in war to end these acts. When
Jefferson became president he sent the nation
into its first foreign conflict to combat the
________ along the northern coast of Africa.
• Answer: The Barbary Pirates
Topic 2: 400
• Question:
• This Supreme Court decision strengthened the
power of _______ ______; or the ability to
nullify acts of Congress that they deemed
unconstitutional, through the case Marbury
vs. Madison.
• Answer: Judicial Review
Topic 2: 600
• Question:
• This became known as one of the most
controversial political issues of its time. It
prohibited American ships from leaving the
United States for any foreign port anywhere in
the world. This ended up hurting the
American economy more than it affected
France and Britain.
• Answer: The Embargo
Topic 2: 800
• Question:
• This man led an expedition in the fall of 1805 at
the age of 26. He began in St. Louis and he
traveled through the upper Mississippi River
valley. “His account of his western travels created
an enduring (and inaccurate) impression among
many Americans in the East that the land
between the Missouri River and the Rockies was
an inhabitable uncultivable desert.”
• Answer: Zebulon Pike
Topic 3: 200
• Question:
• These two men met at Weehawken, New
Jersey for a duel. ________ insulted ______’s
political abilities and character. One of these
men died the other became a “political
outcast” as a result of this showdown.
• Answer: Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
Topic 3: 400
• Question:
• People from these states opposed not only the War of 1812
but the Republican party in general. Delegates met for the
Hartford Convention where a minority favored seceding
altogether. The more moderate federalist majority favored
the proposition of seven amendments to the Constitution
to protect____ ______ from growing influence of political
• Answer: New England
(Jackson’s victory in the Battle of
New Orleans made the party look unpatriotic and left them
with no gains for their efforts. The Federalists would die out
shortly after.)
Topic 3: 600
• Question:
• This war was declared two days after Britain
agreed to comply with American issues (which
caused American anger). Unfortunately,
because of slow transportation of information
the Americans did not know Britain was going
to adhere to their demands.
• Answer: War of 1812
Topic 3: 800
• Question:
• ___________ also known as The _________
experienced a “mystical awakening in the
process of recovering from alcoholism.” He
“began to speak to his people of the superior
virtues of Indian civilization and the sinfulness
and corruption of the white world.”
• Answer: Tenskwatawa (Known as the Prophet)
Topic 4: 200
• Question:
• As a result of this battle Andrew Jackson
became a national hero. He defended ______
______ from the British using clever military
strategy. The result was a U.S. Victory
• Answer: New Orleans (or the Battle of New
Topic 4: 400
• Question:
• With the help of a Shoshone woman, these
individuals led the Corps of Discovery
expedition, which explored part of the
Louisiana Territory.
• Answer: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
Topic 4: 600
• Question:
• Control of this river reopened access to American
shippers and western farmers and allowed them
to deposit their goods in New Orleans, where
they would be transferred to oceangoing vessels.
This protected the livelihood of many Americans
in the western portion of the country and helped
to protect the economy.
• Answer: Mississippi
Topic 4: 800
• Question:
• After Governor Harrison “provoked a fight” in
the Battle of Tippecanoe, _________
reorganized some of his warriors and raided
white settlements in the Spring of 1812.
“Britain’s agents in Canada had encouraged
and helped supply” this leader and his men in
their uprisings.
• Answer: Tecumseh
Topic 5: 200
• Question:
• This Treaty ended the War of 1812. However,
battles were still fought after the treaty was
signed because of the slower movement of
technology at this time. In this treaty the U.S.
demanded a British renunciation of
impressment and for the cession of Canada.
• Answer: The Treaty of Ghent
Topic 5: 400
• Question:
• List two people who appear on U.S. paper
currency that were never president.
• Answer: Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin
Topic 5: 600
• Question:
• A combination of technological advances from
England along with a number of American
inventions allowed the _________ ________
to flourish in America at this time.
• Answer: Industrial Revolution
Topic 5: 800
• Question:
• What was the general foreign policy in the U.S.
prior to the War of 1812?
• Answer:
• Jefferson and Madison wanted to avoid war
• They tried to use political force to stop the British
from seizing American ships
• They tried to play France and Britain off of each
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