Download Match each term with the correct definition. Pharaoh A tomb carved

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1. Match each term with the correct definition.
A tomb carved from the rock
A mesopotamian temple
The king and god
The person who believed in many gods
The process of preserving the body
Egyptian writing
The inhabitants of south Mesopotamia
The person who believed in only one god
Mesopotamian Writing.
2. Copy and complete the sentences into your exercise book using the correct past
participle: organised, divided, built, based, irrigated, held.
a. The egyptian economy was ___________ on agriculture.
b. The Nile crops were ____________ by river water.
c. Society was ___________ into cities.
d. Ceremonies were __________ to honour the gods.
e. Ancient Egypt was _________ into two areas.
f. The pyramids were _______ during the period of the Old kingdom.
3. In your notebook, match the information to the correct civilisation.
The Legend Of Gilgamesh
The Book of the Dead
Ishtar Gate
4. The First Pharaoh.
Archaeologists working in the ancient town of Hieraconpolis in southern Egypt
found an unusual object. Among some sacred relics buried in the remains of an
early temple was a large palette. One side shows a large figure holding an
enemy by the hair with one hand while raising a stick with the other.
Hieroglyphs over the scene call the man “Narmer”. The reverse side shows
Narmer leading a procession of figures, while a little man behind him dressed
as a priest.
Most significantly, Narmer wears one kind of crown on one side of the palette
and a different crown on the other (Red Crown of the Lower Egypt and White
Crown of the Upper Egypt). The pictures narrate Narmer’s leadership of a
Upper Egypt confederation to its successful conquest of the Lower Egypt, a
conquest that
made Narmer
pharaoh of a
unified Egypt.
5. Complete the questions in your notebook with Where, What, Who, Which,
When and then answer them.
1. _____________ did the archaeologists find the object?.
2. _____________ is the man holding in each hands?.
3. _____________ is the man?.
4. _____________ is on the other side of the palette?.
5. _____________ is he wearing on each side of the palette and what do they
6. _____________ part of Egypt did the man conquer?.