Download Milestone Minutes Organisms Week 2 Plants obtain energy through

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Milestone Minutes
Week 2
Plant and animals are dependent upon each
other for life and recycle energy products.
Plants obtain energy through the process of photosynthesis
Occurs in the chloroplast, chlorophyll (pigment) traps sunlight
CO2 is used to make sugars that will be used to make cellulose for cell walls
Sunlight + H2O + CO2 => C6H12O6 + O2
Animals obtain energy through the process of cellular respiration.
Occurs in the mitochondria.
Sugars in food are broken down to make Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP)
ATP is stored energy, ADP is released energy. ATP and ADP are cycled by
plants and animals
C6H12O6 + O2 => ATP + H20 + CO2
There are six kingdoms of life:
Archebacteria- prokaryote, live in oxygen-free environments
Eubacteria- prokaryotes, auto-/heterotrophic, some cause disease
Protista- uni-/multicellular, eukaryote, heterotrophic, some are parasitic
Fungi-multicellular, eukaryote, heterotrophic, decomposers
Plant-multicellular, eukaryote, autotrophic
Animal-multicellular, eukaryote, heterotrophic
Viruses are not considered living because they need a host.
Taxonomy is the classification of living
things based on similar characteristics.
 The taxa groups are kingdom, phylum, class, order,
family, genus and species.
 The more taxa organisms share in common, the more
similar they are
 Additional kingdoms were realized with the discovery of
the microscope
 Binominal nomenclature is the process of naming
organisms developed by Linnaeus
 Scientific names are written in Latin and include the
Genus name followed by the species name
 Body structures, behaviors, and DNA can be used to
compare relationships between organisms
Dichotomous Key