Download Section 3.1 and 3.2: Solving Linear Systems by Graphing

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• If given a solution for an equation, you can
plug in the solution’s number to see if the
numbers match your equation.
Ex: Plug in the solution (2,1) to the given
• 2x-3y=1
2(2) – 3(1)=1 1=1
• x+y=3
Checking Solutions of a Linear System
Try on your own:
Ex: (-2 , -8)
2x – y=52
9x – y=-10
-4+8=52 ; -4≠52
(-2,-8) Isn’t a solution to the equation
-18+8=-10 ; -10 =-10 (-2,-8) Is a solution to the equation
1. Put the two equations into slope-intercept form (y=mx+b)
y=-x/2 + 9/2
y=x/6 -1/6
2. Graph the new equations.
3. When the two equations are graphed,
a point of intersection is made. For
this example, (7,1) is the point of
4. Plug in the point of intersection into
the original equations to see if the
solution works.
• You perform the same steps as before,
however the graphs will look different.
• Equations with infinitely many solutions
will share the same line on the graph.
• Equations with no solutions will form
parallel lines on a graph.
Ex: 3x-2y=6
Y= 3x/2-3
Since the equations share a line, each
point on the line is a solution. Therefore
there is an infinite amount of solutions.
Ex: 3x – 2y=6
Y= 3x/2 – 3
Y= 3x/2 – 1
Since the lines are II there is no point
of intersection, therefore there is no
solution to the equations.
There are 2 methods to solving a linear system
Substitution Method
1. Solve for 1 of the variables in 1 of the equations
2. Substitute the expression from step 1 into the
second equation to solve for the other variable
3. Substitute the value from step 2 into the revised
equation from step 1 and solve.
Ex: 3x+4y=-4 ; x+2y=2
1. Solve for x in one the equations:
x= -2y+2
2. Substitute the expression into the other equation
and solve for y:
3(-2y+2) + 4y=-4
-2y+6=-4 -2y=-10 y=5
3. Substitute y into your revised equation from step 1.
x= -2(5)+2 x=-10+2 x=-8 y=5 (-8,5)
*Check to see if your solution is correct by plugging in the
numbers to your original equations.
The second method is:
Linear Combination:
Ex: 2x-4y=13
1. Multiply 2x-4y=13 by -2. By doing this, both coefficents in the
equations will be 4, only their signs will differ:
2. Add these two equations together:
The coefficents -4 and 4
cancel out when added
-4x+8y=-26 3y=-18 y=-6
4x -5y=8
3. Substitute y into the original equation to solve for x:
2x= -11
x= -11/2
(-11/2, -6) is your solution
*Check to see if your solution is correct by plugging the numbers
into your original equations
• Use the same steps in the linear combination method.
After multiplying the first equation by 2, add the two equations
This equation has infinitely many
14x+ -14x + 4y-4y =0
0=0 solutions
After multiplying the first equation by 3, add the two equations
This equation has no
18x + -18x +-3y + 3y=-2 0≠-2 solutions.
Try It On Your Own
Graph: 3x+4y = -10
-7x+ -y = -10
Y=-3x/4 – 5/2
Y= -7x+ 10
(2,-4) Is the
point of
3(2) + 4 (-4) = -10 6 + -16= -10 -10=-10
-7 (2) – (-4) = -10 -14+ 4 = -10 -10=-10
How many solutions are there to this equation?
Try It On Your Own
Graph: 7x + 2y= 16
-21x + 6y= 24
Y= -7x/2 + 8
Y= -7x/2 - 4
How many
solutions are there
to the equations?
There are no solutions to the
Try It On Your Own
Solve Using the Substitution Method:
Ex: x+ 2y =2
7x – 3y = -20
X= -2y + 2
7(-2y + 2) -3y=-20
-14y + 14 – 3y =-20
X=-2(2) + 2
X= -2
Try It On Your Own
Solve by Using the Linear Combination Method
Ex: 3x – y = 4
9x – 3y = 12 9x – 3y = 12
-9x + 3y = -12
-9x + 3y = -12 -9x + 3y = -12
How many
solutions are there
for these
Infinitely many
Try It On Your Own
Solve by Using the Linear Combination Method
Ex: 3x – y =7
2x + 3y =1
9x – 3y = 21
2x + 3y =1
9x – 3y = 21
2x + 3y =1
3 (2) – y =7
6 – y =7
-y = 1
Y= -1
How many solutions are
there to the equations?