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Course Unit:
Lesson Title:
TEAM Lesson Plan Template
Erica Outlaw/ H.G. Hill Middle Prep, Nashville, Tennessee
7th grade Social Studies
China/ February 2016
The Reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty
Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem,
or community link
E.Q-Why does one Dynasty continue as another Dynasty falls?
This lesson can be taught over one class session lasting 75 minutes.
Students will describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and
reasons for cultural diffusion of Buddhism through analyzing informational texts,
primary and secondary source documents, viewing a video clip, partner work,
whole class discussions, completing a graphic organizer, analyzing guided notes
and questioning.
Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College
Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
7.20-Describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and reasons for the
cultural diffusion of Buddhism.
I can describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty.
I can describe the cultural diffusion of Buddhism under the Tang Dynasty.
Suggested Content Literacy Connections- RH.6-8.1: Cite specific textual evidence to
support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Clear, Specific, and Measurable – NOT ACTIVITIES
Students will be able to list 4 out of 6 reunification efforts made by China under
the Tang Dynasty.
Students will be able to list 3 out of 5 causes for the cultural diffision of Buddhism
under the Tang Dynasty.
Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of assessments.
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Formative / Summative
Performance-Based / Rubric
Formal / Informal
Teacher actions as checks for understanding:
Questioning-teacher will use questioning to assess students’ understanding throughout
the lesson. When students answer the question to 80% accuracy, we will move on to
the next concept. [formative]
Graphic Organizer: Students will use a graphic organizer to record information they
gather throughout the lesson while researching the Tang Dynasty. [formative]
Exit ticket: Students will be rquired to complete an exit ticket before leaving class. Each
student should score at least 85%. If students does not score 85%, the following day,
the teacher shall conference with that group of students and re-teach the concepts. The
other students will be allowed to move ahead with the current day’s lesson. [formative]
Students will use the TN Social Studies Constructed response Rubric Grades 6-7 as a
guide for extended writing. Students will be required to obtain a score of 6 for Social
Studies content, and a score of 3 for Literacy in Social Studies. I will use the results of
the students’ extended writing assignments to inform future lesson plans that will
include extended writing for preparation of the TNReady asessment. If students score
less than a 6 in Social Studies content and 3 in Literacy in Social Studies, I will work
with the students in small groups to strenghthen their writing skills, while the other
students continue working on the current day’s lesson.[formative]
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Rigorous & Relevant
Students will need: pencil, graphic organizer, netbooks, and internet access, guided
notes. Age appropriate texts, primary and secondary documents.
Teacher will need: graphic organizer, internet access, pencil, guided notes.
Motivator / Hook
An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort when faced
with complex, open-ended, challenging, meaningful and authentic questions.
Essential Question:
 Why does one Dynasty continue as another Dynasty falls?
Supplemental questions for students to consider:
 What were the achievements of the Tang Dynasty?
 Why do some ancient Dynasties last longer than others?
 How are religions diffused into others culture?
Step-By-Step Procedures – Sequence
Discover / Explain – Direct Instruction
Modeling Expectations – “I Do”
Questioning / Encourages Higher Order Thinking
Grouping Strategies
Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension
Step-By-Step Procedures:
Discover/ Explain-Direct Instructions
Students will silently enter the classroom, sit in their assigned seats and put their
belongings under their desk.
Students should sharpen their pencils, if necessary, and take out the reading and
writing assignment from the previous day’s lesson.
Teacher will greet students and welcome them to class. Teacher will make any
announcements needed, direct students attention to the ‘DO NOW’ written on the white
board. Teacher will explain the ‘Do Now’, and use questioning as a check for
understanding, if there aren’t any questions asked by the students [3 minutes]
Students will have prior knowledge from the lesson given the previous day. We read,
discussed, and analyzed information about the Dynasty’s that preceeded the Tang
Dynasty (Han, Wei, Wu, and Shu-Han) in the Discovery Education Social Studies Tech
Discover/ Explain-Direct Instructions:
Teacher will show the video, ‘Era of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, 581-907 AD: The Silk
Road’[1:33]. As students are viewing the video clip, I will ask that they consider the
improvements made towards the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty, and
how did these achievements effect other dynasties. I will also ask the students to think
about the essential question: Why does one Dynasty continue as another one falls?
Once video is complete, teacher will solicit possible answers to the questions by asking
volunteers to share their answers. [6 mins].
As the students work through the information, I will ask that they keep ther in mind the
essential question.
“We Do” – “ You Do”
Encourage Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving
Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension
We Do/You Do:
Students will work in pairs to close read the secondary source document, ‘The Grand
Canal.’ Students will take turns reading each paragraph, underlining key words that
need discussion or defining. Students will answer the questions at the end of the
document and write at least a one paragraph response to question #4 [15 mins].
Students will switch partners, retrieve their netbooks and log onto CK-12 Foundation.
The students will read about further reunification efforts made under the Tang Dynasty.
The Golden Age will be examined, and I will direct the students to read, discuss and
explain the reasons it was called the ‘Golden Age’ and if this time in China’s history
helped unite China further. Use textual evidence from the reading to support your
responses. Students, in pairs, will also read and analyze additional efforts and
advancements made during the Tang Dynasty. For example, technology and inventions,
culture, government, religion, and finally the decline and fall of the Tang Dynasty.
Students will use a graphic organizer to capture their thinking and important thoughts
[20 mins].
Students will be in groups of three based on their ability. While in groups, students will
take turns reading and discussing the primary source document, ‘Memorial on the Bone
of Buddha’ by Han Yu retrieved from the website
Students are instructed to provide evidence that supports whether the infusion of
Buddhism during the Tang Dynasty was perceived as postive or negative by Chinese
subjects and/or their rulers. Students will also be required to address the questions at
the end of the document through discussion with their group members and then in
writing [20 mins].
Reflection / Wrap-Up
Summarizing, Reminding, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting
Students will reflect and respond to their learning by writing an extended response
answering the essential question based on information retrieved from the video, graphic
organizer, primary and secondary source documents. Students will be use the TN
Constructed Response Rubric for grades 6-8 as a guide for their writing.
Discover Education Tech book (
-Video (Era of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, 581-907 AD: The Silk Road)
-Secondary source document (The Grand Canal-Technology Impact)
-Techbook is free for Apple iPads through the App Store at
CK-12 Foundation: (Ancient China-The Tang Dynasty)
Primary Source document with questions:
-Asia for Educators (
Graphic organizer:
-Google main idea graphic organizer (attached)