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When we look out into the
night sky what may look like a
single star could be an entire
Galaxies are huge rotating
collections of gas, dust, billions
of stars, planets and other
celestial objects.
Hubble’s Extreme
Deep Field
Our Galactic home is the
Milky Way galaxy.
The Milky Way contains more
than 200 billion stars, including
our Sun.
Earth Zoom to the
Milky Way Galaxy
You can see the Milky Way
galaxy without any
All you need is a clear night
The Milky Way appears like an
arch of light in the night sky.
The Milky Way
from Chile
The Milky way is very large –
100 000 light years across.
Our Sun is 30 000 light years from
the center of the galaxy, which
is good because we want to
stay far away from the
supermassive black hole at the
center of our galaxy.
Milky Way Galaxy
Black holes are thought to be
at the center of galaxies.
These are extremely dense
quantities of matter in space.
They have such strong
gravitational pulls that nothing
– not even light – is fast
enough to escape.
10 Mind-Bending
Facts About Black
Black holes are made when a
star that is 30 times heavier
than the Sun dies and leaves
a core that is so massive that it
collapses under its own
Galaxies also contain star
Star clusters are groups of stars
that develop together from
the same nebula (a star
nursery – full of gas).
Zoom in on a Star
Cluster 5500 light
years away
Galaxies come in 4 different
shapes: elliptical, spiral,
lenticular and irregular.
Elliptical Galaxies are
spherical or oval shaped.
They are older with very little
gas, dust or young stars.
Half of the galaxies we see are
Spiral Galaxies look like
pinwheels – a flattened disk
with a central bulge and
spiral arms. The core is
made of old stars and the
arms contain the younger
stars. The Milky Way is a
barred spiral galaxy (has a
central bar).
Lenticular galaxies have a
central bulge surrounded by
a flat disk of gas and dust
but has no spiral arms.
These are thought to be
spiral galaxies that have lost
their gas and dust, and so
are also made up of older
Irregular galaxies have
irregular shapes. They have
more gas and dust than
other galaxies and contain
100 million – 10 billion stars.