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Biology 4
Sample Exam 2
Chapters 3 (last of), 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14
Choose the best answer for each question. There is only 1 answer for each question.
1. Skeletal muscle tissue is found
a. I n the walls of the intestines
b. attached to the skeleton
c. in the heart
d. none of the above are true
2. ____________ support nervous tissue, whereas ____________conduct the
electrical impulses.
a. leucocytes, erythrocytes
b. axons, dendrites
c. neuroglia, neurons
d. proteins, lipids
3. A waterproofing protein present in the epidermis, nails, and hair is called
a. disaccharide
b. carotene
c. keratin
d. melanin
4. The skin functions to
a. retard water loss
b. regulate body temperature
c. protect underlying tissues from bacterial infection
d. all of the above are true
5. Which of the following is not correct concerning the skin?
a. the dermis is usually thicker than the epidermis
b. the epidermis is composed of stratified squamous epithelium
c. the subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis
d. the dermis contains muscle and nerve tissue
6. A sebaceous gland
a. secretes oily fluid into a hair follicle
b. secretes watery fluid in response to elevated body temperature
c. is a major producer of body heat
d. secretes watery fluid into a hair follicle
7. The cells that produce the shaft of a hair are
a. epithelial cells
b. fibrous connective tissue cells
c. loose connective tissue cells
d. adipose cells
8. The lunula of the nail appears white because
it is bruised due to constant trauma
it is thicker than the rest of the nail
it is the oldest part of the nail
it is low in melanin
9. Which part of the follicle is the site of hair growth?
a. papilla
b. cortex
c. hair matrix
d. hair root
e. hair shaft
10. The arrector pili
a. are smooth muscle
b. activate sweat glands
c. are responsible for goose bumps
d. all of the above
e. a and c are correct
11. Which gland has a merocrine mode of secretion?
a. eccrine sweat glands
b. sebaceous glands
c. apocrine glands
d. none of the above
12. Scent glands
a. are found in the axillary and genital regions
b. begin functioning at puberty
c. secrete odorless secretions
d. all of the above
13. The connective tissue covering the superficial surface of a bone is the
a. fascia
b. periosteum
c. lacuna
d. skin
14. The type of cell that dissolves the bony matrix to release stored minerals such as
calcium is a (an)
a. osteocyte
b. red marrow cell
c. osteoclast
d. osteoblast
15. Most spongy bone is found in
a. flat or irregular bones
b. the diaphysis of a long bone
c. the periosteum
d. articular cartilage
16. Bone that develops between sheet-like layers of connective tissue is called
a. endochondral bone
b. intramembranous bone
c. cartilaginous bone
d. osteoclastic bone
17. The epiphyseal plate
a. is the origin of the growth in length of a long bone
b. remains as cartilage until puberty
c. is located between the epiphysis and diaphysis of a long bone
d. all of the above
18. The sutures joining the bones in the skull are
a. synarthritic joints
b. amphiarthritic joints
c. diarthritic joints
d. not considered to be joints
19. In the disease _____________, the articular cartilages of joints disintegrate and the
joint surfaces become roughened.
a. osteoarthritis
b. rheumatoid arthritis
c. muscular dystrophy
d. none of the above
20. When the outer layer of an intervertebral disk breaks and the central mass squeezes
out, it is called a ____________ _____________.
a. ruptured disk
b. twisted disk
c. pulled rib
d. ruptured spleen
21. Endochondral bone formation begins in _____________tissue.
a. epithelial
b. cartilage
c. fibrous
d. blood
22. The joints between the vertebrae of the backbone are best described as
a. immovable
b. slightly movable
c. freely movable
e. synovial
23. The layers of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle from the outside to the
inside in correct order are:
a. endoymsium, perimysium and epimysium
b. epimysium, perimysium and endomysium
c. epimysium, endomysium and perimysium
d. perimysium, epimysium and endomysium
24. At the end of a muscle, the fibers of the fascia often converge to form ____________
which attaches the muscle to a bone.
a. a tendon
b. a bundle of muscle fibers
c. the endomysium
d. none of the above
25. During movement, a muscle that aids the prime mover is called a (an)
a. antagonist
b. synergist
c. secondary mover
d. insertion
26. If a person is cold, a good way to warm up is to exercise. What is the mechanism of
this warming?
a. Moving faster prevents the person from feeling the cold air because it moves
past him or her more quickly.
b. Exercise moves blood faster and the friction keeps tissues warm.
c. Muscle contraction uses energy and the energy usage generates heat, which
helps to warm the body.
d. Exercising causes a person to sweat which warms the body.
e. none of the above.
27. The sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscles releases calcium in response to
a. ATP
b. an action potential
c. acetylcholine
d. a muscle contraction
e. both a and b are correct
28. All the muscle fibers controlled by a single motor neuron constitute a:
a. sarcomere
b. tendon organ
c. motor unit
d. skeletal muscle
e. synaptic knob
29. Intermediate fibers:
a. are similar to fast fibers on a histological basis
b. resist fatigue better than do slow fibers
c. contain greater amounts of sarcoplasmic reticulum than do fast twitch fibers
d. require a longer time to recover than do other fiber types after they are
e. are none of the above
30. Which of the following is or are true with respect to a muscle?
a. the origin of the muscle remains stationary
b. the tendon is longer than the muscle belly
c. muscles of the class I lever type are the most common in the body
d. the insertion is proximal to the origin
e. b and d are true
31. Muscle contraction is stopped by
a. acetylcholine
b. the closure of the synaptic cleft
c. the breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase
d. an electrical impulse moving the opposite direction across the neuromuscular
32. When a muscle contracts,
a. calcium ions bind to the actin filament
b. calcium ions bind to the myosin filament
c. a phosphate breaks off of ATP and energy is released
d. ADP binds to a phosphate forming ATP and energy is stored
e. both “a” and “c”
33. When myosin cross-bridges bind to the active sites on thin filaments,
a. they pull the actin towards the center of the sarcomere
b. they pull the myosin towards the center of the sarcomere
c. the sarcomere lengthens
d. muscle relaxation occurs
34. Neurotransmitters are released
a. at neuromuscular junctions
b. at synapses
c. at joints
d. both “a” and “b”
35. Myofibrils are composed primarily of
a. actin and myosin
b. ATP and ADP
c. calcium ions
d. cross bridges
36. A “fast” nerve fiber would be
a. unmyelinated
b. myelinated
c. long
d. short
37. The brain and spinal cord make up the
a. peripheral nervous system
b. autonomic nervous system
c. central nervous system
d. all of the above
38. Which of the following is false?
a. The CNS consists of the brain, nerves leaving the brain, and the spinal cord
b. The peripheral nervous system consists of cranial and spinal nerves
c. Motor responses of the somatic nervous system are often under voluntary
d. Motor responses of the autonomic nervous system are usually under
involuntary control
39. Myelin is formed by
a. Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system
b. Oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system
c. Phagocytic cells
d. Neurons
e. Both “a” and “c”
40. Masses of myelinated nerve fibers appear
a. white
b. gray
c. brown
d. transparent
41. When an axon is polarized (at rest), the concentration of
a. sodium and potassium ions is higher on the inside of its membrane
b. sodium and potassium ions is equal on both sides of its membrane
c. sodium ions are found in higher concentration on the inside than on the
outside of its membrane
d. sodium ions are found in higher concentration on the outside than on the
inside of its membrane
42. The layers of connective tissue surrounding a nerve from the outside to the
inside in correct order are:
a. endoneurium, perineurium and epineurium
b. epineurium, perineurium and endoneurium
c. epineurium, endoneuriium and perineurium
d. perineurium, epineurium and endoneurium
43. Different types of glial cells include the:
a. astrocytes and parenchymal cells
b. apocrine and exocrine cells
c. merocrine, platelet and ependymal cells
d. microglia, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells
e. none of the above are neuroglia
44. The effectors of the peripheral nervous system include which of the following?
a. smooth muscle
b. cardiac muscle
c. skeletal muscle
d. glands
e. all of the above
45. The different types of neurons, classified according to structure, include all of the
following except:
a. anaxonic
b. unipolar
c. bipolar
d. multipolar
e. no exceptions; all of the above are correct
46. The subarachnoid space is:
a. between the arachnoid and the underlying dura mater
b. filled with fat
c. filled with cerebrospinal fluid
d. between the arachnoid and the periosteum
47. The pia mater
a. adheres tightly to the surface of the spinal cord
b. is the thickest meningeal layer
c. is held in place by the foot processes of oligodendrocytes
d. all of the above
e. a & c
48. The spinal cord
a. is enclosed by vertebral foramina
b. extends from the foramen magnum to the 1st or 2nd lumbar vertebra
c. is part of the central nervous system
d. all of the above