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The Transformation of Europe
Chapter 23
5.Why do you think these series of events were
called the Protestant Reformation?
6.What was imposed in John Calvin’s
Protestant community?
2. What did Martin Luther accuse the Roman
Catholic Church of doing?
• Challenged Roman
Catholic Church
• Involved in political
• Disapproval of
Abuses increased
• Demand personal
Involvement with
• 95 Theses
• Spread into German populations
• Attacked sale of
• English Reformation: Henry VIII
Was not granted a divorce by the
• Called for reform
Pope. Broke ties with the church and
Of the Church
Started the Anglican church in England
(close monasteries,
• John Calvin imposed strict code
Translation of Bible)
Of morality and discipline
• Bible only source
• Model
Of religious authority3.What did Martin
want to
• Moved into
Germany for exile
1. What abuses was the Catholic Church
doing that caused reason for reform?
7.Why was the Council of Trent
• Assembly of Catholic
• Address doctrine and
• Defined theology in
• Acknowledged abuses
• Demanded strict
Standards of morality
• Est. seminary schools
to prepare priests properly
• Wanted to reform the
Church and doctrine
• Founded Society of Jesus
• Members have a rigorous
And advanced education
• Effective missionaries
• Used influence to
Support Roman Catholic
8.Why were Jesuits important?
11.Summarize the Thirty Years War.
• Alliances with the devil
• Helped to explain unpleasant
• Died by hanging or burning
• Mainly women (poor, old,
9.What did people believe
witchcraft explained?
• Wars between Protestant
And Catholic communities
• Phillip II of Spain
Unsuccessfully attempted to
Return England to Catholicism
10.Religious wars were
usually among what groups?
• Religious war that
Led to a continental
• Spanish, French,
Dutch, German,
Swedish, Danish,
Polish, Bohemia, and
• Worst European
Conflict before 20th
12.How does the Hapsburg family gain control
of so many territories of the Holy Roman
• Hapsburg family
Dominated Holy Roman
• Inherits Hapsburg
Austrian domains
• Germany, Bohemia,
Switzerland, N. Italy and
13.What 2 things prevented
Charles V from expanding his
• Charles V did not enforce
His authority over his new
• Lands were ruled by their
Own laws and customs
• Used army to mostly put
Down rebellions
• French kings were
Under the impression that
Charles V would absorb
Their realm. Did what they
Could to prevent this
• Charles V NEVER established
A vast realm and allowed
Those within his realm
To determine their own
• New monarchs sought
To enhance their riches
• French: levied direct taxes
On sales, households and
Salt trade
• English: raised fines and
Fees for royal services
• New monarchs
Enlarged administrative
• Collected taxes,
Implemented policies
• Maintained standing
• Throw out those
Practicing Islam and Judaism
• Served political and
Religious purposes
• Inquisitors investigated
Cases of Heresy
• Deterred nobles from
Adopting protestant views
14.What did the kings of France, Spain &
16.Summarize the Spanish Inquisition.
England do to add to their wealth?
15.How did the Protestant
Reformation help increase state
20.Why did merchant believe
it necessary to be a part of
political and state affairs?
19.What was the result of the
Glorious Revolution?
18.What caused the English Civil War?
• Gov’t claimed limited
Powers and recognized rights
Pertaining to individuals and
Representative institutions
• English had constitutional
• Netherlands had a republic
Based on representative gov’t
• Strengthened state,
Merchants flourished
17.Which states practiced
• Attempts at instituting
Taxes w/o parliament
• Ornate ceremonies led
Puritans to believe they
Were seeing elements of
Roman Catholic Church
• King Charles I and Parliament
Unable to communicate
• Parliament hires Cromwell
To capture Charles (beheaded)
• Cromwell becomes tyrant,
• Parliament gets rid of him.
Gives power to James II’s daughter
And her husband
• Provides representative gov’t
• King Phillip II of Spain
Tries to suppress
Calvinist movement in
• Led to rebellions
Against Spanish rule
• Anti-Spanish
Alliances claim independence
Leading to a foundation
Of a Dutch Republic
21.What did King Louis &
ministers do?
• Epitomized royal
Absolutism (Louis XIV)
• Had many lavishes,
Wealth, and attention
For himself and nobles
• This led him and his
Administer to run the
State freely
23.After a rebellion within her
22.When returning to Russia from
land,Catharine the Great
Europe, what reforms did Peter I put
realizes she has to do what to
into place to make it a great military
keep and maintain her
• Tsars in Romanov
Also implemented
Absolute monarchy
• Peter I aka Peter
The Great wanted to
Make Russia into
Military power like W.
• Toured W. Europe
• Made reforms in the
Army, aristocracy and gov’t
• St. Peterburg served as the
Physical transformation of Russia
It was a Capital and seaport
• Also imposed reforms:
Effeciency in gov’t, promoted
Economic development
• Disgruntled soldier led
Rebellion killed noble
Land owner & gov’t officials
• After this she focused
More on the absolutism of
The monarchy
24.What did the Peace of
Westphalia stem from?
• Ended the Thirty Years War
• Created independent competing
• Sovereign and equal
• Handle own affairs
• Gov’t no longer religious based
But as sovereign states
25.What did the Peace of
Westphalia do?
• No ruler wanted
To see another dominate
• Suppression of rule
• Risky, close one door
Open another
26.Essentially, what was the Balance of Power?
27.Why didn’t the areas
India and Islamic lands
develop militarily?
• Creation for stronger
• Demand for better
• Some areas found no
Need for better or new
Armament (India, Muslim
Territories and China
• Columbian Exchange
Improved diets leading to
Growing population
• Potatoes, maize, tomatoes
• Disease dissipates
• Population grew in Europe
Except for the period of the
Thirty Years War
• Population growth
Leads to cities
• Cities grew for
Various reasons: Sites
Of government,
Commercial and
Industrial center
The Nature of Capitalism
28.What led/caused
the idea of capitalism?
29.What is capitalism?
• Urbanization led to
Economic development
• Capitalism-economic
System in which private
Parties make their goods
And services available on
A free market and seek
To take advantage of
Market conditions to
Profit from their activities
• Business owner NOT
The gov’t
30.In what ways, did the
States and merchants help
each other when it came to
capitalism and economics?
• Gov’t supported
• Favored capitalist
• Authorized joint
Stock companies
Charter, to explore,
Conquer and colonize
• Expansion and Colonial
Rule imperative to capitalism
31.What was the
putting-out system?
• Capitalist entrepreneurs
Moved their production
Into their countryside
• Entrepreneurs spent
little on wages and
Made good profit
• Early source of
• This time often referred
To protoindustrialization
32.What did the putting-out system represent?
• Tied Russian peasants
To the land
• Laws created tight
State control over the
Russian labor force
• Serfdom played
Important roles in Capitalism
• Eastern Europe helped
Western Europe flourish
• Posed moral challenge
• Medieval theologians
Saw it as selfish and greedy
And immoral
• Bankers not willingly
To make unsuccessful risks
w/o profit
• Adam Smith Father
Of Capitalism – Community
Gains more through
Individual interest
• Capitalism favored
The Nuclear family
• Important economically,
Socially and emotionally
37.A sun-centered universe is also known as?
• Ptolemaic theory: earth
Is motionless and 9 spheres
Surround it (earth centered
Aka Geocentric)
35.What did the
Universe look like?
• Stated the Sun NOT Earth was
The center of the universe
• Earth revolved around the Sun
(Sun-centered aka heliocentric)
• Christianity saw this idea as
36.What did the
Universe look like?
40.What was this time period of advancements
in astronomy and science known as?
• Keplar: planetary orbits
Are elliptical not circular
• Galileo discovered the
Following: spots on sun,
Mountains on the moon,
Moons orbiting Jupiter,
Modern law of inertia
did Galileo make?
Universal law of gravitation
Ebb and flow of tides
did Isaac Newton make?
• Mathematician
And Physicist
• Translated Isaac
Newton Principia
• Transformed
Geometry into
42.Why was this era called the Enlightenment?
Put the following events in order
AND briefly explain each.
Scientific Revolution
• attacked institution
Sponsoring intolerant
And oppressive policies
• Spoke out against
The church
• Believed in the existence
Of God but denied the
Supernatural teaching
Of Christianity
• Deists saw universe as
Orderly realm
• God set universe in motion
43.What was Voltaire’s philosophy? And est. natural laws but did
Not take interest in its
• God was like a watchmaker
44.What is Deism?